I actually was following along with game tracker while at work but I just saw the replay of his at bat and you are exactly right. I should have said thank you to Marmol for deciding to throw that slider after he'd been blowing heat by everybody
He went hitless, but he he lined out hard twice. Defensively is where you can tell a big difference. He looks a whole lot better out there playing 1st base than Glaus did.
That Ankiel at bat was unreal. Marmol was throwing filth to him and then he leaves one up just a bit and Ricky nails it. Unreal he puts that kind of swing on that pitch with two strikes.
This team is unbelievable with the come from behind wins, not sure if i have ever seen anything like it.
My thoughts too. I have never heard Heyward speak about his influences, but it sure seems like he might have mirrored a little bit of what he saw in Lee.