The evil of Replacement Theory

Sorry. I don't have a sub and I was able to access it.

At any rate, cliffs are that white supremacy movement takes advantage of fear of poorly educated whites that they are being replaced by black and Hispanic people. That their economic power is bring eroded by changing demographics.

It takes advantage of, and breeds, fear. Many prominent members of the GOP and conservative media articulate some version of this. They promote it. Make money off of it. And then when things like Buffalo happen offer some muted, wishy washy disclaimer.
I'm black and even I can see that there is some truth in the theory. The intention is to flood the country with a bunch of foreigners and not have them assimilate into the larger established communities. I think this will largely backfire on them with the Latinos, but it could certainly be a threat with regards to MENA immigrants, certain sub-Saharan African and Caribbean countries (with the exception of Igbo Nigerians and Cubans and Jamaicans). There is a reason why even in the 1990s that there were skits about Jamaicans having 15 jobs and Nigerians running scams. Those two groups run circles around most native born Americans just like some of the Latins from Central America.
Amazing. After barely hearing the words „replacement theory“ before, suddenly it is the lead story on every mainstream new site. The left has their new boogeymen to obsess and hysterically cry over gain. You can’t convince me that this isn’t all coordinated by tht the left doesn’t coordinate on a Common set of talking points at time like this.
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Amazing. After barely hearing the words „replacement theory“ before, suddenly it is the lead story on every mainstream new site. The left has their new boogeymen to obsess and hysterically cry over gain. You can’t convince me that this isn’t all coordinated by tht the let doesn’t Decke on a Common set of talking points at time like this.

I’ve never even heard of this theory. I guess that is about to change.
Sorry. I don't have a sub and I was able to access it.

At any rate, cliffs are that white supremacy movement takes advantage of fear of poorly educated whites that they are being replaced by black and Hispanic people. That their economic power is bring eroded by changing demographics.

It takes advantage of, and breeds, fear. Many prominent members of the GOP and conservative media articulate some version of this. They promote it. Make money off of it. And then when things like Buffalo happen offer some muted, wishy washy disclaimer.
Ah, you mean like what the left has been doing to uneducated minorities for generations.... Gotcha.
I'm black and even I can see that there is some truth in the theory. The intention is to flood the country with a bunch of foreigners and not have them assimilate into the larger established communities. I think this will largely backfire on them with the Latinos, but it could certainly be a threat with regards to MENA immigrants, certain sub-Saharan African and Caribbean countries (with the exception of Igbo Nigerians and Cubans and Jamaicans). There is a reason why even in the 1990s that there were skits about Jamaicans having 15 jobs and Nigerians running scams. Those two groups run circles around most native born Americans just like some of the Latins from Central America.

We both are, and we can agree black folks ain't replacing whites. Planned Parenthood has seen to this. It's phony and disingenuous whoever says it. Now democrats are flooding the country with other cultures/races because their plan of containing us to 12%/13% really has worked.
Inflation will not have improved by any meaningful amount by then. It could be worse.
It won't be worse. Inflation is already slowing down, but the reduction of prices will be gradual.

Inflation slows down, but consumers stay anxious- Marketplace

( From the above article : )

Inflation's getting lower, but sure isn't low. The consumer price index for April, which came out Wednesday, showed that prices were up 0.3% overall from the previous month, a notable pullback from the torrid pace of 1.2%.
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... and still more.



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.... and one more batch.



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A Fringe Conspiracy Theory, Fostered Online, Is Refashioned by the G.O.P.

So people that adhere to this thinking, what do we do with them? What do we do to the promoters of this, even if they call it something else?

It's a prominent train of thought on the right. It's what fed the resentment that got Trump elected.

Sadly, the foundation of the GOP has abandoned fiscal restraint, less regulation, and the like. Now a mainstay of the party's entire existence is about justifying racism by calling it different things.

I remember hearing a lot about this theory. Not from the GOP of course but rather from the DNC during the days of Obama. About how demographic shifts were going to usher in a never ending reign of Democratic victories.

That's why they lost their minds when Trump won.
I have no idea what it is, but I can already tell you it's a fox/russia Q conspiracy so I'm not interested. Not even worth my time to find out.

Here's the problem. Grown intelligent adults know it's ********, but this 18 yr. did not for a reason. This is how trumpism has indoctrinated and brainwashed people into extremism. It's domestic terrorism.
Tucker's Greatest Hits!



I like how you posted a 36 minute video defending Tucker Carlson. Perhaps should do more than just randomly click and post everything that shows in your search...
It won't be worse. Inflation is already slowing down, but the reduction of prices will be gradual.

Inflation slows down, but consumers stay anxious- Marketplace

( From the above article : )

Inflation's getting lower, but sure isn't low. The consumer price index for April, which came out Wednesday, showed that prices were up 0.3% overall from the previous month, a notable pullback from the torrid pace of 1.2%.

So we have seen major increases in interest rates and yet, inflation is still increasing?

The truth is they are not going to be able to contain it without creating another crash. And Biden will only make it worse because him and his team seem to have no idea what causes inflation.

These are some real things Democrats have said:

Biden-suggested raising taxes on corporations would fight he believes making it more expensive to produce goods and services will bring down the price of goods/services?

House Democrats-suggested we send people relief checks for gas they believe we can fight inflation by printing more money?
I posted that video because it was the only YouTube video I could find which covered the article that she is reading from at the 22:30 mark. It is a scathing article that quotes Fox News sources. That is what I was trying to bring attention to. Admittedly, I didn't pay much attention to what the lady was saying, but if you did? Then good for you.

Is it though? Or is it another trash hit piece with no real substance? No different than the trash apartheid hit piece they did on Musk
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So we have seen major increases in interest rates and yet, inflation is still increasing?

The truth is they are not going to be able to contain it without creating another crash. And Biden will only make it worse because him and his team seem to have no idea what causes inflation.

These are some real things Democrats have said:

Biden-suggested raising taxes on corporations would fight he believes making it more expensive to produce goods and services will bring down the price of goods/services?

House Democrats-suggested we send people relief checks for gas they believe we can fight inflation by printing more money?
What kind of impact did you expect the .25% increase from March to have on the consumer price index for April? Good lord. It sounds like your expectations may have been slightly unrealistic. LOL.

Following the May 4th meeting of the Fed, interest rates were raised by .5%. We'll see how this helps tamp down inflation. The Fed has outlined a plan to reduce liquidity in the financial markets by letting close to $100 billion in bonds roll off their balance sheet every month, reducing liquidity by about $1 trillion per year, per their estimates. Inflation is a real problem, that isn't going to instantly disappear.

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