First off, welcome to the board (sorry I might be a little late in posting, but poker went late. . . .)
Excellent thread-starter. I, too, have thought a lot about possible ways to get the crowd more into the game. At times, Neyland feels more like an NFL atmosphere -- people are there "just to be there:" corporate tickets, grandfathered season tickets, and a lot of students who show up late and leave early. This city and the Vol fans have so much more to offer. Take last year's basketball as an example. I've never seen TBA so alive. It still has a ways to go to rival the Duke Crazies et al, but what a 180 we did in a year.
At this point, with so many fans who need to be prodded, I think it falls on the shoulders of the university and/or the media to start a little rally. Like it or not, we all share the same coach, same team, and same passion for UT football. Let's get behind the kids and let them know on September 2 that we know last year was a fluke, that we still love our Orange Bretheren, and that we WILL NOT continue to lose big games at home.
I'll be yelling right with you, from the "T" through 4th downs, still hoarse on Tuesday. Don't be intimidated by those around you. Don't lose your passion. And, if you need a seat, you can squeeze in with us anyday.