Texas police confirm shooting at Arlington high school

Arlington school Shooter is RELEASED on $75K Bond: Gunman, 18, Walks Free one day after shooting 15-year-old 'bully seven times' - AND teacher during class brawl

The teenage gunman who opened fire in an Arlington, Texas, school on Wednesday has been released on bond, a day after pulling a gun from his backpack and shooting a 'bully', a teacher and one other girl.

Timothy George Simpkins was being held on a $75,000 bond on three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon but the 18-year-old walked out of Tarrant County Jail on Thursday afternoon.

It's unclear why he has been charged with aggravated assault and not attempted murder or more serious charges, or why the judge granted him bail.

Arlington school shooter is released on bond | Daily Mail Online
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Three 11-year-olds are cuffed and PERP WALKED after 'plotting to start a fire to Kill ''rude people'' at their school' after classmates overheard their plan and one was found with a lighter

  • Omnia Mahgoub, Tristan Carrasquillo and Isabella Brainard were arrested Monday and are facing charges of conspiring to commit a first-degree felony
  • 'The plan was for the whole second floor the burn and the rude people would die in the fire,' Mahgoub, 11, confessed in a written statement Monday
Three 11-year-old children were arrested for scheming to burn down their Florida middle school so that 'rude people would die in the fire,' one of the pre-teen perpetrators told police.

Investigators say that the kids even decided amongst themselves who would live and who would die during a premeditated plot.

Mahgoub and her two accomplices, Tristan Carrasquillo, and Isabella Brainard, also 11, were handcuffed and frog-marched out of the Fort Myers school and into police custody after their plot came apart once a group of students snitched on the potential fire-starters after overhearing their plan.


Omnia Mahgoub, 11, told police Monday 'The plan was for the whole second floor the burn and the rude people would die in the fire'



One student told school staffers that he had overheard the three talking about their alleged plan, and saw Mahgoub brandish a grill lighter from her backpack.

During the subsequent investigation, it was found that the three suspects were allegedly planning on setting a second-floor girls' bathroom ablaze while school was in session.

One witness told investigators that Mahgoub threatened to light her on fire as well, if she told school staff about the scheme.

Another student told investigators that he heard Mahgoub say she was going to run downstairs and pretend to cry while reporting the fire.

Three 11 year-olds arrested for plotting to set Florida school on fire | Daily Mail Online

EXCLUSIVE - GoFundMe Removes page set up by Arlington school Shooter's family asking for $25,000 because HE'S 'traumatized' - two days after he shot a 15-year-old AND a Teacher

GoFundMe has removed an account set up by friends and family of Arlington school shooter Timothy Simpkins where they asked for $25,000 from the public to help him, claiming he is traumatized from his father's death.

A spokesman told DailyMail.com on Friday: 'The fundraiser was removed from the platform because it violated GoFundMe Terms of Service.'

'Less than $150 was raised and all donors have been refunded.'

Simpkins, 18, critically injured 15-year-old Zacchaeus Selby and also wounded 25-year-old teacher Calvin Pettitt - whom he shot in the back - when he opened fire at Timberview High School in Arlington, Texas, on Wednesday.

Selby remains in the hospital, clinging to life after being shot four times, his family said.

GoFundMe removes page set up by Arlington school shooter's family | Daily Mail Online
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