The DeSantis containment thread -- all things DeSantis go here

He really shouldn’t have berated the kids if that’s what he really did. I didn’t watch the video I just read the article but there really wasn’t anything to benefit from that. But on the list of things to piss people off this doesn’t even make the “do I want to think later on if I even care about this?” list.
Not really berated but more of a dad voice asking what the hell they're doing and to take it off. I know I've sounded the same to my kids
I don't see an issue. He said you can wear it but you look stupid. It's the truth that these young people have been so brainwashed even when the science now admits they're useless.

He used my son's class for a similar stunt last year and I was ok with that as well
That really isn't the point, though.

Someone who is a true advocate for "freedom of choice" should be fine with whichever choice an individual has made, and not try to make the issue a question of right or wrong. Are the people that choose to wear a mask doing any harm to those people who don't wear masks? No. So leave them alone.
That subject is not addressed in the post that you replied to.

At issue here ....

For Republicans / Conservatives / Trump Supporters in this forum :

Does "freedom of choice" apply equally to both choices? Or does this particular freedom only cover those people who are making the same "choice" that you have made?
You know who else would make a great president? Candace Owens.
That really isn't the point, though.

Someone who is a true advocate for "freedom of choice" should be fine with whichever choice an individual has made, and not try to make the issue a question of right or wrong. Are the people who choose to wear a mask doing any harm to those people who don't wear masks? No. So leave them alone.
They have freedom of choice to wear the mask and he had freedom of speech to tell them they are idiots. There's no freedom from consequence. If they are going to be props they should do it correctly
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They have freedom of choice to wear the mask and he had freedom of speech to tell them they are idiots. There's no freedom from consequence. If they are going to be props they should do it correctly
It's not choice that DeSantis wants those kids to have. In his mind, they are only doing the right thing, if they are doing what he does. That has nothing to do with "freedom of choice."
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It's not choice that DeSantis wants those kids to have. In his mind, they are only doing the right thing, if they are doing what he does. That has nothing to do with "freedom of choice."
So you were equally upset when all these democrat politicians thought nobody should have a choice when it came to the covid vaccine?
It's not choice that DeSantis wants those kids to have. In his mind, they are only doing the right thing, if they are doing what he does. That has nothing to do with "freedom of choice."
He literally said they could wear them if they wanted. Ending the covid theater should be everyone's goal
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It's not choice that DeSantis wants those kids to have. In his mind, they are only doing the right thing, if they are doing what he does. That has nothing to do with "freedom of choice."
So you disagreed with all these politicians who wanted people to wear masks and thought they had no choice otherwise? Or is this just more of your typical highly selective outrage?
Trump is gone dude. Where's any thread bragging about Biden from you?🤣
That's what I would like to see. A "Biden Accomplishments" that thread or something of that nature. I am sure Monty Python and crew will have no problem posting there on a daily basis.
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It's not choice that DeSantis wants those kids to have. In his mind, they are only doing the right thing, if they are doing what he does. That has nothing to do with "freedom of choice."
He literally said “if you want to wear them, fine”. My bet is, when they were conveniently placed in the backdrop whoever from USF that put them there, didn’t give them “freedom of choice” to wear or not to wear.
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He literally said they could wear them if they wanted. Ending the covid theater should be everyone's goal
He rambles a little bit, and seems to contradict himself. This is the full quote :

"You don't have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it's not doing anything. We've got to stop this COVID theater. So if you wanna wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous." - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

^^^^ That is hardly being an advocate for freedom of choice. Gov. DeSantis is clearly pressuring the kids to take off their masks, because they did not make his preferred choice. When you are a Governor, it's not truly a freedom of choice you are pushing for, if you are going to call someone out for not making the choice that you want them to make. DeSantis has been disingenuous over this. DeSantis isn't anymore concerned with "freedom of choice" than the governors who have imposed mask mandates are. The only difference between the two is over the choice itself... not the freedom of each individual to make their own choice.
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He rambles a little bit, and seems to contradict himself. This is the full quote :

"You don't have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it's not doing anything. We've got to stop this COVID theater. So if you wanna wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous." - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

^^^^ That is hardly being an advocate for freedom of choice. Gov. DeSantis is clearly pressuring the kids to take off their masks, because they did not make his preferred choice. When you are a Governor, it's not truly a freedom of choice you are pushing for, if you are going to call someone out for not making the choice that you want them to make. DeSantis has been disingenuous over this. DeSantis isn't anymore concerned with "freedom of choice" than the governors who have imposed mask mandates are. The only difference between the two is over the choice itself... not the freedom of each individual to make their own choice.
Do you not think the Covid theater is ridiculous?
He literally said “if you want to wear them, fine”. My bet is, when they were conveniently placed in the backdrop whoever from USF that put them there, didn’t give them “freedom of choice” to wear or not to wear.
Watch the video. Those kids were interviewed and resented being told to take off their masks.... and DeSantis does say, "I mean, please take them off..." at one point.
Not really berated but more of a dad voice asking what the hell they're doing and to take it off. I know I've sounded the same to my kids
I didn’t watch the video so I’ll take your word for it. But again if this is the threshold of outrage material they have to work with to try and discredit DeSantis they’re screwed.
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He rambles a little bit, and seems to contradict himself. This is the full quote :

"You don't have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it's not doing anything. We've got to stop this COVID theater. So if you wanna wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous." - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

^^^^ That is hardly being an advocate for freedom of choice. Gov. DeSantis is clearly pressuring the kids to take off their masks, because they did not make his preferred choice. When you are a Governor, it's not truly a freedom of choice you are pushing for, if you are going to call someone out for not making the choice that you want them to make. DeSantis has been disingenuous over this. DeSantis isn't anymore concerned with "freedom of choice" than the governors who have imposed mask mandates are. The only difference between the two is over the choice itself... not the freedom of each individual to make their own choice.
If people look or are acting stupid they should be told. The world might be better for it

I've never claimed he is for choice however this is a horrible example of that. It in no way makes your case. Kids quit being dumb had nothing to do with choice
I didn’t watch the video so I’ll take your word for it. But again if this is the threshold of outrage material they have to work with to try and discredit DeSantis they’re screwed.
He does plenty on his own without making up stuff.
Trump is gone dude. Where's any thread bragging about Biden from you?🤣
That's what I would like to see. A "Biden Accomplishments" that thread or something of that nature. I am sure Monty Python and crew will have no problem posting there on a daily basis.
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It's not choice that DeSantis wants those kids to have. In his mind, they are only doing the right thing, if they are doing what he does. That has nothing to do with "freedom of choice."

wait what? expressing an opinion is anti-freedom of choice?
Do you not think the Covid theater is ridiculous?
That's not the point.

Is it an individual choice to wear a mask or not?

If it is, then a person wearing a mask doesn't deserve to be chastised any more than a person without a mask does.

Once again, is another person bringing harm to you, because they choose to wear a mask?
That's not the point.

Is it an individual choice to wear a mask or not?

If it is, then a person wearing a mask doesn't deserve to be chastised any more than a person without a mask does.

Once again, is another person bringing harm to you, because they choose to wear a mask?

so when you chastise people on this board you are restricting their individual choice?
When you are the Governor? Yes... and he did more than express an opinion. He asked them to take off their masks.

how far up the elected official or public functionary chain does one have to go to move from opinion expression to restricting freedom of choice via opinion expression.
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That's not the point.

Is it an individual choice to wear a mask or not?

If it is, then a person wearing a mask doesn't deserve to be chastised any more than a person without a mask does.

Once again, is another person bringing harm to you, because they choose to wear a mask?
Why can you not chastise someone for making a dumb choice? Isn't that my choice to make? Are you trying to remove my choice? Why are you anti-choice?

They are props behind his speech. If they convert the wrong message then that can undermine him. That could be considered bringing harm

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