The Atlanta Braves Thread

This hurricane has projected for 4-5 days: why didn’t they play a DH? Why not move to a neutral site? Why not play in NY? Why not play Monday when the weather was fine and both teams had an off day? ****ing terrible
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This could actually work to our benefit. Hear me out. If the D-Backs play themselves out of it and that is entirely possible they have 3 games left with San Diego and they won’t be throwing those games since they can still get the #1 seed. We will have the advantage of knowing if we will have to win Monday to make it in so let’s say we are for sure in we could save Sale for game 1 of the WC series. So I’m thinking Fried for game 1 against KC whenever that game is. Morton in game 2 and either Lopez or Holmes(or both) in game 3 then you have Sale and Schwallenbeck(sp) lined up for either the DH on Monday or games 1 and 2 of the WC series
Current forecast has rain ending before noon Friday. The weekend is not remotely in question IYAM

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