That's racist!

Let's not all just pile on black people we can have more fun than that.

Yes, Speciesism Is Another Social Justice Issue | PETA

Ageism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and ableism should be as glaringly obvious as oncoming headlights in the dark by now. But what about “speciesism”? What is it, and what can we do to stop it?

In the same way that other ugly “isms” result in discrimination against other humans based on arbitrary factors like the color of their skin, their gender, their sexual orientation, or their physical capabilities, speciesism ascribes an inferior status to those who don’t happen to be human. It defines “animals” (other than humans) as little more than research tools, food, fabric, or toys—objects to satisfy human whims—just because they’re not members of our species. Simply put, speciesism is a bias in favor of the human race over other animal races, just as one particular set of humans may be biased against another. It is the misguided belief that one species is more important than another.
Black people have been used before. Glad it’s for something positive this time ✊

Um you should read more of the thread also. This is an interesting leap.

So you do have a problem with logic! I didn’t want to officially judge earlier but wow. You just gave 3 weird takes that are really not worth much response.

Why do you have such a hard time separating the organization from the movement?

Explain the positives of Marxism.

It’s not an interesting leap, but the logical conclusion of your own words. The “weird definition of racism” you allude to is exactly the overarching definition BLM and the left thrives on to declare systemic racism. If is erroneous of VN members to assert forms of bigotry as racism, it’s wrong for BLM, too. You fundamentally have stated there is not systemic racism, while talking out your other mouth about systemic racism. You can’t even even keep up with your own logic.

BLM was founded on an initial lie of “hands up, don’t shoot”, that blacks are killed by white cops and jailed disproportionately while ignoring the grossly disproportionate involvement in violent crime. There is no separating the movement and organization based upon the identical false premises of declaring “racist” those things YOU admitted are not declarations of racial inferiority.

To sum, things that are not racist and do not support a claim of systemic racism.

By Jove! I think you’re coming around!
I do not watch Fox news. Are you saying you do? I had you pegged as more of a CNN person.

I think assumption was made based upon your fur color.
On s positive note, he/she hates you because you’re white not because abominable snowmen are an inferior species.
A Connecticut high school student is facing charges for allegedly posting a photo of a Black classmate on social media along with racial slurs and allusions.

The 16-year-old, who police have not identified by name because they are a minor, was arrested and charged by the Fairfield Police Department with breach of peace, as well as a Connecticut-specific misdemeanor of “ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race,” the Hartford Courant reported.

CT student arrested for allegedly posting racist Snapchat about classmate

So my question becomes, do we need national anti ridicule laws to finally give all people, animals, plants, science, etc. protection from all hurtful riducule? Also will our foreign enemies agree not to ridicule us?
Dont worry, everyone notices you once again have neither a rebuttal to the actual facts or anything of substance to supplement your ignorant opinion 🤦‍♂️
It’s not surprising that you don’t know you posted a debunked study.
You should check out the more accurate studies that only track the hiring practices of the last five years as opposed to who has the jobs now.
I mean there no way that a guy holding a job for the last 20 years could bias a study. When you get done with that you can look at the Maxwell house study that says coffee is good for you.

Maybe you are in the stupid group. You see that last comment meant you can make a study say whatever you want.
You tell me there’s racism and post a study saying that all demographics are represented in high paying jobs.
So they are racist but they are just not good at being racist.

Not sure how you make it through the day carrying that crutch
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Explain the positives of Marxism.
You should 1st tell us all why you hate black people 🤦‍♂️
It’s not an interesting leap, but the logical conclusion of your own words. The “weird definition of racism” you allude to is exactly the overarching definition BLM and the left thrives on to declare systemic racism.
You sound ridiculous. LMFAO @“they thrive“ on it. This is where your agenda shows.
If is erroneous of VN members to assert forms of bigotry as racism, it’s wrong for BLM, too. You fundamentally have stated there is not systemic racism, while talking out your other mouth about systemic racism. You can’t even even keep up with your own logic.
You’re confused because you are trying too hard here. Let me help you: What is your definition of racism?
BLM was founded on an initial lie of “hands up, don’t shoot”, that blacks are killed by white cops and jailed disproportionately while ignoring the grossly disproportionate involvement in violent crime. There is no separating the movement and organization based upon the identical false premises of declaring “racist” those things YOU admitted are not declarations of racial inferiority.

To sum, things that are not racist and do not support a claim of systemic racism.

By Jove! I think you’re coming around!
Unfortunately, you have a bit of work to do on your logic before I can say the same. The last of this is sad agenda. If we are going to judge all organizations by your standard of hypocrisy, what the hell would be left?? 🤦‍♂️

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