Texas police confirm shooting at Arlington high school

EXCLUSIVE: PICTURED: English Teacher, 25, Shot In Back by 18-year-old school Gunman who went on rampage with .45 caliber gun after classroom brawl - injuring three - before being driven to police station by his attorney

A 25-year-old English teacher at a Texas high school was shot and wounded on Wednesday morning, it was learned, as authorities took an 18-year-old into custody and charged him with several accounts of aggravated assault for firing a .45 caliber gun during a fistfight before fleeing in his Dodge Charger.

A family friend told DailyMail.com that one of the people shot on Wednesday was Calvin Pettitt, an English teacher at Timberview High School in Arlington.

Grace Rinearson, Pettitt's sister, tweeted that she was at the hospital where he was being treated. Authorities said a 25-year-old male employee, presumed to be Pettitt, was in good condition after undergoing surgery.

At least one person was critically wounded.



Texas high school shooter, 18, is taken into custody and charged | Daily Mail Online
The problem with much of the inner city violence is the complete lack of trust in the law....of the perceived lack of justice...so they take things into their own hands.
Just like many "fads" that start in the inner city, I won't be shocked to this this move to the suburbs and beyond.
Lack of father's is a larger issue.
He used a .45 caliber, I'm surprised a 9mm is usually the gun of choice since it holds more bullets and is easily aimed when held in the 60 degree thug position.
18 year old black student, last name Simpkins, had a fight in class & pulled a gun.
Press conference just ID the suspect. 4 victims in the school shooting.
Not a random shooting. A student in a fight pulls a gun.

The obvious solution is to just let all the kids in the school carry guns. Mo guns, mo safe.
Nobody is taught to take an ass beating anymore and that everyone is entitled to respect.

Period. No real men around them to teach it. I told my son early on: treat everyone with respect. Never disrespect another male especially unless you intend to whip him...because if you do he will likely whip you then and there. He just turned 20. So far so good, Praise God.

Lack of father's is a larger issue.


And it's going to get much much worse.

Yes it is. Faster if the commies are in charge of taxpayers largesse.
Which one was the shooter? The one doing the beating or the one getting beat?

I believe the 1 getting beat at first..based on the darker skin and longer hair of the assailant not appearing to match the school photo of the shooter very well....BUT...this dude is 18 years old and from the school photo does not APPEAR to me to be the frail nerd Steve Erkle type either....does that little dude getting thrown around like a ragdoll by another teen under 200lbs surely...looks to be about 160lbs to me....so does that little 140lb kid look like an 18yo to yall??? Some people are just small. Period. Not a lot of 18yo young men are 140lbs though...and i am 170 to 175lbs at 5ft 11in myself....so not ragging the dude for being small etc.

I cant make up my mind.

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