The 1/6 Hearings

The point of this hearing is to determine the how and why. This is the emotion part, it is political theater but the right would be doing the exact same thing if roles were reversed.

I'll wait for the meat and potatoes of this hearing before I tune in and give it my time.
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I think everyone should be forced to watch it. Personally for me, having heard what those officers went through straight from their mouths and then coming hear and reading people who didn't even listen to it come out and try to discredit their statements or come out and call it a "soap opera"....well its infuriating. Its ****ed up.
The point of this hearing is to determine the how and why. This is the emotion part, it is political theater but the right would be doing the exact same thing if roles were reversed.

I'll wait for the meat and potatoes of this hearing before I tune in and give it my time.

I agree that if the shoe were on the other foot it would be theater, I disagree that there will be any meat and potatoes come out of this.
I think everyone should be forced to watch it. Personally for me, having heard what those officers went through straight from their mouths and then coming hear and reading people who didn't even listen to it come out and try to discredit their statements or come out and call it a "soap opera"....well its infuriating. Its ****ed up.

I'm sure it was traumatic for some of them, a few will probably get disability from PTSD. BUT again I ask, what does that have to do with the stated purpose of the hearings?
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I agree that if the shoe were on the other foot it would be theater, I disagree that there will be any meat and potatoes come out of this.
I'm not convinced it will either. But we will see, until then I've got better things to do.
I tried to start a different thread devoid of the name calling and othering. I know why the mods merged it, but I can't say I didn't try.

Just try to love one another. Real hard. I know you can do it.
The point of this hearing is to determine the how and why. This is the emotion part, it is political theater but the right would be doing the exact same thing if roles were reversed.

I'll wait for the meat and potatoes of this hearing before I tune in and give it my time.
Yeah right. You have the impeachment managers from the last 2 impeachment shams asking "serious" questions. I'm glad all of the liberals are happy with the hard hitting testimony we heard today and how one was called the N word and one was called a traitor..... blah blah blah. Riveting, just riveting.
Yeah right. You have the impeachment managers from the last 2 impeachment shams asking "serious" questions. I'm glad all of the liberals are happy with the hard hitting testimony we heard today and how one was called the N word and one was called a traitor..... blah blah blah. Riveting, just riveting.
So we are in agreement.
The point of this hearing is to determine the how and why. This is the emotion part, it is political theater but the right would be doing the exact same thing if roles were reversed.

I'll wait for the meat and potatoes of this hearing before I tune in and give it my time.

I wouldn't bank on there being any meat and potatoes to this. I think these 1/6 hearings are to the Democrats what the Arizona audit is to the Trump base. Neither will produce any meat and potatoes but both will keep their respective bases fired up.
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I think everyone should be forced to watch it. Personally for me, having heard what those officers went through straight from their mouths and then coming hear and reading people who didn't even listen to it come out and try to discredit their statements or come out and call it a "soap opera"....well its infuriating. Its ****ed up.

I'll chip in for a box of Kleenex tissue for you if .25 cents will help.
I think everyone should be forced to watch it. Personally for me, having heard what those officers went through straight from their mouths and then coming hear and reading people who didn't even listen to it come out and try to discredit their statements or come out and call it a "soap opera"....well its infuriating. Its ****ed up.
The guy that claimed he was more scared than when deployed in Iraq is a drama Queen.
I wouldn't bank on there being any meat and potatoes to this. I think these 1/6 hearings are to the Democrats what the Arizona audit is to the Trump base. Neither will produce any meat and potatoes but both will keep their respective bases fired up.
This is a continuation of orange man bad hearing #5682. The democrats will never stop about Trump because they can't give it up. I'm just looking forward to the 2022 election when they lose both sides of congress and paybacks are issued.
Yep, if I were on that committee I would have had to laugh.
I know I’d be way more scared of a dude saying “hang on a second ive got asthma” than I would some guy screaming at me and shooting an AK-47 at me. But hey that’s just me.
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All about damaging Trump and his supporters. Not that anyone needs to realize people are pissed off at DC. And that is BOTH sides. Not rocket science considering the course we are headed.
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