That's racist!

Go back and route what I said, not what you wanted to hear.
This is what you said. Standard both-sides waffling that ends with the company defending its employee. Still not stating an actual position other than the last one
A customer that heckles and treats an employee that way should be shown the door. Do neither or both, but don't criticize one without criticizing the other.
One is a representative of my company. The other is not.
Company should defend the employees.
That was peaceful. Telling you to lose the victimhood is in no way calling names unless I hit a nerve. Maybe I'm right and you should reassess?
"Victimhood," much like "thought policing," is a term you apparently don't understand but throw out when you don't have an argument
Exactly. Did saw they should defend his actions? No, not once. You defend him by removing the irritant.
So fan says "you need a tennis racket," he responds with a slur, and you think they should remove the fan and not the player? Or they're both equally at fault?
"Victimhood," much like "thought policing," is a term you apparently don't understand but throw out when you don't have an argument
Now you're going to tell me I'm victimphobic. Go ahead and appropriate another term and redefine it to suit your needs.
Now you're going to tell me I'm victimphobic. Go ahead and appropriate another term and redefine it to suit your needs.
No, I'm going to point out that you don't know what words mean. Saying that a slur toward a fan is bad is not "victimhood" nor policing ANYONE's thoughts lol
No, I'm going to point out that you don't know what words mean. Saying that a slur is bad is not "victimhood" nor policing ANYONE's thoughts lol
Your inability to talk rationally about it and then using statements or of context is victimhood.. I don't know what else to call it. You do it in abbey single agreement you engage in on this forum. Every damn one.
Your inability to talk rationally about it and then using statements or of context is victimhood.. I don't know what else to call it. You do it in abbey single agreement you engage in on this forum. Every damn one.
Sounds like you should expand your vocabulary
Then you are doing the both-sides thing exactly like I said, for two actions that are nowhere near equivalent to each other
You're right, following today's corporate standards, the becket created a hostile work environment and the employee responded inappropriately. Birth should be dealt with.
You're right, following today's corporate standards, the becket created a hostile work environment and the employee responded inappropriately. Birth should be dealt with.
If someone says "swing batta batta" or "you suck" is that also creating a hostile work environment? What about booing? Or is it just saying he needs a tennis racket? That stuff has always been part of baseball IMO
You are a person who is always a victim. How's that?
That's the same thing, you'll never be able to explain why "throwing slurs at customers is bad" is "victimhood," or "virtue signaling," or "thought policing" because you converse in buzzwords but don't know how to use them
That's the same thing, you'll never be able to explain why "throwing slurs at customers is bad" is "victimhood," or "virtue signaling," or "thought policing" because you converse in buzzwords but don't know how to use them
OK loother, you win. You are compelling correct. How's that?
You should run your posts through the NashVol School of Grammar before you hit "post reply" in the future. The guy would argue with a damn wall.
Spamming “virtue signaling” and “victimhood” and “thought police” when they don’t apply or make sense isn’t “grammar”, it’s dishonesty.

If I kept saying another poster was being a Nazi or fascist or whatever, I would also expect them to point out that that’s not accurate.

If anyone is being a fragile snowflake it’s the guy wanting fans thrown out over some of the most tame heckling I’ve ever seen
And the statement mostly is that they support someone using a homophobic slur because they’re standing up to wokeness, or something, which is unbelievably stupid. The constitution has nothing to do with MLB’s punishment, a player can’t call a fan the N word and just keep playing
It’s really no different than him calling the guy an a-hole….. get over it
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I wouldn’t call anyone an a-hole in the office fool….. 🙄….. or a f’ing ****** either.
That’s the logical part of the comment
Acting like it's not really a slur and then agreeing that it is. "A-hole" gets said in workplaces all the time without consequence, "f****t" much less so

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