The Constitutional Case for Constitutionally Valid Secession

Agreed. Put toll gates on all crossings into Florida. Would balance the budget.

Mexico wouldn't want Texas.
There’s sure a helluva lotta Mexicans in Texas already and the number is growing daily due to the idiots you’re shilling for 🤡
We cannot work with or live with people that want us dead..
Totally agree. That’s why we have to change the minds of those people. And that will take a generation and will only be done when we get serious about removing the liberal chokehold on the media, entertainment, and academia. Breitbart understood it better than anyone. Politics is downstream of culture. Conservatives have wasted their time trying to place band aids on severed arteries instead of trying to take the butchers knife away from the people stabbing us.
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Totally agree. That’s why we have to change the minds of those people. And that will take a generation and will only be done when we get serious about removing the liberal chokehold on the media, entertainment, and academia. Breitbart understood it better than anyone. Politics is downstream of culture. Conservatives have wasted their time trying to place band aids on severed arteries instead of trying to take the butchers knife away from the people stabbing us.
I agree with your sentiment and have mentioned the same thing myself. But as you mentioned, it will not be an immediate change. That is the frustrating part of all this.

The Civil War is over.

Did you just threaten half the country?
A 2 state solution is the best option at this point
No, a divided two state America would be too weak to stand up to China, Russia, or a potentially assertive EU. United We Stand, Divided We Fall is just as true today as it was when we faced off with King George III.
You can’t survive in a hostile neighborhood until you get your internal family squabbling stopped.
We're already divided.
Not as much as you think. It is easy to think the left has larger numbers than they do, especially if you are on Twitter and Facebook or are on an American collegiate campus. They dominate these channels and if you are not careful (happens to me all the time) you get depressed thinking that Twitter is an accurate reflection of reality. There are still many more of us than there are of them. You are starting to see that reflected now politicaly in Biden’s horrendous poling. Between the Covid restrictions and the BLM/Antifa wokefest, the average American who only distantly follows politics is waking up. America is finally becoming “woke” but not in the way the left intended.
The key is to take advantage of the momentary opportunity, seize the initiative, and don’t let up. Time to put the left on the defensive and not give them an opportunity to regroup. The true conservatives in Congress better have a proactive plan in place to start five minutes after Pelosi hands the gavel to McCarthy in January 2023. There can’t be a single day without investigations, bills to defund big education, bills to protect free speech, bills to either reign in or else disband big tech…..We have to be happy warriors but we have to fight and quit reacting
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The fact is the big bad blue states pay the way for the smaller red states. You can try to dance and spin all you want, but that's the way it is.

No, they don't and this is such a tired, unthinking argument.

The fed distributes funds to states in essentially three ways; entitlement benefits, grants, and payment to federal employees and for the facilities/services they occupy and consume. Actual 'welfare' is relatively pretty small. Grants are the cogent means to measure who's getting what as an expansive definition of 'welfare'. In that realm, archetype blue states appear to not only consume more grant money in sum, but per capita.

CA has the highest poverty rate - practical poverty (Supplemental Poverty Measure) - in the nation. NY, HI, NM, DC also fall into that top 10 of highest per capita poverty rankings. Among ratings of state fiscal solvency , the least solvent bottom half is littered near exclusively with blue states while red dominates the most solvent upper half. This happened after these red states of CA, NY et al came to prosperity under Republican governance and as capitalist centers. WTH happened? Besides Democrat governance, that is?

The basis of this argument is that blue states pay disproportionately more in fed taxes than they receive. This is a result of higher incomes and a 'progressive' tax system; are you arguing against this system of taxation and in favor of a flat/Fair Tax? No? - then what is the argument? It's exactly the proposition that higher income earners should pay more that has underpinned the Dem plank for a century or more, but hide under a tarp when complaining about how much those damned "poor" red states pay. Convoluted, self-serving logic.

Republican voters have higher incomes regardless of state or region. With the exception of SC, Democrats controlled the state legislatures of the South before the Civil War and from Reconstruction until 2010/12. Southern states have disproportionately high black and Hispanic populations - who are 90%+ and 67%+ Democrat constituencies - that are socioeconomic drags on those states, as is the legacy of poor Southern whites, yet I don't hear Republicans complaining about paying the way for these disproportionately large Democrat constituencies.

The red/blue state argument is inch-deep navel-gazing at a mile wide scenario. I can scratch Republicans, but absolutely gore Democrats.
No, a divided two state America would be too weak to stand up to China, Russia, or a potentially assertive EU. United We Stand, Divided We Fall is just as true today as it was when we faced off with King George III.
You can’t survive in a hostile neighborhood until you get your internal family squabbling stopped.

The Russian military threat is overrated and we could still stand united against any mainland threat. The more both sides wish to impose top down authoritarian policies, the only way that can work is two states.

If the left wishes to pack courts, add states so they can have more left wing senators, and then use that acquired power to dictate how the entire countries lives, the only solution is to leave
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It still requires 3/4 ratification to go into effect. That is a popular vote in believe I each state. Even if it’s legislatures it’s an uphill fight. Thus it’s DOA anyway. But I’d love for the precedent to be set that the states raise up and attempt to put a leash and collar on the Feds even though it’s probably a waste of time.

The reality is the states could do that now by banding together and repealing the 17th amendment. That would go along way in restoring power to the states.
How the 10th is not used in court or how ineffective just a astounds me

Repeal the 17th
Congressional term limits
Ban public trading for Congress
Balanced Budget
Immigration authority to the states
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A distortion, at best. Your beef isn't with Islam, but a certain sect of Saudi Wahhabism that has been funded and supported by the KSA, Israel, UK and US.

Everything else in your post was pretty much spot on.

I think Sharia incompatible with the West regardless of which type/form of Islam employs it.



These Muslim majorities cannot be attributed to the Wahhabist sect. This is not isolated polling or an exceptional finding of Muslim majorities favoring coercement and corporal/capital punishments, dhimmi for non-subscribers and/or offending adherents. That includes broad support of political violence.

My beef is with Islam in the main regardless of anecdotal Westernized Muslims. They appear to be outliers and statistical anomalies. Until Islam has it's own Jesus-like reformation eschewing the militant coercion of Mohammed the lawgiver, this cornerstone flaw remains in Islam.
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You must wait one year after registering in another state or congressional district to be able to vote locally
Failure to vote after 2 years requires you to reregister.
Non citizens are prohibited from voting
I think Sharia incompatible with the West regardless of which type/form of Islam employs it.



These Muslim majorities cannot be attributed to the Wahhabist sect. This is not isolated polling or an exceptional finding of Muslim majorities favoring coercement and corporal/capital punishments, dhimmi for non-subscribers and/or offending adherents. That includes broad support of political violence.

My beef is with Islam in the main regardless of anecdotal Westernized Muslims. They appear to be outliers and statistical anomalies. Until Islam has it's own Jesus-like reformation eschewing the militant coercion of Mohammed the lawgiver, this cornerstone flaw remains in Islam.
You are blurring the lines between Wahhabism and the rest of the Islamic world. The rest of these Muslim countries just want national sovereignty. They are not out here like the Saudis putting together militias all over the place and trying to overturn govts.
We cannot work with or live with people that want us dead.
Separation Or Purge? Sharing A Society With The Political Left Is Impossible | ZeroHedge

There are people who will naively argue that the establishment wants America divided and separation plays into their hands. Guess what? There is no reconciliation with tyrants and trying to maintain a union with them is the pinnacle of idiocy. There is no union, it is a figment of your imagination. I think the establishment prefers that we stay within the box; that we continue wasting all our time and attention on on trying to hold a system together that is corrupt beyond repair. We will never be allowed to peacefully repair what has been broken.

Unfortunately, the only path this leaves is one of violence. Leftists will have to be forced out of positions of power and influence and removed from our culture like a cancerous tumor is cut from the body to save the body. I don’t think this should be the obvious choice. I don’t want it to be. What I am saying is, leftists and their partners in government and the corporate world will force the issue because they cannot help it; like the story of the scorpion and the frog, it’s in their nature to destroy.

They will continue to push and steal and threaten and abuse until they get the inevitable response of a punch in the teeth. Then, they will play the victim like they always do. This crying and gaslighting will have to be ignored. In the end, these people cannot be tolerated in a free culture and their power to harm and enslave others must be removed, one way or another.
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And our federal government isn’t any harder to buy.

Much more expensive to buy the feds. Besides, you don't really buy Senators. All but one is a multi-millionaire (Lamar wasn't when he got to the Senate but he's one now, so he does help your case).
Not as much as you think. It is easy to think the left has larger numbers than they do, especially if you are on Twitter and Facebook or are on an American collegiate campus. They dominate these channels and if you are not careful (happens to me all the time) you get depressed thinking that Twitter is an accurate reflection of reality. There are still many more of us than there are of them. You are starting to see that reflected now politicaly in Biden’s horrendous poling. Between the Covid restrictions and the BLM/Antifa wokefest, the average American who only distantly follows politics is waking up. America is finally becoming “woke” but not in the way the left intended.
The key is to take advantage of the momentary opportunity, seize the initiative, and don’t let up. Time to put the left on the defensive and not give them an opportunity to regroup. The true conservatives in Congress better have a proactive plan in place to start five minutes after Pelosi hands the gavel to McCarthy in January 2023. There can’t be a single day without investigations, bills to defund big education, bills to protect free speech, bills to either reign in or else disband big tech…..We have to be happy warriors but we have to fight and quit reacting

There's more of us than there are of them? That's easy to say in Tennessee but your perceptions might be different if you lived in California or New York.

We're divided, seriously divided.

Biden's numbers are still better than Trump's, unless you're following OAN.
What happens after this so called peaceful split? Everyone lives happily ever after? Yeah right.

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