Texas law effectively banning Critical Race Theory in classrooms leads to inclusion of Holocaust denialism materials

I didn't expect you to care. Dudes in Jim Crow era didn't care. People opposing civil rights didn't care. People opposing MLKjr out of Marxist concerns didn't care.

Just think about how much you hate wrongly being called a racist by strangers and then picture your grandkids asking, "damn, did they ban these ideas because they were racist?"

I know a BS artist when I see one. CRT I am sure has more traction in a CA or NY and you’re weaving the nonsense of it creates less subservient individuals. Yea, that adds up.

Then you went to the standard “you’re racist”. A lazy fool.
I know a BS artist when I see one. CRT I am sure has more traction in a CA or NY and you’re weaving the nonsense of it creates less subservient individuals. Yea, that adds up.

Then you went to the standard “you’re racist”. A lazy fool.

I didn't call you a racist. And I didn't imply it. Like at all. Read it again.
At some point, people want to know exactly how we got to where we are, why it happened the way it did, and what can be done to make it better for everyone going forward.
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Is it even possible to balance books on the holocaust, with books denying it happened? How many denialist books are there? There are 16 European countries plus Israel, where it is a crime to deny the holocaust occurred. Such material would have to be hard to find. The guy who suggested that has to be an idiot.

The individual that said it was a lady who clearly disagrees with the legislation and used hyperbole about a law she knows nothing about and that has zero language about forcing Holocaust deniers being offered a seat at this "balanced table".
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I didn't expect some of you to care. Dudes in Jim Crow era didn't care. People opposing civil rights didn't care. People opposing MLKjr out of Marxist concerns didn't care.

Just think about how much you hate wrongly being called a racist by strangers and then picture your grandkids asking, "damn, did they ban these ideas because they were racist?"

I don't think opposing crt is anywhere in the same ballpark as opposing civil rights. Hell, there are prominent black civil rights proponents and activists who detest critical race theory (Glenn Loury is my favorite example).

You make valid points about banning ideas. I'm a very staunch crt opponent, but I don't think it out to be banned by the governments. Imo, it ought to be resisted by any right thinking parent (black, white, Asian, Hispanic) because it is not a valid argument to describe the current state of race relations in and of itself. It may have correct parts, but those parts are weighted in the curriculum disproportionately and are presented out of context and in a very skewed manner. Any curriculum which highlights gaps between the performances of races that doesn't address personal choice and family values is going to be very incomplete and will only serve to drive wedges of division and make said gaps larger. The crt way of addressing test score gaps is to say "well traditional book learning is for white people, so this system is inherently racist." The answer is, of course, to remove the test or handicap the scores or grade on a curve based on race. Who does that ultimately help?!?! Will that fix these gaps that are apparently so problematic?!?! If it doesn't fix them, then why is it considered good?!?!
I was just noting that you seemed to indicate that the black and white photos of the civil rights movement were 160 years ago.

I made no other commentary, pump your brakes.
Color photography was still rare in the 60s because it was expensive. No book publisher is going to pay for someone to artificially color the photos because some idiot may "feel" like time changes via pictures. Also, it was hard to artificially color photos with accuracy until relatively recent developments in computer software.
Your counter argument is point to 2 Governors 40-50 years prior as saying that Tennessee WASN'T heavily Dem? Dude, just stop.

TN House and Senate was 70-80% Dem almost every single election from like 1987 to the Civil Rights movement. In fact, only the 1913 election was the ONLY time in 100 years that the party gap wasn't 3/1 or better. Literal decades straight of Dem Governors and a century between the last time they had a Republican Senator. Immediately after the Civil Rights movement, literally every single one of those changed, and the numbers have never flipped back to anywhere close to as heavy as they had previously been.

And again, it's already been established that POTUS elections don't tell very much. POTUS elections have always had a higher variance than state and local elections when it comes to party lines.
Tennessee was not "heavily democrat" . There has always been a strong Republican presence in the state. Especially, East Tennessee.

Senate elections often had low voter turnouts. Much lower than presidential elections. Don't believe me. Then take a look at the 1952 and 1958 senate elections for Al Gore Sr compared to his 1964 and 1970 elections. In 1970 Tennesseans finally voted out the racist, segregationist Gore Sr. Which was a good thing. I'm sure you would even agree.

Which is why it's important to note that Eisenhower won Tennessee back to back and Nixon won it in 1960. Tennessee was already trending Republican.

If there was an ideological shift then please explain why 20 out of the 21 democrats who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act stayed in democrat party? If they switched then they all should have become Republicans or kicked out of the democrat party. So please. Answer that question.
You sure do defend all this leftist ideology for someone not a leftist. 🤣
We all need to update our terminology. Ash strikes me as a classical liberal, much like myself. We are by no means members of the true leftist wing of the Left. And we certainly aren't commies, although I'm well aware anything even slightly to the left of Tuckums and whoever replaced Rush is considered Soviet propaganda on here.
I've never seen so many liberals that detest being called a liberal.

If you identify with liberal values, why the disdain for being called a liberal. Call me a conservative, go ahead, I dare you.

You want to tell me what's immature, denial.
I'm a liberal.
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The individual that said it was a lady who clearly disagrees with the legislation and used hyperbole about a law she knows nothing about and that has zero language about forcing Holocaust deniers being offered a seat at this "balanced table".
That piece of legislation was poorly written, and then rushed through passage and signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott, when it still needed some tweaking. For the Republican-controlled Texas State Legislature, the need to score political points with their ever-expanding far right base, outweighed the need to pass a law with clear and concise language.

Also, it's not evident if Gina Peddy was intending to be hyperbolic or not. I would hope she was wasn't serious, but it's hard to tell, based on what little information there is to go on at this time. She has been accused of deliberately misinterpreting the law, in order to make a broader point about what a silly law it is, but she has not yet responded to requests to explain herself.
Is it even possible to balance books on the holocaust, with books denying it happened? How many denialist books are there? There are 16 European countries plus Israel, where it is a crime to deny the holocaust occurred. Such material would have to be hard to find. The guy who suggested that has to be an idiot.
If I lived in that school district and had kids I would move heaven and earth to get away from it. Like sleep in a car, whatever it takes. There is enough bigotry flying around lately, but I ain't about to even entertain the notion that we need "balance" discussing the Holocaust.
A:. "Here are links to resources that support my opinion. Here are more resources that back them up. Here's a chain of evidence that reinforces my line of thinking."

B:. "I haven't read them, but they're wrong."

A: "What resources, links, and information can you give me to support your side of this discussion?"

B: "No."

VolNation, summarized.
As sure as the sun will rise in the East, this is truth.
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If I lived in that school district and had kids I would move heaven and earth to get away from it. Like sleep in a car, whatever it takes. There is enough bigotry flying around lately, but I ain't about to even entertain the notion that we need "balance" discussing the Holocaust.
I don't think that such a balance even exists. That's not because of a stand that anyone has taken on principles either. It's bad business. Publishers won't publish material which denies the holocaust for the same fundamental reason that libraries won't stock it and vendors won't sell it .... even in countries where it is legal, not enough people want to read it.
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That piece of legislation was poorly written, and then rushed through passage and signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott, when it still needed some tweaking. For the Republican-controlled Texas State Legislature, the need to score political points with their ever-expanding far right base, outweighed the need to pass a law with clear and concise language.

Also, it's not evident if Gina Peddy was intending to be hyperbolic or not. I would hope she was wasn't serious, but it's hard to tell, based on what little information there is to go on at this time. She has been accused of deliberately misinterpreting the law, in order to make a broader point about what a silly law it is, but she has not yet responded to requests to explain herself.
I'm not arguing about the overall quality of how the law is written. However, there is no language that requires Holocaust deniers a seat at the education table. That conclusion is either hyperbolic or a result of ignorance. Either way, zero consideration should be given to this ridiculous example but instead it's being treated, and reported on, as if it's fact and written within the law itself.

Being in a position of leadership and showing ignorance of the law you are presenting is just as unacceptable as being deliberate. Again, either way she's in the wrong.
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"Othering" isn't a big word. It's a stupid word used almost exclusively by SJW crybabies.

We discussed othering in my HS in like 2007 and I’ve barely heard about it since, not sure where you are getting the idea that it’s a “woke SJW expression” apparently popularized recently. Maybe expand your vocabulary
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I'm not arguing about the overall quality of how the law is written. However, there is no language that requires Holocaust deniers a seat at the education table. That conclusion is either hyperbolic or a result of ignorance. Either way, zero consideration should be given to this ridiculous example but instead it's being treated, and reported on, as if it's fact and written within the law itself.

Being in a position of leadership and showing ignorance of the law you are presenting is just as unacceptable as being deliberate. Again, either way she's in the wrong.
You will get no arguments there.
Is it not progressive now? Liberal kept getting more of a negative connotation to it so they changed it to progressive. That's why so many liberals are offended by being referred to as liberals.

Liberal = Democrat
Leftist = left of Democrat, likely does hate liberals
Progressive = liberal pretending to be a leftist for brownie points

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Liberal = Democrat
Leftist = left of Democrat, likely does hate liberals
Progressive = liberal pretending to be a leftist for brownie points

Nothing "liberal" about the Democrat party in the United States today.

Democrat = Democrat

Corrected it for you.
He posted a number of specific beliefs of his on several issues. He sounds pretty centered ideologically. Classic liberalism is a centered ideology
I've heard people say Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Zuby and Gad Saad are classical liberals. Would you agree?

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