The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare

You keep complaining about this forum and bragging about how you left yet you've not offered any details on how he is right. How is the right being more authoritarian at this point than the left?

It's obvious this author starts from a left pov and chooses to blame the right for all of America's ills.
I avoided this place for like two months, not sure I've really "bragged" about it. My bad, next time I'll keep my mouth shut and not post or talk about anything. That better?

Dude that is a liberal posts an article he agrees with, my God the horror!
I avoided this place for like two months, not sure I've really "bragged" about it. My bad, next time I'll keep my mouth shut and not post or talk about anything. That better?

Dude that is a liberal posts an article he agrees with, my God the horror!

that’s an impressive number of words to have written without ever addressing the question
I avoided this place for like two months, not sure I've really "bragged" about it. My bad, next time I'll keep my mouth shut and not post or talk about anything. That better?

Dude that is a liberal posts an article he agrees with, my God the horror!
You post and run. Can you explain how this country is more in danger of an authoritarian regime coming from the right than left? The level of control being sought by each side doesn't seem to support that hypothesis
They want control of our healthcare system while openly supporting excluding the unvaccinated from our healthcare system.

On top of that the insane power grab they were discussing at the beginning of this administration involving bringing in 2 left wing states, packing the courts, and ending the filibuster.

Given all those things, you have to be insane to not understand why so many on the right would consider leaving.

Let’s add on top of that their control of monoclonal antibodies that has made them insanely hard to get. In some places a medical review board now has to approve them

Great post. The very obvious things you just stated shows that Democrats care about power and control, nothing more. They could give a crap less about you and I.
Great post. The very obvious things you just stated shows that Democrats care about power and control, nothing more. They could give a crap less about you and I.

It also shows how blatantly they’re lying when they proclaim demographic shifts (an openly racist claim on their part) will result in them never losing an election again.

If they believed that they wouldn’t need to allow 16 year olds and felons to vote or do any of the other things mentioned
Probably because I wasn't answering whatever weird question you posited.

Your reply wasn’t to me, so obviously it’s not my question I’m referencing.

Edit: I’ll add the question for clarification. He asked you how the right is more authoritarian than the left currently
I avoided this place for like two months, not sure I've really "bragged" about it. My bad, next time I'll keep my mouth shut and not post or talk about anything. That better?

Dude that is a liberal posts an article he agrees with, my God the horror!

Don't go away just explain why you think he's right.
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You post and run. Can you explain how this country is more in danger of an authoritarian regime coming from the right than left? The level of control being sought by each side doesn't seem to support that hypothesis
Have you looked at a conservative board?
Riiiight, the Party that wants me to „show my papers“ before I enter any business and who has actually suggested internment camps for the non compliant has the audacity to accuse the other side of authoritarian leanings. The lack of self awareness by the left would be comical if it weren’t so dangerous.
And this is especially rich as the author is Canadian, from a country that has actually IMPRISONED pastors for opposing covid regulations and has providences that block the unvaccinated from attending worship. You just can’t make this stuff up 😬
Have you looked at a conservative board?
So I should sell it a very small subset of online comments and that proves the writer is correct? There is no large push to make Trump a dictator. Maybe there would be more moderate voices of social media allowed then to be heard

What policies are being pushed by the right that would be considered authoritarian? Do you acknowledge the policies currently coming from the left that do that as well?
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Riiiight, the Party that wants me to „show my papers“ before I enter any business and who has actually suggested internment camps for the non compliant has the audacity to accuse the other side of authoritarian leanings. The lack of self awareness by the left would be comical if it weren’t so dangerous.
And this is especially rich as the author is Canadian, from a country that has actually IMPRISONED pastors for opposing covid regulations and has providences that block the unvaccinated from attending worship. You just can’t make this stuff up 😬
Good point. Canada is insane right now. Too many white liberals locked up in their houses with nothing to do but think of stupid sh*t to make their country even less desirable.
Good point. Canada is insane right now. Too many white liberals locked up in their houses with nothing to do but think of stupid sh*t to make their country even less desirable.
Well, at least they are usually polite when oppressing you 😂
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Riiiight, the Party that wants me to „show my papers“ before I enter any business and who has actually suggested internment camps for the non compliant has the audacity to accuse the other side of authoritarian leanings. The lack of self awareness by the left would be comical if it weren’t so dangerous.
And this is especially rich as the author is Canadian, from a country that has actually IMPRISONED pastors for opposing covid regulations and has providences that block the unvaccinated from attending worship. You just can’t make this stuff up 😬
I'm not the dirty Canadian that wrote this. Liberal guy shares an article he agrees with, dear GOD!! I'm also not the guy that has ever, not one time, forced or advocated for forced vaccine mandates. I am the direct opposite of what you statists want. Humors me that people think their rights are being violated when they would turn right around and go out of their way to to legislate their morality to people.
I'm not the dirty Canadian that wrote this. Liberal guy shares an article he agrees with, dear GOD!! I'm also not the guy that has ever, not one time, forced or advocated for forced vaccine mandates. I am the direct opposite of what you statists want. Humors me that people think their rights are being violated when they would turn right around and go out of their way to to legislate their morality to people.

But why do you agree with him and why do you think he's right?
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I'm not the dirty Canadian that wrote this. Liberal guy shares an article he agrees with, dear GOD!! I'm also not the guy that has ever, not one time, forced or advocated for forced vaccine mandates. I am the direct opposite of what you statists want. Humors me that people think their rights are being violated when they would turn right around and go out of their way to to legislate their morality to people.
Legislate morality?like what..abortion?
I'm not the dirty Canadian that wrote this. Liberal guy shares an article he agrees with, dear GOD!! I'm also not the guy that has ever, not one time, forced or advocated for forced vaccine mandates. I am the direct opposite of what you statists want. Humors me that people think their rights are being violated when they would turn right around and go out of their way to to legislate their morality to people.
You seem to have a hard time explaining how he is correct. It doesn't matter what you've advocated for. You agreed with the claim that the right is pushing for this.

Who is currently pushing for the mandates you oppose? Who is currently trying to legislate their version of morality on the American people? Who is currently pushing to violate individual right for the good of the state? If you can't answer all those with "the right" then it seems the author is off base
LIke letting a woman have her own agency over her body? Yeah. But lets not distract from the thread, whatever the hell it is at this point.

I'm trying to get you back on topic. How is the author correct?
LIke letting a woman have her own agency over her body? Yeah. But lets not distract from the thread, whatever the hell it is at this point.
Who is pushing harder at this moment to take that right away from all people?

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