Tucker: Jail time is now the fair penalty for disagreeing with Biden
May. 24, 2022 - 14:58 - Fox News host torches Democrats' response to those who disagree with them on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
Tucker Carlson: Democrats have figured out the only way to win the next election
The only way Democrats will win the next election is to convince voters that Republicans are dangerous
Things are changing fast, as you know, and you can tell how fast they're changing by the way that people talk about politics. Language reflects feelings and thoughts. When your views change, so does the way you talk about them. That's especially true of liberals who have very deep feelings and their main feeling (this has always been true) is contempt for you.
If you ever
listen to NPR, you know exactly how much contempt liberals have for you and you get to pay for it. NPR takes your tax dollars and then lectures you about how immoral you are. That is liberalism distilled. It's been going on a long time. NPR has been running its particular scam since 1971, but the sneering tone you hear on NPR has been the hallmark of liberals for nearly a century.
Liberals have contempt for Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon (boy, did they) and for Gerald Ford even. If you're old enough to remember Ronald Reagan, you will recall vividly how liberals felt about him. "Reagan was an idiot," they told you, "a mouth breather" and so was anybody who would vote for him—very much including you. In the words of Al Gore, Republicans were the, "extra chromosome right-wing." So, they were literally genetically defective. That's how liberals actually talk.
Whenever two or more liberals are gathered, you will find sanctimony, but there's a new inflection. You may have noticed it recently. The pivot (and it was a pivot) came six years ago. It was during the 2016 presidential campaign. Liberals seemed to lose any remaining sense of humor the moment
Donald Trump arrived. Why? Well, because he called their bluff. Looking back, it's obvious what happened. By 2016, no one could argue that liberal programs or many programs, the various fads and metaphorical wars we were waging on this or that bad thing, there was no evidence that any of it had done anything to improve American life.
Liberals promised you they would make everything great, but they didn't. In fact, every single liberal enthusiasm failed from radical feminism to urban renewal, from outsourcing to the so-called sharing economy. All of them, each and every one, turned out to be a complete disaster. The reason 2016 was significant is that the liberals could no longer deny this. They couldn't say, "Give us another 50 years and we'll turn Baltimore into Geneva."
They couldn't say that because no one would believe it. Not even their own voters would believe that. So, for liberals, 2016 was a profoundly humiliating moment and those can be good. Well-adjusted adults learn from humiliating moments, but that's not what liberals did. They turned their rage outward and they focused that rage on the people they had failed. You always hate the ones you betray. So, liberals decided they hated the American middle class. In 2016, Democrats stopped making arguments in favor of their own policies, whatever those might be, and instead reoriented the entire party around attacking the very people that historically they had represented. Again, America's middle class. Now they hated them. At a fundraiser she thought was off the record. Hillary Clinton summed up the contempt all of them felt.
Tucker Carlson: Democrats have figured out the only way to win the next election