The Atlanta Braves Thread VII

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Same deal as Pulp Ficition. The plot of those movies wasn't the point; the shocking dialogue/situations was the point. What constitutes being shocking has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. I think Pulp Fiction holds up better than Reservoir Dogs (and I liked it better at the time) because it's funnier, but both of them feel hopelessly dated now because the stuff that used to be so completely over the top isn't anymore.

Never thought the beauty of it was that is was shocking, just genious writing for dialogue between characters.
Never thought the beauty of it was that is was shocking, just genious writing for dialogue between characters.

That was a poor edit on my part; I meant to say that the point was something along the lines of the dialogue juxtaposed with shocking situations. The quintessential Tarantino scene is where Sam Jackson and John Travolta are driving to do a hit, talking about Royale With Cheese and foot massages, immediately followed up by incredible violence. The dialogue is all still great, but I can easily see how most of the incongruity of it all is lost on younger people who are watching those early movies for the first time now.
He speaks the third best eye-talian
What are you talking about, I don't speak Italian at all
Like I said, third best
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I say Nazi's like Brad Pitt in IB. Just has a certain disgusting ring to it.
I like Reservoir Dogs because it reminds me of my dad's military/college stories.

I'll tell you my favorite one. It's inappropriate and offensive, but kind of shows you the times in the 1980's:

My dad was dating a girl from Yale when he was at the Coast Guard Academy. Well, a class went to this opera at this really swank auditorium and it was a dress your best kind of opera. So they are in their whites and everyone is in their best at this uppity opera house. Well, she also went and she was allowed to sit with him.

So there were some Yale people wearing pink triangles (I believe it was pink triangles), which stood for equal rights for gays and lesbians. Well, the Coast Guard gentlemen didn't know what they meant. So they went to ask my father and he said "Well, they stand for gay and lesbian..." and the Coast Guard guys freak before he could finish and said such things like "They're gays! Why are they endorsing that?" and so forth. They would then grab my dad and ask if that person was gay (as if he would know) since they were wearing pink triangles. So throughout the night they loudly started to point out who was wearing the pink triangles and discussing if they were gay. Well one guy sees a hot blonde and notices the pink triangle. He then proceeds to yell out "Look, that blonde is gay! Wait a second....she's too hot to be gay!"

My dad said he's never seen a woman so embarrassed in his life and that she kept slowly slinking in her chair. They broke up a week later.
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Hahaha. Pink triangles. I had completely forgotten about them, but yes, they used to be everywhere and fraught with significance. Can't remember the last time I saw one.
Hahaha. Pink triangles. I had completely forgotten about them, but yes, they used to be everywhere and fraught with significance. Can't remember the last time I saw one.

It's crazy to hear the military stories back then and was like "Wait, you could say those things? In front of other people" and the Coast Guard Academy was the tamest of all the branches.

If you're interested in the City of London stuff, make sure you google up an article or two about how it's a tax haven. As if the Cayman Islands were right in the middle of Manhattan.
IB was great. How can you dig it's dialogue and not RD's though?

Exactly right. I love IB and Django but I still have more love for Dogs just bc it was the first time I'd ever heard dialogue written like that. The tipping speech, like a virgin speech, the creation of the anecdote, etc. And that's even before you get to the scenes in the warehouse.
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