The disney insanity continues

I recommend that you sit and think for a minute what law the thread is about, what justifications were given for that law, and what a preschool is and how it operates.

Why don't you explain it all to me?

BTW it needs to be one hell of an explanation to convince me why a teacher needs to discuss anything related to sexuality with a preschooler or hell elementary school kid for that matter.
Why don't you explain it all to me?

BTW it needs to be one hell of an explanation to convince me why a teacher needs to discuss anything related to sexuality with a preschooler or hell elementary school kid for that matter.
Once you’ve offered some specificity about what you’re incapable of understanding, I will. Assuming that your answer isn’t “all of it,” in which case I’ll feel that my prior assessment of your intelligence was accurate and move on.

It’s not my aim to convince anybody that their kids should be learning about sexuality. If that’s what you thought you were here for then your reading deficiency is worse than I imagined.
Once you’ve offered some specificity about what you’re incapable of understanding, I will. Assuming that your answer isn’t “all of it,” in which case I’ll feel that my prior assessment of your intelligence was accurate and move on.

It’s not my aim to convince anybody that their kids should be learning about sexuality. If that’s what you thought you were here for then your reading deficiency is worse than I imagined.

Sorry but I'm going to need a translation. My incoherent rambling to english translator is working.
Best of luck.

So we have some semblance of understanding, I think the Parental Rights in Education bill is a poorly written piece of legislation that will open up FL courts to numerous frivolous lawsuits (you should be happy). But I think the premise is sound and teachers shouldn't be discussing sex/sexuality with elementary age kids. As for Disney's stance on the bill IDGAF.
So we have some semblance of understanding, I think the Parental Rights in Education bill is a poorly written piece of legislation that will open up FL courts to numerous frivolous lawsuits (you should be happy). But I think the premise is sound and teachers shouldn't be discussing sex/sexuality with elementary age kids. As for Disney's stance on the bill IDGAF.
Disney has been very quiet lately about this bill since they crapped in their mess gear. The mama bears are going to decide the next few elections and the injection of sex into kindergarten age children in school is going to destroy the democrat party.
Disney has been very quiet lately about this bill since they crapped in their mess gear. The mama bears are going to decide the next few elections and the injection of sex into kindergarten age children in school is going to destroy the democrat party.
I think you are forgetting that most people are not only stupid, they also have short memories.
So we have some semblance of understanding, I think the Parental Rights in Education bill is a poorly written piece of legislation that will open up FL courts to numerous frivolous lawsuits (you should be happy). But I think the premise is sound and teachers shouldn't be discussing sex/sexuality with elementary age kids. As for Disney's stance on the bill IDGAF.

I agree except that, in my opinion, the bill only makes sense in the case of compulsory/tax funded public school where choice is restricted. Then, whether or not controversial subjects are taught should be a matter of majority rule. This maximizes the number of constituents who will benefit from the service.

When it comes to private schools or preschools, then parents have a choice of what service they want to pay for. If they choose to have their 4 year old exposed to polyamorism, that’s up to them. And if there is a market for that, then so be it.

I agree except that, in my opinion, the bill only makes sense in the case of compulsory/tax funded public school where choice is restricted. Then, whether or not controversial subjects are taught should be a matter of majority rule. This maximizes the number of constituents who will benefit from the service.

When it comes to private schools or preschools, then parents have a choice of what service they want to pay for. If they choose to have their 4 year old exposed to polyamorism, that’s up to them. And if there is a market for that, then so be it.

Does this legislation cover private schools?
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I agree except that, in my opinion, the bill only makes sense in the case of compulsory/tax funded public school where choice is restricted. Then, whether or not controversial subjects are taught should be a matter of majority rule. This maximizes the number of constituents who will benefit from the service.

When it comes to private schools or preschools, then parents have a choice of what service they want to pay for. If they choose to have their 4 year old exposed to polyamorism, that’s up to them. And if there is a market for that, then so be it.

Are you ok with taxpayers getting tax exemptions for parents that feel the need to send their children to privates to avoid this unnecessary and irrational teachings?
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Are you ok with taxpayers getting tax exemptions for parents that feel the need to send their children to privates to avoid this unnecessary and irrational teachings?

Probably. I’d have to look more at a voucher system and what common problems there are with that, but either one seems agreeable.
A man will leave his....and live with his wife. The 2 will become one....

That's the most relevant utterance from Christ about marriage.

GOD created marriage one woman and man. That was God's design, King David lamented his affair, Solomon also lamented his lifestyle as being in vein. Abraham's affair with his wife's maiden still has implications today. just because the Bible didn't say anything about leaders having affairs doesn't mean they were not held accountable for their actions.

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