That's racist!

Saying you can’t use slurs toward customers without consequences has nothing to do with that, it’s so funny how eager people are to argue otherwise
Not saying there aren't consequences. You eluded to a slur being worse than just telling someone to "F off". The words you use while being rude or an a##hole shouldn't dictate the severity of your behavior (I know it does in our overly sensitive victim culture society).
Never had an argument so just try to throw out as much ignorant **** as possible lol, take a lap and let me know when your IQ surpasses room temperature
You defend and support anything and everything that’s completely f’ed up and you’re the dumbass that didn’t know the definition of slur
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You defend and support anything and everything that’s completely f’ed up and you’re the dumbass that didn’t know the definition of slur
The word he used is a slur, dumbass. No one else is stupid enough to argue otherwise but you. You are here defending and supporting the use of a slur toward a paying customer, but you are doing a terrible job of it because you are barely intelligent enough to tie your own shoes
The word he used is a slur. No one else is stupid enough to argue otherwise but you. You are here defending and supporting the use of a slur toward a paying customer, but you are doing a terrible job of it because you are barely intelligent enough to tie your own shoes

Is it really a slur if a heterosexual says it to another heterosexual?
Not saying there aren't consequences. You eluded to a slur being worse than just telling someone to "F off". The words you use while being rude or an a##hole shouldn't dictate the severity of your behavior (I know it does in our overly sensitive victim culture society).
It is very easy to avoid slurs. You're telling me you can't stop yourself from calling everyone a n****r when you're feeling "rude"?
You are not going to get to a society where people just say n****r freely, for example, and the burden is on those targeted to not be offended. That's incredibly backwards

The ironic thing is it’s already accepted but the only ones allowed to say it are the ones that are supposed to be offended.
You are not going to get to a society where people just say n****r freely, for example, and the burden is on those targeted to not be offended. That's incredibly backwards
Not backwards at all. Free speech is free speech. Wokeness and hate speech advocates want to censure what is said except by certain ethnicities or sexual orientations, then it's OK. Motto here is "just get over yourself".
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The ironic thing is it’s already accepted but the only ones allowed to say it are the ones that are supposed to be offended.
That's fair I guess, I don't have a problem with the community that was targeted by a slur for decades doing whatever they want with it. I don't think even that community typically uses it the way Duran did though
Not backwards at all. Free speech is free speech. Wokeness and hate speech advocates want to censure what is said except by certain ethnicities or sexual orientations, then it's OK. Motto here is "just get over yourself".
Yeah we definitely need more slurs in society, that would for sure make things better. Why am I wasting my time with someone who was apparently furious when he couldn't use the N word so freely anymore
Yeah we definitely need more slurs in society, that would for sure make things better. Why am I wasting my time with someone who was apparently furious when he couldn't use the N word so freely anymore
Can you post something without making **** up? Is it possible? The point is, is you don't get offended by it, it won't get used. You 2nd sentence should get you banned.

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