Because I suspect some LGBT haters will ridicule Gap's choice, even though it was a choice borne out of free-market principles....the same free-market that they allegedly support.
No, I do not think she is a racist.
It's not a double standard. Because I never said I find the Gap ad racist. Neither the Gap ad nor the 1st lady are racist inho.
It is and you know you were sitting at home wacking off at the gap photo because you get your rocks off at racial issues and divide. You are part of the problem, but too dumb or self absorbed to realize that.
No, you just assumed that I find the gap ad racist simply because I defended the Gap's right to voluntarily remove their ad.
That's not why I correctly assumed. You and I both know that if there was only the gap picture, you would be creating about 5 threads a day about it and how racially charged it was. I get that you can't be honest with yourself, but we've all heard your crap long enough to know where you are coming from with anything like this.
Uh, I never even created a thread about this ad, and I never even said the ad in question was racist. In fact I already stated that the ad is not racist imho. But "you know" I would create 5 threads a day about the ad? I didn't even know about the MO picture until where's the 5 threads/day you knew I would have created? LOL
Just went about 50 yards over your head.....