The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

Residents from Biden's home state sound off on gas prices as inflation rages on

Biden will have 'similar legacy as Jimmy Carter,' one Delaware resident said

Andrew said inflation is burning a hole in his pocket (Fox News Digital/Jon Michael Raasch)

Residents from Biden's home state sound off on gas prices as inflation rages on
Something that hit close to home for me, literally. This is an email sent out to the Ohio public school where my mom teaches (I replaced the names with initials:

Hello Union Local,

We have seen a decline in the number of Covid infections as well as a decrease in the number of deaths and serious illness over the past several months. I think we can all agree that we are thankful for the this however, Covid 19 has left us with many challenges both in our personal and professional lives. As educators and child advocates, you face these challenges on a daily basis. The challenges and barriers to student achievement have always existed and are now further exacerbated by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Before I get to the exciting news, I would like to give you a little background information. Several years ago MP reached out to me to discuss starting a school-based health center. At the time, there was not a lot of funding and it just seemed that we would not be able to fund such a big project. I reached out to JB at Ohio Hills Health Services to see if he would be able to assist in the project. He told me that it was not impossible but it was hard to get funding. He did tell me that he would keep Union Local in mind if he saw any opportunities for funding in the future. Then the pandemic came and we all had other issues and challenges to overcome. In the Spring of 2021 J reached out to me about an opportunity to secure some funding for the project. We worked together to gather data and submit an application for a federally funded grant to support a school-based health center. Sadly were were not chosen to receive those funds. At the time there were only 25 grants awarded nationally. On March 17, 2022 J sent an email to MP and myself stating that President Biden would be signing the 2022 Omnibus Act into law and there was going to be 30 million dollars ear-marked for school-based health centers. Those funds would be given to grantee's who did not get funded in 2021. On May 3 I received another email from J stating that Ohio Hills Health Services in collaboration with Union Local would be receiving full funding to implement a school-based health center. The grant was written for $400,000.00 to be used over a 2 year period. 125 grants were awarded nationally. The grant was awarded through the Health Resources &Services Administration through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

It is with great pride that I announce that we have secured the funding and are collaborating with Ohio Hills Health Services with the anticipation to open a school-based health center in the fall of 2022. . A school-based health center is a partnership between a school and a local health center to provide comprehensive physical and mental health care. It will enable access to health services and eliminate barriers with the ultimate goal of improving student achievement. The center will be housed on our campus inside a school building. The purpose of the clinic is not replace primary care that students are already receiving but to supplement services and fill the gap where needs are not being met.

It is anticipated that the OHHC-Union Local health center will be staffed by a Nurse Practitioner and Medical Assistant 5 days per week. A dentist will be on site 1 day per week. Some of the services that may be offered are: annual physicals, sports physicals, immunizations, hearing/vision screenings, lab work, management of chronic illnesses(asthma, diabetes), acute illness management, writing prescriptions, making referrals and collaborating with other health care providers and specialists, mental health services and reproductive health services.

The clinic will be open to students and staff during school hours. There will be extended hours in the evening for community members. Having the clinic open to the community is a requirement for the grant.

The grant was written for the clinic to be housed in the Elementary building. I understand that space is already limited. You may be asked to give up some space. This may be uncomfortable and seem inconvenient. I am asking for your support. Please look at the benefit of the amazing opportunity and help get the clinic started.

This has not been board approved as all of the details have not been worked out. The funding needed to be secured before we could move forward. I just wanted all of you to know what is happening. I will keep you updated as more information is available. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestion or just want to discuss this further, please feel reach out to me. I look forward to working with you all and can't express how honored I am to be part of such an exciting adventure.”
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^^Who pays for it after the $400k grant is gone?
It’s a two year grant, they assess the success/viability after, and if it’s deemed beneficial enough they apply for a new grant (this is what I’ve heard, may be an assumption)
Something that hit close to home for me, literally. This is an email sent out to the Ohio public school where my mom teaches (I replaced the names with initials:

Hello Union Local,

We have seen a decline in the number of Covid infections as well as a decrease in the number of deaths and serious illness over the past several months. I think we can all agree that we are thankful for the this however, Covid 19 has left us with many challenges both in our personal and professional lives. As educators and child advocates, you face these challenges on a daily basis. The challenges and barriers to student achievement have always existed and are now further exacerbated by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Before I get to the exciting news, I would like to give you a little background information. Several years ago MP reached out to me to discuss starting a school-based health center. At the time, there was not a lot of funding and it just seemed that we would not be able to fund such a big project. I reached out to JB at Ohio Hills Health Services to see if he would be able to assist in the project. He told me that it was not impossible but it was hard to get funding. He did tell me that he would keep Union Local in mind if he saw any opportunities for funding in the future. Then the pandemic came and we all had other issues and challenges to overcome. In the Spring of 2021 J reached out to me about an opportunity to secure some funding for the project. We worked together to gather data and submit an application for a federally funded grant to support a school-based health center. Sadly were were not chosen to receive those funds. At the time there were only 25 grants awarded nationally. On March 17, 2022 J sent an email to MP and myself stating that President Biden would be signing the 2022 Omnibus Act into law and there was going to be 30 million dollars ear-marked for school-based health centers. Those funds would be given to grantee's who did not get funded in 2021. On May 3 I received another email from J stating that Ohio Hills Health Services in collaboration with Union Local would be receiving full funding to implement a school-based health center. The grant was written for $400,000.00 to be used over a 2 year period. 125 grants were awarded nationally. The grant was awarded through the Health Resources &Services Administration through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

It is with great pride that I announce that we have secured the funding and are collaborating with Ohio Hills Health Services with the anticipation to open a school-based health center in the fall of 2022. . A school-based health center is a partnership between a school and a local health center to provide comprehensive physical and mental health care. It will enable access to health services and eliminate barriers with the ultimate goal of improving student achievement. The center will be housed on our campus inside a school building. The purpose of the clinic is not replace primary care that students are already receiving but to supplement services and fill the gap where needs are not being met.

It is anticipated that the OHHC-Union Local health center will be staffed by a Nurse Practitioner and Medical Assistant 5 days per week. A dentist will be on site 1 day per week. Some of the services that may be offered are: annual physicals, sports physicals, immunizations, hearing/vision screenings, lab work, management of chronic illnesses(asthma, diabetes), acute illness management, writing prescriptions, making referrals and collaborating with other health care providers and specialists, mental health services and reproductive health services.

The clinic will be open to students and staff during school hours. There will be extended hours in the evening for community members. Having the clinic open to the community is a requirement for the grant.

The grant was written for the clinic to be housed in the Elementary building. I understand that space is already limited. You may be asked to give up some space. This may be uncomfortable and seem inconvenient. I am asking for your support. Please look at the benefit of the amazing opportunity and help get the clinic started.

This has not been board approved as all of the details have not been worked out. The funding needed to be secured before we could move forward. I just wanted all of you to know what is happening. I will keep you updated as more information is available. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestion or just want to discuss this further, please feel reach out to me. I look forward to working with you all and can't express how honored I am to be part of such an exciting adventure.”
While this sounds fantastic, how do you pay for an NP, MA and 1/5 Dentist with only $200K per year? I think a lot of hospital administrators would like some of that action.
While this sounds fantastic, how do you pay for an NP, MA and 1/5 Dentist with only $200K per year? I think a lot of hospital administrators would like some of that action.
I think people assume that healthcare workers make more than we do 😂… all jokes aside, I’m thinking that the grant isn’t the exclusive source of funding.
It’s a two year grant, they assess the success/viability after, and if it’s deemed beneficial enough they apply for a new grant (this is what I’ve heard, may be an assumption)
It’s a free welfare clinic. Once you provide it you can’t take it back…. Next up…. Free breakfast and lunch for all students
It’s a free welfare clinic. Once you provide it you can’t take it back…. Next up…. Free breakfast and lunch for all students
It provides community health services to kids in an underserved, rural area. Two of the three local hospitals just shuttered their doors for good. Your perspective is garbage, if I do say so myself.
I’d like to thank the globalists (democrats and republicans) for the unanimous support to the tune of billions for Ukraine while we’re having a formula crisis, gas crisis and rampant inflation.

I know this thread is about Joe and Kamala. But let’s be honest, they’re not much different from their republican counterparts. All politicians pay lip service(Kamala’s specialty I hear) to the people and do whatever their donors want once they get elected.
I’d like to thank the globalists (democrats and republicans) for the unanimous support to the tune of billions for Ukraine while we’re having a formula crisis, gas crisis and rampant inflation.

I know this thread is about Joe and Kamala. But let’s be honest, they’re not much different from their republican counterparts. All politicians pay lip service(Kamala’s specialty I hear) to the people and do whatever their donors want once they get elected.
True but Biden is a helpless, sock puppet, idiot ass
I ran into something yesterday and realized why Biden's approval rating is still where it is.

Talking with a friend of mine, conservative, businessman and I noticed he kind of defended Biden a bit, saying he is having problems with "messaging" with regards his successes. He pointed to the low unemployment number, but agreed that is now pretty much a bogus number because the LPR is not changing or actually declining.

Turns out he voted for Biden. First Democrat he has voted for in a long time, if ever. Couldn't stand Trump's sometimes loose affiliation with the truth. As he put it, "Trump tells a lie when the truth would suit him better." And will not vote for him '24. Would vote for Biden again.

Guy is not an idiot. Not lazy. Not a leftist. I think it is a case of defending one's decision. I understand the sentiment. We see with the sometimes blind allegiance to Trump. I wonder how really extensive this is? It seems obvious Biden is completely over his head and is surrounded by what may be one of worst cabinets in history.
I ran into something yesterday and realized why Biden's approval rating is still where it is.

Talking with a friend of mine, conservative, businessman and I noticed he kind of defended Biden a bit, saying he is having problems with "messaging" with regards his successes. He pointed to the low unemployment number, but agreed that is now pretty much a bogus number because the LPR is not changing or actually declining.

Turns out he voted for Biden. First Democrat he has voted for in a long time, if ever. Couldn't stand Trump's sometimes loose affiliation with the truth. As he put it, "Trump tells a lie when the truth would suit him better." And will not vote for him '24. Would vote for Biden again.

Guy is not an idiot. Not lazy. Not a leftist. I think it is a case of defending one's decision. I understand the sentiment. We see with the sometimes blind allegiance to Trump. I wonder how really extensive this is? It seems Biden is completely over his head and is surround by what may be one of worst cabinets in history.

We've all seen people who refuse to admit they made a mistake regardless what it costs them.

VN Store
