The 112th United States Open

I continue to laugh every time he strings together a couple of rounds and so many of y'all scream he's back. He's hitting his irons as solid as ever, maybe best ever, but he still inconsistent off the tee and his wedge game and the flatstick are nowhere to be found. Not to mention how visibly apparent it is that there are still too many demons running free in his mind.

Seeing him blowup makes watching golf fun. I enjoy seeing him lose it.
Seeing him blowup makes watching golf fun. I enjoy seeing him lose it.

sounds bad when you're that blunt, but I too enjoy it. Listening to the Rick Reillys of the world tell us the past three days how Tiger is back and is ready to take over makes Tiger's blowup even sweeter.
After the 3rd hole, I'd have never believed he was going to get in with a 73.
sounds bad when you're that blunt, but I too enjoy it. Listening to the Rick Reillys of the world tell us the past three days how Tiger is back and is ready to take over makes Tiger's blowup even sweeter.

Maybe it's because I've played so much and I know how it feels, but I just hate watching anybody unravel on a golf course.
Webb Simpson is a Raleigh native and loved in these parts. Wouldn't mind him winning at all. But ultimately I'm wanting Furyk to bounce back.
Furyk might as well give the universal choke sign and beg volunteers to do the Heimlich Maneuver as he walks down the fairway. That was as bad a gag job as you'll ever see.
Furyk might as well give the universal choke sign and beg volunteers to do the Heimlich Maneuver as he walks down the fairway. That was as bad a gag job as you'll ever see.

I just read the Feinstein book about 2003, and in the follow up there was a quote from him about 2006 and 2007. Basically, he said they would hurt a lot more if his 2003 trophy wasn't the first thing he sees when walks into his house. I imagine that applies again tonight.
Furyk was brutal to watch at the end. The duck snap was brutal but the wedges were unfathomable.
Man that dude was spaced out on something

Most of today's better golfers are spaced out on something. True story

Edit Didn't know you were talking about freak that made his way through presentation,
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Furyk was brutal to watch at the end. The duck snap was brutal but the wedges were unfathomable.

Agree..... Everybody is talking about the quack hook driver on 16, but coming over the approach at 18 from 105 and going long left into the bunker was as bad a swing under pressure as I've seen in a long time.

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