That's racist!

Wait. Can we be clear here:
Do you think racism exists in this country?
The Democrats are as racist today as when the law changed and they had to take their klan hoods off. There will always be morons. Now is there systemic racism that prevents anyone willing to work hard from being successful?
Did you’re claiming that police treat black people worse that white people prevent me getting my ass beat by the police because of mistaken identity?
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Did my second cousin die because of a wrong address on a no knock search Warrant? Yup. I’m sure he felt privilege as he drew his last breath
The Democrats are as racist today as when the law changed and they had to take their klan hoods off. There will always be morons. Now is there systemic racism that prevents anyone willing to work hard from being successful?

Progress @ bold. We should almost stop here.

Yes @ question. Do you know how systematic racism works?
In this country, skin color alone doesn't limit one's opportunities. Black people can get into a prestigious Ivy league school just as white people can. Black people can become successful doctors just as white people can. Possibilities aren't restricted based on skin color alone. Anyone who argues otherwise is ignorant.

What can be a major obstacle, on the other hand, is the financial and family situation one is born into. A kid born into a single parent household with poor financial circumstances is far less likely to succeed than a kid born into a healthy nuclear family. That's why, regardless of skin color, the nuclear family is so important.

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