The 112th United States Open

I think Tiger is being to conservative off the tee. Regardless he is a different golfer than he was on Thursday and Friday.
I think Tiger is being to conservative off the tee. Regardless he is a different golfer than he was on Thursday and Friday.

There's a phrase for people who are aggressive off the tee at the US Open . . . Missed the cut.
There's a phrase for people who are aggressive off the tee at the US Open . . . Missed the cut.

I didn't say he needed to hit driver on every hole. Example on #2. He hits an iron off tee, gets in the fairway an still has 180 and misses the green. I think he needs to find a happy medium somewhere.
And he's done...

Well, go Furyk, Adams, Hossler, Dufner, Simpson, or Chappell
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So much for Tiger "being back".

I continue to laugh every time he strings together a couple of rounds and so many of y'all scream he's back. He's hitting his irons as solid as ever, maybe best ever, but he still inconsistent off the tee and his wedge game and the flatstick are nowhere to be found. Not to mention how visibly apparent it is that there are still too many demons running free in his mind.
I couldn't have come up with a better description. He has a mop haircut that the early Beatles would have been jealous of, a pornstache that Ron Jeremy envies and a wardrobe that Richard Simmons desires.

After seeing him today who can really argue against this?

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