The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

Got it. Because you think race matters and I don’t. We’ve clearly moved on from Dr King’s goals. I’m sorry I’m behind. I thought being the best at your job is what was most important and being respectful to ALL people was the standard. Not so with the left?
Being the best at helping your organization reach their goal is what matters.
MLK would be in full agreement.
The supposed gap between a 5 star and a 2 star is so wide that the intangibles required to justify picking the 2 star are crazy.
Compare a 2 star with a 3 star. Or the player rated 24th in the nation at his position with the player rated 27th.

Side step one 1,2,3 , Side step 1,2,3 ..

Being the best at helping your organization reach their goal is what matters.
MLK would be in full agreement.

MLK would have had a come to Jesus meeting with you , reminding you what his mountain top speech was really about . Skin color has nothing to do with being qualified or not qualified and just because you belong to a specific political party doesn’t mean you can excuse it when it happens .
MLK would have had a come to Jesus meeting with you , reminding you what his mountain top speech was really about . Skin color has nothing to do with being qualified or not qualified and just because you belong to a specific political party doesn’t mean you can excuse it when it happens .
If they are casting for a stunt double for Eddie Murphy, skin color would certainly be a qualification. Same for when they are casting for a stunt double for Tom Hanks. Surely you do not view that as racist....right?

I know what the mountain top speech was all about. I share his dream. I share his realization that the dream is far from realized.
And I share his belief that there are steps that must be taken in order to ultimately realize the dream.

King would be appalled at the people who misrepresent him as a way to claim that things are equal already so nothing need be done.
Perhaps I am the only who sees the construct is created in such a way to make the "fact" inherently provocative.
But you weren't the only one to falsely accuse me of being a liar; however, I think you were the only one to make the claim multiple times.

And let's not forget the "maybe you want to check your sources" dig.
If they are casting for a stunt double for Eddie Murphy, skin color would certainly be a qualification. Same for when they are casting for a stunt double for Tom Hanks. Surely you do not view that as racist....right?

I know what the mountain top speech was all about. I share his dream. I share his realization that the dream is far from realized.
And I share his belief that there are steps that must be taken in order to ultimately realize the dream.

King would be appalled at the people who misrepresent him as a way to claim that things are equal already so nothing need be done.

MLK would have be appalled at you saying that racist remarks being made by one party was acceptable while not being acceptable by the other . Now I believe he was too good of a man to call you a hypocrite.. but I’m not . You are a hypocrite of the highest order .
MLK would have be appalled at you saying that racist remarks being made by one party was acceptable while not being acceptable by the other . Now I believe he was too good of a man to call you a hypocrite.. but I’m not . You are a hypocrite of the highest order .
I can't imagine ever saying racist remarks were acceptable.
However, a completely out of character racist remark from someone who is very low on the racist continuum is much easier to forgive and forget than yet another racist remark from someone who has a history of making such remarks and is high on the racist continuum.
MLK would have be appalled at you saying that racist remarks being made by one party was acceptable while not being acceptable by the other . Now I believe he was too good of a man to call you a hypocrite.. but I’m not . You are a hypocrite of the highest order .
I don’t like to call people names but you can’t have it both ways. Either race matters or it doesn’t. The new social justice warriors say it does. Most of us that actually remember MLK say it doesn’t. Your party is all about feelz and virtue signaling. That’s why all you guys on the left are having trouble coming up with Biden accomplishments. Virtue signaling isn’t an accomplishment; it’s pandering for votes.
But you weren't the only one to falsely accuse me of being a liar; however, I think you were the only one to make the claim multiple times.

And let's not forget the "maybe you want to check your sources" dig.
You probably haven't lied today.
I don’t like to call people names but you can’t have it both ways. Either race matters or it doesn’t. The new social justice warriors say it does. Most of us that actually remember MLK say it doesn’t. Your party is all about feelz and virtue signaling. That’s why all you guys on the left are having trouble coming up with Biden accomplishments. Virtue signaling isn’t an accomplishment; it’s pandering for votes.

You missed , but I agree lol
I can't imagine ever saying racist remarks were acceptable.
However, a completely out of character racist remark from someone who is very low on the racist continuum is much easier to forgive and forget than yet another racist remark from someone who has a history of making such remarks and is high on the racist continuum.

If only you knew how low you are on the self awareness “continuum”.
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Actually that was not directed at you. That was for Luthervol. Sorry 😜

I know that’s why I said you missed 😂
I was proud for a second thinking I was so balanced that somebody mistook me for a really moderate Dem , then I remembered who I was . LOL
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I don’t like to call people names but you can’t have it both ways. Either race matters or it doesn’t. The new social justice warriors say it does. Most of us that actually remember MLK say it doesn’t. Your party is all about feelz and virtue signaling. That’s why all you guys on the left are having trouble coming up with Biden accomplishments. Virtue signaling isn’t an accomplishment; it’s pandering for votes.
lol.........That's like saying either height matters or it doesn't.
or either age matters or it doesn't.

The uncomfortable truth with all of those is that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes it doesn't matter at all.
Sometimes it matters a little.
Sometimes it matters a lot.

Most things are shades of gray, only a few are either white or black.
lol.........That's like saying either height matters or it doesn't.
or either age matters or it doesn't.

The uncomfortable truth with all of those is that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes it doesn't matter at all.
Sometimes it matters a little.
Sometimes it matters a lot.

Most things are shades of gray, only a few are either white or black.

It either applies to all or it doesn’t . Skin color either matters or like MLK said .. IT DOESNT. No grey area . This is just you twisting in the wind .
lol.........That's like saying either height matters or it doesn't.
or either age matters or it doesn't.

The uncomfortable truth with all of those is that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes it doesn't matter at all.
Sometimes it matters a little.
Sometimes it matters a lot.

Most things are shades of gray, only a few are either white or black.
If the fifty best candidates for VP, cabinet post or SC judge are all black or women or whatever, I don’t care. Get the best! Narrowing the pool because of race is wrong, isn’t it?
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