The Orbea's paint job is the best out there, IMO. I ride trails so I think I would go with the Orbea anyways
I've been toying with the idea of a triathlon, but the biking has kept me leery. Do you guys feel safe on busy roads? I've heard horror stories of beer bottles, pickup doors, and rednecks.
I have a Cannondale mountain bike that is currently collecting dust. Would love to get back on the trails, but I don't really have anyone to ride with right now. In the past, I've had great fun at Haw Ridge and Norris...
Best paint job, Yup. That's why I was so stuck on buying it until I saw the Scott. Major plus with the Scott is that ill get to test ride it before I buy, whereas the Orbea I won't be able to because no one in my area has one in stock.
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I tend to ride either on roads with wide emergency lanes or roads that aren't very busy. Biking is very easy on the joints so it's my preferred cardio workout
Got a new shock for my singlespeed and tried it our for the first time. I didn't realize how trashed the old on was. 2 hrs mountain bike riding on Saturday was awesome. Shorts and a t-shirt, the weather was perfect. 1 1/2 hr road ride on Sunday. A bit chilly and windy.
I'd chose running.
Finally got out for a quick ride at lunch yestesday. Into the wind on the way back.
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from a looks standpoint, the Scott is awesome. seems like it would be a nightmare, keeping clean, tho.
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Yeah, the Scott is even more awesome looking in person. There's a new shop that just opened here and I've been talking with the guy, he's gonna cut me a nice deal on a Felt when he finds out what he'll get from them. He wants me to be one of the first people in the area out on a Felt since we've never had them here before. I'm also going to be working for him on the side for a discount on parts and stuff. I pretty much walked into a sweet situation.
Looking at one of these two now:
Felt Z6
Full Carbon monocoque frame, mixed components.
Felt F75
Aluminum frame, carbon fork, full Shimano 105 gruppo
I'm also considering entering my first cat 5 race on Memorial Day. I'm not really anywhere near racing shape, but I figured I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by participating.
both of those bikes are awesome.. good gig you got yourself into. agree fully about the race. maybe try n get your chops up a little so you dont look like a clown with a really dope bike. lol
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Well, I shaved for the first time in 6 months yesterday so that should help...I gotta get my current bike up and working properly so I can get on the road before I get my new bike. The stationary at the gym is extremely uncomfortable and boring. I have zero race experience. Lol.
I've been toying with the idea of a triathlon, but the biking has kept me leery. Do you guys feel safe on busy roads? I've heard horror stories of beer bottles, pickup doors, and rednecks.
I have a Cannondale mountain bike that is currently collecting dust. Would love to get back on the trails, but I don't really have anyone to ride with right now. In the past, I've had great fun at Haw Ridge and Norris...
both of those bikes are awesome.. good gig you got yourself into. agree fully about the race. maybe try n get your chops up a little so you dont look like a clown with a really dope bike. lol
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