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Will be interesting to see what the next cpi data shows. By all accounts spending is down and supply problems are easing. Gas prices down. Commodities down. Theoretically should see some inflation relief soon.

I'm more concerned about the PPI. I also think prices won't come down much especially in service related areas. Who's going to reduce labor rates
There is some business where this makes very good sense. My wife's for instance. She has a very specific and in demand knowledge of a hot industry. She makes very good money for someone with no college degree.

About 1/3 of the people she works with/for work from home. Now we just hope she can work hard and get a promotion to make another 15 to 20 grand and I can stay home and run our rescue/farm full time.
One thing to be concerned about, however... well actually two things. First, at some point, some company is going to start a trend where they start cutting paid leave for a lot of these at home people as costs go up. Second, if you can do a job at home in the USA, why couldn't someone else do that same job for less money in India?
Will be interesting to see what the next cpi data shows. By all accounts spending is down and supply problems are easing. Gas prices down. Commodities down. Theoretically should see some inflation relief soon.

CPI is a little laggy and it will take a while from the government manipulations to the previously reported data to work its way out of the system...

Suspect it will be high
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In my own experience a huge problem is the expectation amongst young professionals that the work from home model is just fine with employers.

Employers who are okay with that should be executed in painful ways because they are screwing over those of us who need people to f'Ing show up.

Honestly one thing to take away from COVID is how dated and wildly unnecessary the brick and mortar office setting is for a wide variety of businesses.

In your field, sure. It's somewhat more necessary. It's completely required in mine. But boy howdy if I could physically stay away from my business and handle everything remotely, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
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You guys don’t get it. Once the mortgage rates get to 7% the housing market is gotta collapse, right after all the new homes built to accommodate the people fleeing the cities.

The money has already been stolen by the kleptocrats last year in the trillions bills. Now it’s time for us to take the beating. Pimp Brandon and Pelosi have sold our asses. Their friends get the money and we get the *******
You guys don’t get it. Once the mortgage rates get to 7% the housing market is gotta collapse, right after all the new homes built to accommodate the people fleeing the cities.

The money has already been stolen by the kleptocrats last year in the trillions bills. Now it’s time for us to take the beating. Pimp Brandon and Pelosi have sold our asses. Their friends get the money and we get the *******

Gotta say..trillions have been stolen over the year..whether budgetary or policy. The Bridge to Nowhere was child play.
One thing to be concerned about, however... well actually two things. First, at some point, some company is going to start a trend where they start cutting paid leave for a lot of these at home people as costs go up. Second, if you can do a job at home in the USA, why couldn't someone else do that same job for less money in India?
They already do to some extent. A lot of tech support jobs went to India but customers objected do strenuously in some industries that the companies brought those jobs back.

The employers are actually saving money letting people work from home. There's a benefit. Eventually you may see some of the guys in time off but right now the trend is actually going the other way. Less hours more of the fringe benefits to keep employees happy.
You guys don’t get it. Once the mortgage rates get to 7% the housing market is gotta collapse, right after all the new homes built to accommodate the people fleeing the cities.

The money has already been stolen by the kleptocrats last year in the trillions bills. Now it’s time for us to take the beating. Pimp Brandon and Pelosi have sold our asses. Their friends get the money and we get the *******

This will be a problem in places where there are actually houses under construction. I probably passed 150-200 single family homes under construction in Cobb/Cherokee County last week. I couldn’t tell you where one new home is under construction in Bristol TN.
They already do to some extent. A lot of tech support jobs went to India but customers objected do strenuously in some industries that the companies brought those jobs back.

The employers are actually saving money letting people work from home. There's a benefit. Eventually you may see some of the guys in time off but right now the trend is actually going the other way. Less hours more of the fringe benefits to keep employees happy.
We'll just have to wait and see how this plays out over the next few years. But if you have employers and supervisors like @lawgator1 hanging around, I can see them wanting to go after unpaid leave.
What I wa expecting from the title, should have looked at who the OP was.

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