Good win for Spurs today. Now, if Arsenal can just represent for the EPL and beat Barca tomorrow, the round of 16 will be off to an ideal start. Probably won't happen though.
Great second half of football today in the Spurs-Milan game. Gattuso is so fun to watch. Dude has some serious issues.
Tomorrow is going to be fun. I'm hoping Guardiola comes out with a full strength side in an attempt to get the victory. I have seen too many away teams play for the draw in the first leg. Especially with the likeliness that Eboue starts at RB, Barcelona can bury them in the first leg with the shakiness of the Arsenal defense. Only person that scares me tomorrow is Walcott. He gave Barcelona several struggles last year.
We got what we deserved there. We made the same mistake as last year's first leg. You can't abandon the philosophy the entire club is built behind. We stopped trying to attack and thats why we lost the game. And the fact that Valdes was absolutely horrific on the two goals. I see why he will never be seriously considered to get meaningful cap for Spain. Posted via VolNation Mobile