The Foreign Trade Thread

Sad. I thought this thread had some potential. I'd like to see unbiased updates on how the actual trade negotiations are progressing.

Unfortunately it's little more than a gathering place for a couple of posters afflicted with the TDS. Show us on the doll where the bad orange man touched you.
Sad. I thought this thread had some potential. I'd like to see unbiased updates on how the actual trade negotiations are progressing.

Unfortunately it's little more than a gathering place for a couple of posters afflicted with the TDS. Show us on the doll where the bad orange man touched you.

Such BS. The Trump/trade critiques made here have been pretty valid for the most part. I have no problem giving Trump credit where it's due. I believe Midnight is the same way.

Terrible policy deserves criticism. The USMCA's only significant change over NAFTA was more protection for auto manufacturing. You can imagine why Trump is flipping out right now.

It's so weird that this is what the USMCA was about, since our automakers did so well during the NAFTA years.
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I ride. Not so much this time of year.

I am not knocking it. I would ride mountain bikes on trails around here if i had someone to do it with. I dont though, so at the gym i just set the resistance on "big mountain" and ride slowly for a while. Im a thin dude who doesnt need cardio because i am still trying to gain mass at 40, so i do it like that to work my leg muscles. Quad machines really hurt my knees. I respect people who ride great distances just like i respect distance runners...i just would appreciate if they would do it anywhere but main thoroughfares...which isnt a big problem around here. Its very, very rare that i get stuck behind bikes. Like several years pass between. I am gone to work 12 hrs a day, so there are lots of things i dont encounter as i am not out driving around. Be safe bro.
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Im a thin dude who doesnt need cardio because i am still trying to gain mass at 40
Unusual these days.

.i just would appreciate if they would do it anywhere but main thoroughfares...which isnt a big problem around here. Its very, very rare that i get stuck behind bikes. Like several years pass between. I am gone to work 12 hrs a day, so there are lots of things i dont encounter as i am not out driving around. Be safe bro.

I know that some riders, especially in groups, get in the way of cars. But I ride along the edge of the lane and usually autos can pass with little problem. I don't get the bicycle hostility.
Such BS. The Trump/trade critiques made here have been pretty valid for the most part. I have no problem giving Trump credit where it's due. I believe Midnight is the same way.

Terrible policy deserves criticism. The USMCA's only significant change over NAFTA was more protection for auto manufacturing. You can imagine why Trump is flipping out right now.

It's so weird that this is what the USMCA was about, since our automakers did so well during the NAFTA years.

Yes, better terms for auto and dairy producers. Updates for current technology (protects IP, technology theft). The objective with Mexico and Canada wasn't to crush them with more favorable terms to the US. The good stuff is less obvious and gets minimized by the leftist MSM. The USMCA establishes the parameters for a domino effect of countries, not named China, to sign on and work together. Currency devaluations... not gonna happen. Dispute resolutions... gonna hold all partners accountable. Sunset clause... gonna have to return to the negotiating table to fix inequitable provisions or else risk losing the entire agreement. Economic sanctions against bad guys like Iran must be respected or the violators will be uninvited to the party. Again... Trump's team is on target. Sorry. Big Pharma won't be developing a cure for TDS.
Yes, better terms for auto and dairy producers. Updates for current technology (protects IP, technology theft). The objective with Mexico and Canada wasn't to crush them with more favorable terms to the US. The good stuff is less obvious and gets minimized by the leftist MSM. The USMCA establishes the parameters for a domino effect of countries, not named China, to sign on and work together. Currency devaluations... not gonna happen. Dispute resolutions... gonna hold all partners accountable. Sunset clause... gonna have to return to the negotiating table to fix inequitable provisions or else risk losing the entire agreement. Economic sanctions against bad guys like Iran must be respected or the violators will be uninvited to the party. Again... Trump's team is on target. Sorry. Big Pharma won't be developing a cure for TDS.

We were already getting the dairy agreement. Trump didn't need to redo NAFTA. It was in the works.

I'd be interested to see research on IP protection and economic growth. Whether or not it's the right thing to do, it doesn't necessarily make us better off as an economy.

The rest is nonsense. Sanctioning Iran does nothing for us. We devalue our currency. Dispute resolutions? Great, I'm sure those are going to work so much better than thd current system (the enforcement mechanism doesn't change).
We were already getting the dairy agreement. Trump didn't need to redo NAFTA. It was in the works.

I'd be interested to see research on IP protection and economic growth. Whether or not it's the right thing to do, it doesn't necessarily make us better off as an economy.

The rest is nonsense. Sanctioning Iran does nothing for us. We devalue our currency. Dispute resolutions? Great, I'm sure those are going to work so much better than thd current system (the enforcement mechanism doesn't change).

Sanctioning Iran had a diminished effect when trading partners were allowed to circumvent the initiative. Now those trading partners will risk losing access to the US consumer markets if they don't respect the sanction. And when they do there's a clear path (dispute resolution process) for addressing their work around. Trump is leveraging the US's economic leadership by building the coalition. A downside is that once the agreements are in place and the coalition is solidified, any administration can use the leverage to push their agenda on the free world (or solicit donations to their foundations). USMCA is an improvement. It's also the outline for agreements with Japan, the UK, maybe even France, Germany, Italy, and the other 20+ EU hold outs. Russia's position will be interesting. The don't hold a very good hand with the energy sector losing relevance.

The "New NAFTA" And Its Revised Dispute Resolution Mechanisms - Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration - United States

Currency devaluation language isn't an issue with the current partners. It's going to be a mechanism if/when China comes into the fold. China is going to have to learn how to play fairly. I'd rather shift a big piece of those imports back to Mexico producers anyway. Helping them thrive economically should advance the mitigation of the problems that spill over the beautiful, new wall.

President Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed the new U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement — or USMCA — in Buenos Aires Friday, using the backdrop of the G-20 Summit to resolve a trade dispute between America and its closest neighbors.
Sanctioning Iran had a diminished effect when trading partners were allowed to circumvent the initiative. Now those trading partners will risk losing access to the US consumer markets if they don't respect the sanction. And when they do there's a clear path (dispute resolution process) for addressing their work around. Trump is leveraging the US's economic leadership by building the coalition. A downside is that once the agreements are in place and the coalition is solidified, any administration can use the leverage to push their agenda on the free world (or solicit donations to their foundations). USMCA is an improvement. It's also the outline for agreements with Japan, the UK, maybe even France, Germany, Italy, and the other 20+ EU hold outs. Russia's position will be interesting. The don't hold a very good hand with the energy sector losing relevance.

This doesn't do anything for us. Sanctions are ********. They've only ever worked one time. Usually they do nothing or completely backfire
Should work great. Your own post indicates that export growth equaled import growth. The Chinese will have to feed a billion people plastic trinkets when their food reserves are depleted. Trump can wait it out. Even with the dumb lefties screaming and posting graphs.

Trump can wait anything out, economically. The aristocracy will be fine in both countries. The American economy will suffer and so will China's. The question is who can bear the political consequences the longest? Do you think the authoritarian Chinese government or the American government is more likely to buckle under public pressure?

This is not a left/right thing, this an economics question that has a consensus answer.
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This was an interesting moment in the NAFTA 2 signing ceremony

Speaking of which, from a free trade standpoint, it's basically a wash with the existing agreement, or maybe even slightly worse.

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