My garden setting day couldn't have gone better yesterday. Went and got the tiller from my brother. My garden is fairly decent size. where it is currently located is only year 2 in that spot. So it has only been turned over and tilled once. Neighbor that keeps his cows and hay fields in our pastures tilled it for me last year, but he hasn't been around on tractor in a bit and I wanted to get started. Felt like I was too late last year when he finally got by. So, I had just started tilling when another neighbor up the road pulled in and asked if I wanted him to go get his tractor and box tiller. Not being an idiot, I said heck yea. So a two day till got handled in a matter of minutes. My sons face seemed very elated when he realized he wasn't going to have to help till. I hope the till was deep enough to piss off all the moles.
So, I got my maters down and surrounded by basil and marigold for protection(from Everything else I drop seed. Canteloupe, Watermelon, 3 squashes, lemon cukes, Sunflower, Baby limas, green peas, and green beans. We have a special green bean that has been planted in very localized gardens for generations. You can only get seed by leaving your last pick on the plants to dry for the next season. Best green bean by far on the planet. No One even knows the real name. Allens Kentucky Wonder is the only thing I know of even similar for comparison or taste. Not sure what I did with my corn, okra, and pepper seeds. Or my orange watermelon, so back to the store. Then I will be done. Looking for some butter pea to plant. I'll take a pick at lunch, but so far will only be a big patch of great looking soil with 5 small maters and some old bean poles laid out to remind me where I've planted thus far. I will also need to mulch the maters.
I do all heirlooms unless one fails then i just add a better boy or something fail safe.
This years choice was Ananas Noir, Anthony's Passion Heart, Brad's Atomic Grape, Dwarf Firebird Sweet, Dwarf Sneaky Sauce. I will add another cherry of some sort from the local Mennonite store.