The crash is gonna be bad

I am so high on Tennessee Football right now I don't know what to do with myself.

Coach Jones you better not let me down. If we crash, it's gonna hurt. And it's gonna hurt bad.

Here is what you can expect vollygirl.

1. Improved team attitude
1) playing 60 min every game
2)110% effort on every play by all 11 players
3) playing each game with emotion
4) proper execution of all assignments on O/D
5) Improved fundamentals especially tackling
2. Improved Coaching
1) Having a real winnable game play for each
2) Being able to make real time in game
3) Understanding and apply time management
principles correctly in game situations
4) Having the right player for each position in the
game at the right time.

These are valid expectations which must be meet. It is the process CBJ speaks about. Using last yr as a base for measurement, you can watch for yourself. W's will come. I still would not bet if P can kick a fg though.
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I am so high on Tennessee Football right now I don't know what to do with myself.

I am a total amateur at following recruiting. So maybe what I think I'm seeing isn't really happening. Feel free to bring me back down to earth.

I am in love with Team 117. I want these young men to see every dream they have of Tennessee be a reality this year. J Smith, B Mo, Tiny, AJ, Justin and Nate, Palardy, hell all of them that decided to don the orange and play in the most beautiful setting ever created for college football.

Coach Jones you better not let me down. If we crash, it's gonna hurt. And it's gonna hurt bad.

if you study recruiting history, you'll know that almost half of players never pan out. don't get caught up in recruiting, it will just get you burned out faster
if you study recruiting history, you'll know that almost half of players never pan out. don't get caught up in recruiting, it will just get you burned out faster

There is some truth to this. You never know, an injury here an attitude issue there, and it can unravel.

Look at UK hoops last year. Awesome incoming class just never jelled. So they re-loaded with another one.

If Jones can keep the recruiting up, over time it should work out to UT's favor. I think that's why 2015-16 should be the benchmark for real/sustained improvement when it comes to wins.

2013-14, the improvement should come in attitude.
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There is some truth to this. You never know, an injury here an attitude issue there, and it can unravel.

Look at UK hoops last year. Awesome incoming class just never jelled. So they re-loaded with another one.

If Jones can keep the recruiting up, over time it should work out to UT's favor. I think that's why 2015-16 should be the benchmark for real/sustained improvement when it comes to wins.

2013-14, the improvement should come in attitude.

i'm not talking about just UT recruiting, but recruiting in general. how many 4 and 5 star players never panned out. i never keep up with recruiting much because the product never lives up the hype. i'd rather study a program and then follow the players throughout the year.
i'm not talking about just UT recruiting, but recruiting in general. how many 4 and 5 star players never panned out. i never keep up with recruiting much because the product never lives up the hype. i'd rather study a program and then follow the players throughout the year.

I agree, especially in this day and age. What if the 2014 class doesn't bring in any hardware but they played well, won a few "important" games, and represented the school well. Were they successful? I'd say yes.

But we've got posters on here talking about national titles. The expectations are so inflated that the truth in reality isn't acceptable.
The crash is gonna be bad

Butch Jones = 5 Hour Energy
The crash will only be bad if you expect over 4-5 wins this year! My expectations are very low after finally realizing how bad our talent level truly is.
UT will indeed be back to being competitive by 2016-2017
The crash will only be bad if you expect over 4-5 wins this year! My expectations are very low after finally realizing how bad our talent level truly is.
UT will indeed be back to being competitive by 2016-2017

Insert GTFO gif.

Football is supposed to be fun. And being optimistic about our team makes it fun. 4 games? really? There is a chance for a good season, what if Worley rips it up? You don't know, neither do I.
yet you've got people posting on this website that they think UT can win 8-9 games.

Personally, I believe Tennessee is capable of winning 9 games this year. Why Not?

It makes no sense to me why the '13 Vols have been relegated to the -7w club before the 1st game is played.

This year's players are not a bunch of scrubs who must play teams filled with cybertronic robot football gods.

The current players have the potential to step up, get better, gel, and be successful - just like any other athlete who has earned a scholarship at an elite university.

The players on the team are good players, they were good recruits too. They didn't get recruited because they were scrubs and they had no idea Dooley would be so terrible at player development, as-well-as almost every other aspect of the game.

Coach Jones and his staff are winners. They will install their system and instill their fire into these players. They will have them conditioned to compete and they will have them expecting to succeed.

I do not believe, at all, that anything less than 8-9 wins will be a failure. I am simply saying there is no good reason for any UT fan to feel like our Vols are not capable of producing a 9+/- win season, even if it's suspected/expected they will not.

They may only win 5-7 games, but I truly believe that, with the talent, the coaching, the facilities, and the fans, there is real potential to see an 8-9 win season.
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It would seem to me that if you are going to criticize one's priorities and opinions on another fan board, that you would make sure everything was spelled correctly first :) True, academics are important, but I know of 2 former Vol/ NFL players here in Knoxville that are still hugely successful. They did not slack on their academics, but football was their "foot in the door", so to speak. It is all about what you do with your opportunities. UT has several highly-rated programs...Logistics, Architecture, Engineering ( to name a few), so the university is, by large, a great place to get an education.

"Far in lie"? Hmmmm, So apparently your college concentrated on something besides football OR academics. :loco: bye bye now. Thanks for sharing.

Academically speaking there are only two things that are statistically proven to be indicators of success and neither is academics or IQ. The first is discipline. The second is emotional intelligence. One piece of EI is social awareness which would mean gauging the audience before you make comments like yours. Just a thought ��
yep, ive offen wunnered if fokes brunged up there football program on akademmiks forums. we talkin football, not 3 r's.
I am so high on Tennessee Football right now I don't know what to do with myself.

I am a total amateur at following recruiting. So maybe what I think I'm seeing isn't really happening. Feel free to bring me back down to earth.

I am in love with Team 117. I want these young men to see every dream they have of Tennessee be a reality this year. J Smith, B Mo, Tiny, AJ, Justin and Nate, Palardy, hell all of them that decided to don the orange and play in the most beautiful setting ever created for college football.

Coach Jones you better not let me down. If we crash, it's gonna hurt. And it's gonna hurt bad.

I'm gonna make an unsolicited prediction. UT will win 6 in '13, 7 in '14, and revamp the D coaching after the EOS. Just MHO. Don't know after that.
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I've been thinking this for months now. I understand after the Dooley era that people are grasping at anything they can to feel excited about UT football, but good feelings ultimately lead to greater expectations, and I feel at this point it's a disservice to Jones to heap all those expectations on him. He's been handed a team with a strong offensive line, but no QB, no playmakers at the skill positions and one of the worst defenses in the history of organized football. There's literally no reason IMO for people to think this team should win any more than 6 games, yet you've got people posting on this website that they think UT can win 8-9 games.

As of today, as best I can tell, Jones has hardly set a foot wrong since arriving in Knoxville, yet I'm afraid we're still going to end up with pissed off fans come November, not because Jones did anything wrong, but because he failed to meet the absurd expectations that spiraled out of control when he did all the off the field stuff right during the offseason. He's handled everything within his control masterfully so far, but he has basically no control over the roster full of sub-SEC talent that he'll be going into games with this year, and we'll just have to see how he does with that.
Like Butch, this guy gets it.
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This quote applies more to Vandy football IMO. If they experience some tough losses, what can they fall back on? Academics? Please. They are high on their recent success. Let's see what happens when they get knocked down a notch. UT will always be able to fall back on facilities, tradition, and a kick-ass stadium for recruits to buy in to.[

Vandy has been through 100 years of tough losses. I think they're perfectly happy where they're at right now. They would really have to play like crap to not be bowl eligible at the end of the season.
We're a 6-6 team if we just beat who we're supposed to beat. We're a 7-5 team with an Auburn victory (which I think we can pull off). The only way I see us losing more than 6 games is if we are decimated by injuries at an un proportional level.

Dude Auburn with 2-10 last year...I will never understand why you guys think they are a good or even decent team.
Coming off a national championship, that's the most disappointing use of talent I've ever seen.

But the talent is still there, and the prior coach who was squandering it isn't. Auburn and UT find themselves in similar situations with regards to breaking in a new coach, Auburn is just going to be doing so with a little bit more talent.
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Personally, I believe Tennessee is capable of winning 9 games this year. Why Not?

It makes no sense to me why the '13 Vols have been relegated to the -7w club before the 1st game is played.

This year's players are not a bunch of scrubs who must play teams filled with cybertronic robot football gods.

The current players have the potential to step up, get better, gel, and be successful - just like any other athlete who has earned a scholarship at an elite

The players on the team are good players, they were good recruits too. They didn't get recruited because they were scrubs and they had no idea Dooley would be so terrible at player development, as-well-as almost every other aspect of the game.

Coach Jones and his staff are winners. They will install their system and instill their fire into these players. They will have them conditioned to compete and they will have them expecting to succeed.

I do not believe, at all, that anything less than 8-9 wins will be a failure. I am simply saying there is no good reason for any UT fan to feel like our Vols are not capable of producing a 9+/- win season, even if it's suspected/expected they will not.

They may only win 5-7 games, but I truly believe that, with the talent, the coaching, the facilities, and the fans, there is real potential to see an 8-9 win season.

What do the facilities and fans have to do with THIS team winning or not winning nine games this year? They may or may not do it. But to say it is a failure if they do not is just plain dumb. Quote from the redneck CB game.
What do the facilities and fans have to do with THIS team winning or not winning nine games this year? They may or may not do it. But to say it is a failure if they do not is just plain dumb. Quote from the redneck CB game.

I agree. The fans waiving the "facilities" flag need to get a clue!
I agree. The fans waiving the "facilities" flag need to get a clue!

Maybe they think we have an above average superman charging unit that we place our athletes in a bio-genesis unit for an hour and they come out like seniors being drafted in the first round.
What do the facilities and fans have to do with THIS team winning or not winning nine games this year? They may or may not do it. But to say it is a failure if they do not is just plain dumb. Quote from the redneck CB game.

I NEVER said that anything less than 8-9 wins would be a failure! In fact, I said just the opposite - but I did say the '13 Vols are capable of producing an 9+/- win season.

Also, to answer your question;
"What do the facilities* and fans have to do with THIS team winning or not winning 9 games this year"

*my emphasis

Are you serious?...

The facilities are extremely important in producing on-field success! The facilities are where these players train, where they maintain their diets, where they meet with strength/conditioning coaches to review their progress.

Quite simply, and rather obviously, the facilities are key to producing a successful on-field unit.

Next up;
What do the facilities and fans* have to do with THIS team winning or not winning 9 games this year

*my emphasis

Are you serious?...

The atmosphere, attitude, and expecations are extremely important in building confidence among the players, coaches, and others involved with UT football & UT athletics in general.

Supporting the young athletes with positive feedback, trust, appreciation, and generosity, as they work to better themselves in the classroom and on the field, plays a big role in cultivating a winning atmosphere and instilling a winning tradition.

The fans are just as important to UT's on-field success as almost any other singular aspect in the program's development.

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