The Country of Sissies

So true, amazing how the sheeple are so willing to give up liberty for rhe promise of safety. So scary.

It's really not that amazing. I think it's just in our nature. People do it all the time and it's not just with Covid. They're afraid of drugs, so they give up freedom. They're afraid of poverty, so they give up freedom. They're afraid of foreign competition, so they give up freedom. They're afraid of environmental disaster, so they give up freedom. They're afraid of immigrants, so they give up freedom. They're afraid of terrorism, so they give up freedom. And so on.
I’m kind of jealous. My brother and I never had beef. We just played with our dolls and occasionally had a slap fest over whose turn it was.

Honesty and acceptance is a very important step to moving past being a panty waisted pussboy....

I am proud of you for "owning" your effeminate past. Its probably not your fault.
This is what peeing while sitting will do.
I knew a guy that actually admitted to me that his wife made him sit to pee so he wouldn't leave the seat up or pee on it. I shook my head in disbelief and gave him the "look".
While I see your point and agree with some of it, the bravado of those who decide they are not going to be told what to do is making this whole thing drag on longer. Even when we were all locked down, there were huge numbers of people ignoring it and going about their lives as they pleased. And so it continued to spread and continues to spread. Like it or not, if everyone just stayed the heck home for a month it would be over with. I understand some people simply cannot stay home. Healthcare workers, grocery workers, police, fire, etc. But the rest could. Yeah it would hurt, but it would be over with.
First point in bold, I don't believe that at all. It isn't just going to go away. Secondly the more stringent policies the government tries to enforce, the more people are going to give them the middle finger and not follow it.

Since March and covid started I have been to destin once, seaside once, six flags over ga with the kids, ohio twice, kings island, highlands nc in a cabin and am headed to st Louis 6 flags in 3 weeks and then back to destin.

How's that basement of yours smelling?
While I see your point and agree with some of it, the bravado of those who decide they are not going to be told what to do is making this whole thing drag on longer. Even when we were all locked down, there were huge numbers of people ignoring it and going about their lives as they pleased. And so it continued to spread and continues to spread. Like it or not, if everyone just stayed the heck home for a month it would be over with. I understand some people simply cannot stay home. Healthcare workers, grocery workers, police, fire, etc. But the rest could. Yeah it would hurt, but it would be over with.
But your own post has fallacy. If healthcare workers, grocery workers, truckers, etc. are still all working then not everyone is staying home. All you will do is drag it out even more because people will still go to the grocery store or the doctor or whatever.
I still remember the day they told us we couldn't play dodgeball in gym anymore and had to replace it with rollerball. One of those childhood traumas that stick with you.
Who didn't enjoy whipping a ball at their classmates.... Classic. Be tough or get smeared.
Since March and covid started I have been to destin once, seaside once, six flags over ga with the kids, ohio twice, kings island, highlands nc in a cabin and am headed to st Louis 6 flags in 3 weeks and then back to destin.

How's that basement of yours smelling?
Did you go to the Mountain Fresh Grocery, near the church on Main Street in Highlands and eat? I have been there many times. Also, is the Back Porch still around in Destin? I used to go there back in the 70's and 80's. I haven't been to Destin in several years. Too crowded for me.

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