The Foreign Trade Thread

You said:

Which defies the concept of comparative advantage. I asked what new field of economics is disputing comparative advantage.

You then said:

Which is almost an exact quote from a Trump adviser
“Navarro shot back at GM on Saturday in an interview on CNN, saying the auto company was using "smoke and mirrors" to deceive the public” and what does Hillary Clinton have to do with it?

Contrarily from Forbes:

“GM Cuts Jobs And Plants To Deal With Changing Tastes And Trump Tariffs. GM is closing five plants and thousands of workers to cope with declining industry auto sales, higher costs from Trump tariffs and diminishing interest in sedans like this Buick LaCrosse.”

GM Cuts Jobs And Plants To Deal With Changing Tastes And Trump Tariffs

You then stated it was about “fair trade”. You are the one changing the narrative when it suits your defense of Trump.

I’m sure the steel manufacturers find the tariffs “fair”. Car manufacturers and consumers, not so much. “ Fair trade” is a bs crony catch phrase used by those in an attempt to legislate their economic preferences.

GM/Chinese cars dumped in the US should be taxed like a mofo. They're criminals. Punishing them for their tactics isn't economic theory. It's not bending over and taking their **** any more.
Also, don't ignore that the counter to China's 40% tariff is a 27.5% tariff. Is reducing the 27.5% going to help with the overall imbalance?
GM/Chinese cars dumped in the US should be taxed like a mofo.
Assumes facts not in evidence.

They're criminals. Punishing them for their tactics isn't economic theory. It's not bending over and taking their **** any more.

I know we have laws against theft. We should now have laws against getting a product at a cheaper price because getting something cheaper is “bending over and taking it”.
Also, don't ignore that the counter to China's 40% tariff is a 27.5% tariff. Is reducing the 27.5% going to help with the overall imbalance?

Since the Chinese govt is kicking their citizens in the shins with tariffs, our government should kick us in the shins in retaliation. What imbalance do you speak of?
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The bailouts were terrible policy, GM and Chrysler should have been allowed to go through bankruptcy. They would be much stronger companies today if they had.

Not a lot of difference between the government giving a company money and the government taxing that company's competition so it can charge more.
Not a lot of difference between the government giving a company money and the government taxing that company's competition so it can charge more.

There is a tremendous difference in the bailouts and taxes. They're not even comparable. I'd suggest that you research them.
Editorial: Trump shares blame for GM's cutback

Since the Chinese govt is kicking their citizens in the shins with tariffs, our government should kick us in the shins in retaliation. What imbalance do you speak of?
The entire Chinese economy is a sham. They are the ultimate in haves vs have nots.
Assumes facts not in evidence.

I know we have laws against theft. We should now have laws against getting a product at a cheaper price because getting something cheaper is “bending over and taking it”.

The Chinese have been stealing our IP and tech without repercussions. Until Trump. How many licensed copies of Microsoft operating systems do you think they've paid for? It's something like 10%.
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The entire Chinese economy is a sham. They are the ultimate in haves vs have nots.
I don’t disagree. I occasionally take the train between Guangzhou and Hong Kong. It’s amazing how many areas there are with groups of buildings that compromise the size of downtown Atlanta that are empty and/ or rundown.
I am finding it very difficult to feel sorry for a business segment that was completely spared a well deserved death for incompetence a decade ago and then two years after setting record profits is crying and pining away about “headwinds”.

Lehman Bros is speaking thru a clairvoyant from the grave. They say hello.
The Chinese have been stealing our IP and tech without repercussions. Until Trump. How many licensed copies of Microsoft operating systems of you think they've paid for? It's something like 10%.
Until Trump? Go to the Science and Technology center in Shanghai and you will see that the counterfeit trade market is alive and thriving.
We’re not debating that it’s ok to steal intellectual property, we’re debating tariffs. You’re changing the narrative again.
Until Trump? Go to the Science and Technology center in Shanghai and you will see that the counterfeit trade market is alive and thriving.
We’re not debating that it’s ok to steal intellectual property, we’re debating tariffs. You’re changing the narrative again.

"Until Trump" fighting back.
Until Trump? Go to the Science and Technology center in Shanghai and you will see that the counterfeit trade market is alive and thriving.
We’re not debating that it’s ok to steal intellectual property, we’re debating tariffs. You’re changing the narrative again.
Isn't the purpose of the tariffs to induce economic pain to bring the Chinese to the table to stop the theft? I know it is like sweeping back the ocean, but is not that the intent?

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