Dude you don't know what you are talking about. All you need to know is UT wasn't willing to shell out the dough for a top coach. Hamilton thought he could find another Pearl, no pun intended, without paying top money. We went after Shaka Smart and low balled him, and he wouldn't even consider us anymore. I also know through someone special that Hart put on, and I quote, "the most amateur coaching search of all time" when looking for a head football coach, and I also know that Strong was our man we wanted but we also low balled him as well and he decided last second not to come. I actually around midnight got a call saying Strong is the coach, and it went south by mourning because of Hart and Cheek. Hart and Cheek are not well respected by our main donors and I have heard with my own ears that the Butch Jones hire was pure luck, and we had very few options left. We did contact Grudens agent, and the numbers were so far off his agent never called back just for a FYI. My point is, no top donors at UT think that these buffoons will hire a top notch coach. I've heard the words incompetent, unrealistic, and armature to describe him as a person, and the only reason he's still here is because of the money debt issue that he actually knows how to fix and is fixing, which the donors want more then anything. We will not hire a top notch coach, and we will settle for a mid major coach. You can call BS, but I'd take my word on it.