The disney insanity continues

Disney-Themed Hand Sanitizer Products Recalled over Cancer Link


Two hand sanitizer products with Disney characters on the bottles have been recalled because some ingredients have been linked to cancer and other serious medical problems.

The products featuring images of Mickey Mouse and Baby Yoda have been flagged for containing methanol and benzene respectively, the FDA has determined, according to multiple reports.

Benzene has long been deemed a cancer-causing agent by the FDA. And methanol exposure can induce serious health problems, including nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, coma, seizures, permanent blindness, permanent damage to the central nervous system, or death.

Disney-Themed Hand Sanitizer Products Recalled Over Cancer Link
I certainly didn't say it was and I don't even know how you can argue being more inclusive is not more considerate, but I really don't care to argue that. It defies all logic.

Pretending to be something you’re not does defy all logic. Encouraging the mentally ill to be delusional instead of offering or promoting help for them also defies logic.
Disney-Themed Hand Sanitizer Products Recalled over Cancer Link


Two hand sanitizer products with Disney characters on the bottles have been recalled because some ingredients have been linked to cancer and other serious medical problems.

The products featuring images of Mickey Mouse and Baby Yoda have been flagged for containing methanol and benzene respectively, the FDA has determined, according to multiple reports.

Benzene has long been deemed a cancer-causing agent by the FDA. And methanol exposure can induce serious health problems, including nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, coma, seizures, permanent blindness, permanent damage to the central nervous system, or death.

Disney-Themed Hand Sanitizer Products Recalled Over Cancer Link

Some chics that think they’re dudes must’ve gotten prostate cancer.
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Disney Corporate President Says Next Generation 'queerer,' Company Must 'get with it'

Disney corporate President Karey Burke told company staff that Generation Z is "30-40% queerer" than previous generations, according to video of a company video call.

"As my son texted me this morning, Gen Z is 30-40% queerer than other generations," Burke said on the video call, published by writer Christopher F. Rufo. "So Disney better get with it."

"When I was at Freeform, it was very much in the brand ethos to be the tip of the spear when it comes to inclusion," Burke explained earlier on the same call. Freeform is a cable television channel owned by the Disney corporation.

"In part, I think nobody stopped us because we were targeting Gen Z and millennials. We were targeting younger and more open-minded …," Burke added before cutting herself off.

Burke said in another video that she would like to see at least 50% of Disney’s characters in the future identify as LGBT or as a racial minority.

Disney corporate president says next generation 'queerer,' company must 'get with it'
Disney Corporate President Says Next Generation 'queerer,' Company Must 'get with it'

Disney corporate President Karey Burke told company staff that Generation Z is "30-40% queerer" than previous generations, according to video of a company video call.

"As my son texted me this morning, Gen Z is 30-40% queerer than other generations," Burke said on the video call, published by writer Christopher F. Rufo. "So Disney better get with it."

"When I was at Freeform, it was very much in the brand ethos to be the tip of the spear when it comes to inclusion," Burke explained earlier on the same call. Freeform is a cable television channel owned by the Disney corporation.

"In part, I think nobody stopped us because we were targeting Gen Z and millennials. We were targeting younger and more open-minded …," Burke added before cutting herself off.

Burke said in another video that she would like to see at least 50% of Disney’s characters in the future identify as LGBT or as a racial minority.

Disney corporate president says next generation 'queerer,' company must 'get with it'

Sounds like “mom” is not something she did well.
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For all of you people that are against the "don't say gay bill" in Florida, NYC has a place for you.

NYC Shows 'True Colors' in Campaign Denouncing 'Don't Say Gay' Law and Inviting Floridians to Move

Nothing like leaving warm weather for cold and low taxes for high taxes. Sign me the F up. What jerk decided to spend the tax payers dollars for this brilliant idea?
It's funny how many people I know claim to have "California" or "New York" values but would never entertain the thought of moving to either state.
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Given we are now at the point of the White House openly supporting hormone therapy for kids and threatening states that don’t comply….

How much more slippery does this slope need to become before you realize what’s happening?
I'm beginning to think the people who outright deny its happening or think it's no big deal are actually supporters of all of this.

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