The Country of Sissies

"Everyone is going to die. There is no point in escaping from that, in escaping from reality. We have to stop being a country of sissies."
"Everyone is going to die. There is no point in escaping from that, in escaping from reality. We have to stop being a country of sissies."

I've never seen so many people in America advocate for hiding in their basements with masks on with no human contact for months at a time. It's quite sad frankly. This should be about personal responsibility. If you are scared or have some kind underlying health concern, then don't go out. We've never locked down the entire HEALTHY population like this. I know the risks and I choose to handle it how I see fit. So far the damage we are doing financially, mentally, and education wise to people is far worse. All the lockdowns have done is prolonged the inevitable. The virus is going to make the rounds whether we hide in our turtle shells or not.

And lets be clear, I wear a mask in public as required and I try to avoid large gatherings.
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I've never seen so many people in America advocate for hiding in their basements with masks on with no human contact for months at a time. It's quite sad frankly. This should be about personal responsibility. If you are scared or have some kind underlying health concern, then don't go out. We've never locked down the entire HEALTHY population like this. I know the risks and I choose to handle it how I see fit. So far the damage we are doing financially, mentally, and education wise to people is far worse. All the lockdowns have done is prolonged the inevitable. The virus is going to make the rounds whether we hide in our turtle shells or not.

And lets be clear, I wear a mask in public as required and I try to avoid large gatherings.
While I see your point and agree with some of it, the bravado of those who decide they are not going to be told what to do is making this whole thing drag on longer. Even when we were all locked down, there were huge numbers of people ignoring it and going about their lives as they pleased. And so it continued to spread and continues to spread. Like it or not, if everyone just stayed the heck home for a month it would be over with. I understand some people simply cannot stay home. Healthcare workers, grocery workers, police, fire, etc. But the rest could. Yeah it would hurt, but it would be over with.

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