The evil of Replacement Theory

What kind of impact did you expect the .25% increase from March to have on the consumer price index for April? Good lord. It sounds like your expectations may have been slightly unrealistic. LOL.

Following the May 4th meeting of the Fed, interest rates were raised by .5%. We'll see how this helps tamp down inflation. The Fed has outlined a plan to reduce liquidity in the financial markets by letting close to $100 billion in bonds roll off their balance sheet every month, reducing liquidity by about $1 trillion per year, per their estimates. Inflation is a real problem, that isn't going to instantly disappear.

No comment on the policies mentioned? Gas relief checks or corporate taxes. Can you tell me how that decreases inflation?
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Sorry. I don't have a sub and I was able to access it.

At any rate, cliffs are that white supremacy movement takes advantage of fear of poorly educated whites that they are being replaced by black and Hispanic people. That their economic power is bring eroded by changing demographics.

It takes advantage of, and breeds, fear. Many prominent members of the GOP and conservative media articulate some version of this. They promote it. Make money off of it. And then when things like Buffalo happen offer some muted, wishy washy disclaimer.
So like KKK recruiting
I posted that video because it was the only YouTube video I could find which covered the article that she is reading from at the 22:30 mark. It is a scathing article that quotes Fox News sources. That is what I was trying to bring attention to. Admittedly, I didn't pay much attention to what the lady was saying, but if you did? Then good for you.

Right....So you didn't listen to what she was saying but also at 22:30 she reads an article.....
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LOL ... I think you could deduce for yourself, I meant that I skimmed past her commentary. You seem caught up in "gotcha games." They don't interest me.

You went through a 30+ minute video with the hopes that maybe she would read this article?
The NY Times article that I'm referring to, is the focus of the video's headline, dumb a$$.

Right. Which is why you randomly linked it hoping it would promote your view. But that doesn't change your absurd claim.

You didn't listen to anything she said (so you just assumed she was going along with you) but you made it at least 22 minutes in to the point where she reads the article?

So you went through a 36 minute video with the hopes that it would read the article? Given that you can find plenty of videos with the name of an article as the title that do not read the article, I'm going to assume this is a lie.
That guy clearly watches Fox News, and took the rhetoric of Carlson seriously.

"But if you’re asking me, as a father and a citizen, what concerns me most, it’s not even close. Cable news is merely laundering these pernicious ideas. I’m more concerned about the so-called jokes and ironic message board memes that even I (someone who is fairly internet literate) cannot always suss out.
Cable news is for old people. If you want to stop the next generation from being radicalized into violence, keep your eye on the breeding ground and fever swamps of the internet forums."
Sorry. I don't have a sub and I was able to access it.

At any rate, cliffs are that white supremacy movement takes advantage of fear of poorly educated whites that they are being replaced by black and Hispanic people. That their economic power is bring eroded by changing demographics.

It takes advantage of, and breeds, fear. Many prominent members of the GOP and conservative media articulate some version of this. They promote it. Make money off of it. And then when things like Buffalo happen offer some muted, wishy washy disclaimer.
So its politics. Welcome to democracy, where every dumb idea finds a faithful supporter. I love that identity politics is suddenly a bad thing.

Also strictly speaking they arent wrong. Going off the census demographics relating to work force in 2008 whites made up 81% of the work force, while in 2020 they made up 77%. And population percentage wise they are down 8.6%. The articles note the discrepancy in drop is because the pandemic hit the minorities harder, and if you keep reading they say that's because they had previously made the biggest gains and were newer to the work force and in sectors hit the hardest.

Table 1. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population by sex, age, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 2008 annual averages

2020 Census Statistics Highlight Local Population Changes and Nation’s Racial and Ethnic Diversity.

Always interesting to see the kernels of truth behind the pandering.
I have no idea what it is, but I can already tell you it's a fox/russia Q conspiracy so I'm not interested. Not even worth my time to find out.

Here's the problem. Grown intelligent adults know it's ********, but this 18 yr. did not for a reason. This is how trumpism has indoctrinated and brainwashed people into extremism. It's domestic terrorism.
You were almost there.
It won't be worse. Inflation is already slowing down, but the reduction of prices will be gradual.

Inflation slows down, but consumers stay anxious- Marketplace

( From the above article : )

Inflation's getting lower, but sure isn't low. The consumer price index for April, which came out Wednesday, showed that prices were up 0.3% overall from the previous month, a notable pullback from the torrid pace of 1.2%.

The prices will be worse. No one is going to give a **** that it slowed.

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