The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare

If it was anything bad, he would’ve brought more than zip ties
What, He thought there was a bdsm party about to break out. He was either playing Billy bad ass and planned to "arrest" some congressman or he wanted people to think he was.
By 2030 the country could be governed by a right-wing dictatorship? I'm going to ponder on that during my jog and attempt to suppress laughter. Will read the entire link later.

Idk how you’re missing all the signs. They’re openly attempting to have Fox News removed from television. They go after anyone who disagrees with them in efforts to ban them from social media. They’re attempting to pack the courts, end the filibuster, bring in additional states to shift the balance of the senate, they want the ability to write election laws for the nation, they oppose any attempts at election security

Clearly Republicans are the ones trying to install a dictatorship
What, He thought there was a bdsm party about to break out. He was either playing Billy bad ass and planned to "arrest" some congressman or he wanted people to think he was.

Once again, if his intent was as bad as you believe, he wouldn’t have brought zip ties. Nothing prevented him from bringing a knife, a gun, a club, any actual weapon.
Once again, if his intent was as bad as you believe, he wouldn’t have brought zip ties. Nothing prevented him from bringing a knife, a gun, a club, any actual weapon.
Okay, Can you tell me one positive thing that he may have brought them for?
Okay, Can you tell me one positive thing that he may have brought them for?

Idk his intent. But if anyone intends to kidnap/arrest congressmen as you’re proclaiming, wouldn’t they bring an actual weapon? That’s where you argument falls apart.
Idk his intent. But if anyone intends to kidnap/arrest congressmen as you’re proclaiming, wouldn’t they bring an actual weapon? That’s where you argument falls apart.

Jesucristo. Yeah, mobs only have power if they have actual weapons. Otherwise, totally helpless to do evil.
Guys break into your house with zip ties. You quickly do the math and tell your wife, "It's gonna be OK. They didn't bring weapons."
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Idk his intent. But if anyone intends to kidnap/arrest congressmen as you’re proclaiming, wouldn’t they bring an actual weapon? That’s where you argument falls apart.
Failing to look through a nonpartisan lens is why your argument is no better than the libs with last summers riots. We just have to agree that I'm right and you just can't see it.:D
Jesucristo. Yeah, mobs only have power if they have actual weapons. Otherwise, totally helpless to do evil.

Obviously an unarmed mob is more helpless than an armed one. That’s an easy enough thing to understand.

But you have to accept how illogical it is to believe these people came here with the intent of overthrowing the government and/or kidnapping congress members but also didn’t bring weapons.
Failing to look through a nonpartisan lens is why your argument is no better than the libs with last summers riots. We just have to agree that I'm right and you just can't see it.:D

If you went to any BLM riot and only found 2 guys with guns and 1 with zip ties, it would be their most peaceful assembly yet.

If I searched 50 people walking through Walmart randomly, I’d find more
Guys break into your house with zip ties. You quickly do the math and tell your wife, "It's gonna be OK. They didn't bring weapons."

If a guy breaks into your home knowing you have armed guards, with zip ties, yes. You should reassure your wife it’s gonna be okay.
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I don't disagree with that at all.

Do you know of any violent videos of this I’ve missed? I’ve tried to find a few and have failed. I found one from The New Yorker but it seemed to be a bunch of idiots taking selfies and looking for “clues”
If you went to any BLM riot and only found 2 guys with guns and 1 with zip ties, it would be their most peaceful assembly yet.

If I searched 50 people walking through Walmart randomly, I’d find more
Ahh...and there's the expected pivot: "I can't explain why a rioter on Jan. 6 had zip ties, so I'll start talking about BLM riots" (a failed analogy, btw).
Ahh...and there's the expected pivot: "I can't explain why a rioter on Jan. 6 had zip ties, so I'll start talking about BLM riots" (a failed analogy, btw).

I don’t see it as failed at all. Left wing political violence is openly ignored in this country.

To make sure I understand you though, you believe he came there unarmed, knowing the building had armed security, and he thought he was gonna walk in, zip tie a member of congress, and hold them hostage or something?

That’s your actual belief?
Ahh...and there's the expected pivot: "I can't explain why a rioter on Jan. 6 had zip ties, so I'll start talking about BLM riots" (a failed analogy, btw).

The failure wasn’t the analogy. It was trying to defend how bad January 6th was based on 1-2 people having zip ties on them.
Ahh...and there's the expected pivot: "I can't explain why a rioter on Jan. 6 had zip ties, so I'll start talking about BLM riots" (a failed analogy, btw).
Actually, I took to the the summer riots. I was trying not to, but it is the only thing in recent memory to compare it with.

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