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QUESTION: Do y'all think Manning & Coach Heupel ever exchange football plays to see whatever might work when the football season comes around or nah. Seeing the clip above made me think of this. With Peyton winning 2 SBs he must know a bunch of good plays to use in season.
I’m sure he picks Peyton’s brain on QB-related issues and maybe route concepts but idk about plays themselves. You would not be doing your job if you didn’t ask Peyton some questions.

He can take that apology and shove where the sun don’t shine. Have some balls McElroy. You are a former Alabama player. We don't care about you and you don’t care about us. Don’t go walking back your comments just because people called you out. I would have preferred you just double down on them and move on. You made the cowardly decision. Wouldn’t expect anything less from someone associated with Alabama.
See you guys next February!!!! Take care and GBO!! Volplaya out!!! We are champs baby!
You don’t get to just stroll up in here, be a part of our daily baseball lives and then just blow out of here whenever you please, for god knows how long, doing god knows what?!
That’s know how this relationship works pal!!

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