The 1/6 Hearings

This thing has kicked off already? Thought they were just manouvering members.
This is a continuation of orange man bad hearing #5682. The democrats will never stop about Trump because they can't give it up. I'm just looking forward to the 2022 election when they lose both sides of congress and paybacks are issued.

Yep. 2022 ain't gonna be pretty for them.
The guy that claimed he was more scared than when deployed in Iraq is a drama Queen.

You can come home from Iraq and have a reasonable belief that you're not going to be woken up in the middle of the night by Sunni soldiers shouting "Allahu Ahkbar" while waving AK47s outside your house because you took down their arms ring.

The people in Washington could be their neighbors. Fellow congregants. People just down the road. There's a reasonable assumption that, in this climate, the officers could be doxxed and find their families and homes in danger.

I believe this commission will find that about 95% of the people present were actually peaceful protesters upset that their candidate lost. They have every right to do that, and I support then exercising their rights. The 5% that were the primary and secondary agitators are the ones that need to be investigated, and it needs to be found out if any members of Congress or any Government entity aided and abetted them.
Staged crying by politicians and cry baby police, and one of their comrades MURDERED unarmed Ashli Babbitt.

I am a little surprised that some melodramatic music wasn't playing softly in the background.

You've been hurt before, by people you thought were genuine. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Being adolescent idiots who are so eaten up by intra party fighting and paying attention to a serial bully that they can't act like an actual governing entity.

I'm disappointed in everyone.

Serious questiona and maybe you can start a thread.

Do you see any fundamental differences in where say a Biden versus a Trump administration, or say progressive vs conservative (whatever suits your fancy) would affect ones lives, in any capacity whether morally, financially or freedom?
Come on, quit trying to troll me. You know they interviewed these nitwits and dozens may hundreds more before they picked these particular cock suckers to testify. Also do you think these barely literate morons could write a 5 minute or more opening statement before congress without someone doing it for them?

So now police are illiterate morons. Man, how the times have changed.
Inflation out of control...COVID cases up...Dem supporters running out of stimulus money...evictions coming and extra unemployment ending...yeah I can see why they want to talk about Trump and change the narrative Screenshot_20210727-173854_Chrome.jpg
You can come home from Iraq and have a reasonable belief that you're not going to be woken up in the middle of the night by Sunni soldiers shouting "Allahu Ahkbar" while waving AK47s outside your house because you took down their arms ring.

The people in Washington could be their neighbors. Fellow congregants. People just down the road. There's a reasonable assumption that, in this climate, the officers could be doxxed and find their families and homes in danger.

I believe this commission will find that about 95% of the people present were actually peaceful protesters upset that their candidate lost. They have every right to do that, and I support then exercising their rights. The 5% that were the primary and secondary agitators are the ones that need to be investigated, and it needs to be found out if any members of Congress or any Government entity aided and abetted them.
Hyperbole much?
These idiots were. They should have just teared up when they swore to tell the truth, they would have looked more believable.

You’re right. If they were true patriots they would have had their colleagues lie for them and take a desk job for a few weeks. That’s the American police officer way.

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