The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare

The reason matters. Are you threatening to leave the republic because they gave you more freedom or because they limited your freedom? That’s the difference you don’t seem to be seeing.

If the federal government continues to force absurd left wing policies onto right wing states, it makes sense to leave.

If the federal government gives power back to the states, and that’s why you’re leaving, you deserve to be mocked
I'm not threatening to leave.
You are mistaken. Trump and numerous of his supporters attempted to overthrow a legitimately certified election, with salvoes of lies and then a violent attack on Congress to stop the Electoral Vote Count. That is an attempted coup. If you are trying to make excuses for it and cover it up, then you are in for a rude shock if you expect to be thought of as other than a traitor to our Constitution and our Republic. If that is what you are doing, then that is what you are.

Add: Calling then Nazis is a stretch. I see people using that word as if they do not know what it means.

The real coup happened in 2016-2020
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For a dictatorship, their wins are certainly few and far between. Coopting language never ends well.
Personally, I just don’t believe a Republican is going to be back in office anytime soon. There are no strong nominees and many parts of the country that were once red have turned blue. Think about it, Hillary was a shoo-in to win back in 2016 over Trump. She lost due to her horrible strategy and arrogance. If she planned better Donald would have gotten smoked. Trump was a terrible candidate with no political experience and because of those reasons he only lasted one term. The writer of that article may be onto something, but he has his fears focused on the wrong party. Who is calling the shots? Which political party will still be calling the shots after Biden leaves? We can only deal with the party that is currently in office right now.
Personally, I just don’t believe a Republican is going to be back in office anytime soon. There are no strong nominees and many parts of the country that were once red have turned blue. Think about it, Hillary was a shoo-in to win back in 2016 over Trump. She lost due to her horrible strategy and arrogance. If she planned better Donald would have gotten smoked. Trump was a terrible candidate with no political experience and because of those reasons he only lasted one term. The writer of that article may be onto something, but he has his fears focused on the wrong party. Who is calling the shots? Which political party will still be calling the shots after Biden leaves? We can only deal with the party that is currently in office right now.

My personal desire is to burn all the parties down and start new ones. Maybe forty five or fifty of them. Smaller, more focused, closer to the actual people. It would also cut down on negative campaigning as they'd have to spend all their energy staying on message.
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My personal desire is to burn all the parties down and start new ones. Maybe forty five or fifty of them. Smaller, more focused, closer to the actual people. It would also cut down on negative campaigning as they'd have to spend all their energy staying on message.
I’d settle for 5 right about now.


I think it would do the country a lot of good. We’d probably get nothing done.
I’d settle for 5 right about now.


I think it would do the country a lot of good. We’d probably get nothing done.

Only real problem with that is that the bureaucracy would be the real ruler, even more than it is now.
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I’d settle for 5 right about now.


I think it would do the country a lot of good. We’d probably get nothing done.

Better yet, go back to the practice of each division having fiscal conservative and fiscal liberal wings. Total, grind-inducing chaos.
While we are talking about attempted power grabs the calls from the left (politicians, media, and voters) to have Fox News deplatformed is one of the most disgusting.

Let’s remove Fox News, pack the courts, add 4 democratic senators, and then pretend it’s the other guys who are trying to steal political power.
While we are talking about attempted power grabs the calls from the left (politicians, media, and voters) to have Fox News deplatformed is one of the most disgusting.

Let’s remove Fox News, pack the courts, add 4 democratic senators, and then pretend it’s the other guys who are trying to steal political power.
In the name of Diversity!!!

And inclusion!
You are mistaken. Trump and numerous of his supporters attempted to overthrow a legitimately certified election, with salvoes of lies and then a violent attack on Congress to stop the Electoral Vote Count. That is an attempted coup. If you are trying to make excuses for it and cover it up, then you are in for a rude shock if you expect to be thought of as other than a traitor to our Constitution and our Republic. If that is what you are doing, then that is what you are.

Add: Calling then Nazis is a stretch. I see people using that word as if they do not know what it means.

Which member of congress was violently attacked? I’ll wait
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Which member of congress was violently attacked? I’ll wait
Having members of congress and a lot of liberal media pundits sensationalizing the events of that day hurt our republic, but I don't think minimizing it helps either.
Having members of congress and a lot of liberal media pundits sensationalizing the events of that day hurt our republic, but I don't think minimizing it helps either.

Am I missing something? Which member of congress was attacked?
While we are talking about attempted power grabs the calls from the left (politicians, media, and voters) to have Fox News deplatformed is one of the most disgusting.

Let’s remove Fox News, pack the courts, add 4 democratic senators, and then pretend it’s the other guys who are trying to steal political power.

Yeah, they're doing what they accuse Republicans of doing. Yet the fools on the left can't see this.
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