The Dugout - General Topics, Chat, Random Photos and Memes.......No Politics

The wife signed the kids up for summer swim team, these meets are 4.5 hours long! This is a cult!
Consider yourself LUCKY @4.5 hours...we raised our girls in Atlanta...BOTH were swimmers...Meets lasted 7-8 hours at MINIMUM!

I always LOVED IT when my daughter ran up at 7:30am and on her arm were her "Heats"..."Daddy...I'm in Race #5, #17, #33, #42, #86 and #94!!!" Beer on ice in the car was a MUST!
Consider yourself LUCKY @4.5 hours...we raised our girls in Atlanta...BOTH were swimmers...Meets lasted 7-8 hours at MINIMUM!

I always LOVED IT when my daughter ran up at 7:30am and on her arm were her "Heats"..."Daddy...I'm in Race #5, #17, #33, #42, #86 and #94!!!" Beer on ice in the car was a MUST!

Yikes! Ok, you're making me feel better TAF. We only had 68 races (divided into numerous heats) in last night's marathon.

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