we've been in it for quite some time.How long you guys predicting the bear, aka the recession will last? What I read is 6 to 9 months
we've been in it for quite some time.
I think the catalyst for change is Obama's inauguration. I believe the general tenor of the news will change for the positive because of the optimism from the left about the potential Obama represents. Their reasoning is pure trash, but their march toward more positive slants will move the psychology of the consumer and that's what this market has to have.
Starts late January, but takes a year to kick in.
i wouldn't buy anything, but term insurance. you'd be far better off taking the difference in premiums and investing the money than you would with a 3-5% guaranteed return. the fees with whole life are truly amazing. the guy who sold it to you now probably has a new HD tv.
let me know when you find the guy who has that figured out.Today's gains put me up $3.00 a share on XLF...wish I had more to put in it when I did...but at least I caught a ride on that train.....my wife has a fair amount of volatility in her job so we're trying to make sure we balance between stable emergency funds and putting money in the down market.
...now...if the index funds I purchased will finally start making some gains (I know...eventually....). I wish I had the know-how and time to take advantage of the large gains we see day to day - my problem is that I don't know enough to avoid the downs, so I just sunk most of my money in market-wide indexes and then some long financials...we'll see how it goes...