The ever so solid and consistent Mr. Barton

Tennessee is losing 24.8 PPG with departures/graduation of McBee, Hall, Golden, and Yemi which is 37.5% of the team's scoring. That is no easy task to replace.

What'd Maymon average his junior year, and how about Barton, what'd he average? That's 19ppg right there, I'm fairly confident 5* Robert Hubbs can come up with the other 5 points that are missing.
I'm glad you created this thread BOP, it's going to become the most bumped tread in the history of the BB forum on VN. (Yes, including the goodbye Cuonzo thread)

Stokes averaged 12ppg last year. I find it hard to believe it falls much. I believe it will increase based on my beluef that we will play faster and accumulate more possessions. But lets say for argument's sake that Stokes' ppg does decrease. Doesn't your belief that Maymon averages more than 10ppg make that a wash? If Maymon avearges 12ppg and Stokes gets 10ppg, it's the same result.

CCM's teams have averaged:

66 PPG
69 PPG
69.8 PPG
60.9 PPG
60.9 PPG.

Why is that you think that CCM is all of a sudden going to change is offensive philosophy and "play faster"?
CCM's teams have averaged:

66 PPG
69 PPG
69.8 PPG
60.9 PPG
60.9 PPG.

Why is that you think that CCM is all of a sudden going to change is offensive philosophy and "play faster"?

Because they started to the second half of last year and this team has personnel to play that way. If he continues to pull back the reins, he will be in the job market sooner rather than later.

By definition, insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results. He has to realize we were at our best last season when playing at a slightly faster tempo.

I'm not insinuating that we are all of a sudden going to start playing games in the 80's, but upping our avg to the low 70's probably means an extra 8-10 offensive possessions a game.
FWIW IMHO IIRC Maymon will average 20/10 Hubbs 30/5/5 and Barton 5 pts 10 ast...there is 55 pts right there JMO tho lol
CCM's teams have averaged:

66 PPG
69 PPG
69.8 PPG
60.9 PPG
60.9 PPG.

Why is that you think that CCM is all of a sudden going to change is offensive philosophy and "play faster"?

Because his new pg won't be scared and will push the pace. Additionally, no ankle weights will be worn during games. A good team has a pg that knows how to run a team without the coach getting involved. Hopefully, the days of walking it up and looking to the coach for a play with 20 on the shot clock are over.
Now that we see that Barton is nowhere near Golden either in consistency or production, maybe we should really be questioning Martin here. What happened with Wes Washpun? No doubt in my mind that he would be better defensively and in transition by this point than Barton? Why would we run him off and then turn around and give the scholarships to some of these guys that are still on the roster.

U R dumb.
I don't get why why this guy is so adamant about bashing Barton over Golden. It's not like CCM let Trae go so he could get Barton or something. Trae fudged up and we had to find some sort of replacement quickly and Barton is a great pickup. Golden can flat out score sometimes, yes, but he has let PGs run right around him and also walked a third of the way up the court and got trapped and jumped up in the air to pass for a TO. I don't get how it is that hard to just sprint by these guys just to cross halfcourt. Barton should be able to do that for us. Our team is stacked, we're going to be alright.

Oh yeah, BOP get out of here you bum.

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