That's racist!

Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' by prioritizing the promotions of black people

Five former and current American Express employees have claimed that the company is engaging in 'reverse discrimination' by singling out black people for promotion at the expense of other staff.

The staff told FOX News that company policy appeared to change after the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer last May.

Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' | Daily Mail Online
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Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' by prioritizing the promotions of black people

Five former and current American Express employees have claimed that the company is engaging in 'reverse discrimination' by singling out black people for promotion at the expense of other staff.

The staff told FOX News that company policy appeared to change after the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer last May.

Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' | Daily Mail Online
I get around this by promoting women, Asians, and no particular order. Keeps me safe from the black people eeo complaints since I actively promote protected classes. That being said, the black folks resumes doom their promotion hopes almost immediately every time in my line of business.
I get around this by promoting women, Asians, and no particular order. Keeps me safe from the black people eeo complaints since I actively promote protected classes. That being said, the black folks resumes doom their promotion hopes almost immediately every time in my line of business.

Be careful... the government, if they catch wind of this, will make you change your line of business to accommodate black people. You know, for diversity purposes.
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Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' by prioritizing the promotions of black people

Five former and current American Express employees have claimed that the company is engaging in 'reverse discrimination' by singling out black people for promotion at the expense of other staff.

The staff told FOX News that company policy appeared to change after the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer last May.

Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' | Daily Mail Online
Im sure libs can easily explain this. Probably along the lines that the black guy was black enough for it to be racist, or he is a uncle Tom, or the gorilla mask in this incident only was an accurate representation of the origins of humanity and the struggle we face daily between altruism and animalistic rage due to inaccurate societal constructs, patriarchy, colonialism, White people, and western culture.
It's cool to see how far we've come. Would like to see this on gay marriage. I would guess we're closer to 75% but probably was under 10% in the 70's.

It's cool to see how far we've come. Would like to see this on gay marriage. I would guess we're closer to 75% but probably was under 10% in the 70's.

View attachment 393521

At one point the gays said just leave us alone. Now according to people like you we have to approve of their lifestyle. How 'bout if we make a deal? I won't care about their life choices and they won't care about what I approve of?

"The idea of just sitting quiet and being told stuff and taking things in in a passive stance is not a thing that's in many cultures. So if we're positively enforcing these behaviors, we are by extension positively enforcing elements of White culture. Which therefore keeps Whiteness at the center, which is the definition of White supremacy."

I'd like to see his research the bolded claim. In my experience some cultures (Asian comes to mind) they are even more so like this.
Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' by prioritizing the promotions of black people

Five former and current American Express employees have claimed that the company is engaging in 'reverse discrimination' by singling out black people for promotion at the expense of other staff.

The staff told FOX News that company policy appeared to change after the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer last May.

Former and current American Express employees allege the company engages in 'reverse discrimination' | Daily Mail Online
It's not 'reverse' anything. It's discrimination. Period

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