The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare

LIke letting a woman have her own agency over her body? Yeah. But lets not distract from the thread, whatever the hell it is at this point.

Most consider it murder unless that is some right wing version of morality
Ignore the fact that it was a dirty Canadian taking us to task. I mean, really I don't see how one can ignore it.
It was a left cannuck pushing a narrative that was short on facts but compared Trump to a Nazi so it was sure to get clicks. Even you claim to agree but can't explain how the authoritarian threat from the right is greater than the one from the left
This article is complete an utter garbage. Those that believe that we could become what they think is a right wing dictatorship are either outright lying or they are disconnected from reality. This narrative is being pushed by opposition to those that they brand "right wing". These people are so entrenched in the leadership of this country and they will do anything to keep it.
So the effort to force vaccination on any US citizen over 5yo affects more people than one legislative effort in TX?
I am vaccinated, getting my booster this week. I have never once, not once, said anyone should be vaccinated. Not once. I do not care to be honest with you. I did my thing, they can do their thing.
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10+ years of culture wars where anybody not in lock step with the progressive left is labeled a nazi and thus ripe for cancelling or even righteous physical assault (punch a nazi!). Even a diminutive gay Asian man can be labeled a punchable Nazi if he writes articles denouncing militant progressives (Antifa). Yet it will be a "far right" dictator that brings the US down?

You're saying because you perceive that we have a left-wing imbalance with cancel culture, then the dictatorship won't come from the right? I think that's non-sequitur.

I don't think either side is likely to produce a dictatorship anytime soon, but it seems much more feasible that it would come from the side that gets the most support from the military and LEO's, and whose voters are armed to the hilt.
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I am vaccinated, getting my booster this week. I have never once, not once, said anyone should be vaccinated. Not once. I do not care to be honest with you. I did my thing, they can do their thing.

C'mon Zep, none of this is about you getting vaccinated per your choice. You are aware there is a gigantic push to use the power of government to literally force people to be vaccinated, right?
Think that may have something to do with the top down style of government the democrats prefer? As long as the left wing idea model of government involves them dictating unpopular laws to the states, you’re going to have a lot of resentment on the right. It’s only natural.
I just got the impression from your comment that threatening to leave the republic was bad.
I am vaccinated, getting my booster this week. I have never once, not once, said anyone should be vaccinated. Not once. I do not care to be honest with you. I did my thing, they can do their thing.
that's great and all but the article in your op wasn't about you. Which side is pushing for more control over a citizens health and body?

I couldn't care less if you're honest with me but you're lying to yourself
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That article is funny. Tragic, but funny. It really goes out of the way to paint the political right as a threat...

But what it doesn't address, and is more important in my opinion, is what the left is doing to provoke such dire reactions by the right.

Either way, the author is a Canadian and asks the question "what should Canada do to prepare" for such a civil war in the United States. And completely misses the idea in his gun hating rant that Canadians can't do diddly all about it since they allowed their government to disarm them and will have to depend on a authoritarian government of their own for "protection."

Moreover, when violent left wing groups decide they want something Canadian citizens have and hop across the border which is just as porous as our southern border, they can't and won't stop them either. In short, during a civil war in the United States, Canadian areas and citizens easily accessible from the former United States will become their bitch regardless of political party. Because the author is ignorant and doesn't see the fact violent extremists are evident on both sides of the political equation, but only one has been tolerated in the last few years.
I don't think either side is likely to produce a dictatorship anytime soon, but it seems much more feasible that it would come from the side that gets the most support from the military and LEO's, and whose voters are armed to the hilt.


Which area of the government is undergoing a political purge at the moment?

And which career path is continually undergoing a challenge and "defund" movement?

And which Constitutional Amendment is constantly under attack by left wing politicians?

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