The future Liberals want

You ever find something concerning in your preflight walkabout?
Concerning? As in a safety issue? Nah. Every once in awhile we might see a leak or something that we want maintenance to check out, but I can't think of anything that has ever made me want to walk away from the airplane. Of course now that I'm old I don't do that many walkarounds. That's mainly a copilot thing. But I DO them sometimes.
Concerning? As in a safety issue? Nah. Every once in awhile we might see a leak or something that we want maintenance to check out, but I can't think of anything that has ever made me want to walk away from the airplane. Of course now that I'm old I don't do that many walkarounds. That's mainly a copilot thing. But I DO them sometimes.
If I ripped one..
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As i drove thru the understaffed Wendys today that took almost 30 minutes even though there was only 1 vehicle in front of me, i had plenty of time to ponder the menu. I ordered a burger fries and a dessert or anything...and my food was like $14. Something occurred to me which had not before somehow:

When the Dimwits in California decided to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, every economist that was sane screamed that it was a terrible idea that would have only negative net effects on society...and of course it was ignored. I heard and read in several different media that " when the min wage is $15, fast food will also cost a person $15 and it will be terrible. " Apparently there has been a strong direct correlation in the US that the cost of a Big Mac meal costs about the same as minimum wage across time. This example was used over and over again to demonstrate how raising the min wage to over twice the federal min wage (7.25) was a very bad idea.

Well its been a couple/few years now, the min wage in California is now $16...and as predicted a standard fast food meal is about the same. Heres the thing: it costs people here in NC and home in TN almost $15 for a BASIC fast food meal sans dessert or extras...BUT the minimum wage here is still $7.25 an hour. Therefore so is the wage scale for every hourly employee and even most salaried positions like mine. The cost of groceries, fast food, housing/rent, just about everything has doubled but peoples wages have not doubled at least in my circle over the last 4 or 5 years. They just haven't. So this record inflation, particularly in food from any source and shelter, have hit the southeast particularly hard. Much harder than other places whose wages have doubled that pay the same prices we do (roughly) for goods and services. The entire country us paying a heavy price for California which was told plainly and overwhelmingly NOT to do this. They have of course completely gone to crap now in SF and LA with homeless populations and lawlessness never before seen on US streets, where drug stores, groceries etc are all closing up shop rather than lose money from daily theft and robberies...and the damage economically from their poor decision is already done nationally.

So whats the answer for us here in the South? In TN and NC where fast food is almost $15 but our minimum wage is less than half that? Where the price of groceries has doubled but wages havent even dreamed of doing that? What are young people starting out supposed to do when 2 of the 3 basic necessities of survival ( food, shelter) artificially cost 2x what they actually should?
As i drove thru the understaffed Wendys today that took almost 30 minutes even though there was only 1 vehicle in front of me, i had plenty of time to ponder the menu. I ordered a burger fries and a dessert or anything...and my food was like $14. Something occurred to me which had not before somehow:

When the Dimwits in California decided to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, every economist that was sane screamed that it was a terrible idea that would have only negative net effects on society...and of course it was ignored. I heard and read in several different media that " when the min wage is $15, fast food will also cost a person $15 and it will be terrible. " Apparently there has been a strong direct correlation in the US that the cost of a Big Mac meal costs about the same as minimum wage across time. This example was used over and over again to demonstrate how raising the min wage to over twice the federal min wage (7.25) was a very bad idea.

Well its been a couple/few years now, the min wage in California is now $16...and as predicted a standard fast food meal is about the same. Heres the thing: it costs people here in NC and home in TN almost $15 for a BASIC fast food meal sans dessert or extras...BUT the minimum wage here is still $7.25 an hour. Therefore so is the wage scale for every hourly employee and even most salaried positions like mine. The cost of groceries, fast food, housing/rent, just about everything has doubled but peoples wages have not doubled at least in my circle over the last 4 or 5 years. They just haven't. So this record inflation, particularly in food from any source and shelter, have hit the southeast particularly hard. Much harder than other places whose wages have doubled that pay the same prices we do (roughly) for goods and services. The entire country us paying a heavy price for California which was told plainly and overwhelmingly NOT to do this. They have of course completely gone to crap now in SF and LA with homeless populations and lawlessness never before seen on US streets, where drug stores, groceries etc are all closing up shop rather than lose money from daily theft and robberies...and the damage economically from their poor decision is already done nationally.

So whats the answer for us here in the South? In TN and NC where fast food is almost $15 but our minimum wage is less than half that? Where the price of groceries has doubled but wages havent even dreamed of doing that? What are young people starting out supposed to do when 2 of the 3 basic necessities of survival ( food, shelter) artificially cost 2x what they actually should?
"What are young people going to do?" Boo hoo. First of all they need to learn basic home economics. If it is too expensive to buy a house they will have to rent. If it is too expensive to rent your own place they will have to do the same thing I did when I was a young person. Get roommates until you get a job good enough to go out on your own. Stay the **** out of the damned tattoo parlors. Stop buying the latest iPhone that hits the shelves. Don't go into debt for a $70,000 car when you CLEARLY can't afford it. Stop eating out and with with the Door Dash meals... learn to cook for yourselves. I could go on.

Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid. (And none of that was aimed at you Marcus... you're a good man.)
"What are young people going to do?" Boo hoo. First of all they need to learn basic home economics. If it is too expensive to buy a house they will have to rent. If it is too expensive to rent your own place they will have to do the same thing I did when I was a young person. Get roommates until you get a job good enough to go out on your own. Stay the **** out of the damned tattoo parlors. Stop buying the latest iPhone that hits the shelves. Don't go into debt for a $70,000 car when you CLEARLY can't afford it. Stop eating out and with with the Door Dash meals... learn to cook for yourselves. I could go on.

Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid. (And none of that was aimed at you Marcus... you're a good man.)

I agree with all of that. All the things you listed above are things that I consider to be luxuries though. You dont need any of the things you mentioned above. Those, for some folks anyway, are "wants". My concern is cost of necessities like food and a roof overhead...and the disproportionate effect here in the south. Its always been OK that wages down here aren't what they are up north in union states or out west because the cost of living here has been so much lower. I dont think the cost of living is much lower here now but the wages are significantly lower IMO. To be fair, I dont know what houses or rent costs now in Tennessee, but either is outrageous in the Charlotte area. Housing prices have actually doubled in the less than a decade and so rent prices have as well. I am pretty sure that groceries are probably similar between here and there. Will have to ask my Mom. Again, I am not concerned about myself either. I will always get by. Its the young folks like my kids that I worry about. Ive got 1 more to get through college man. I am confident we can get there from here. I don't envy the world they are inheriting from us though. We are the adults. The stewards. We allowed the governments and policies and BS that has stacked the deck so much against them. They face challenges Boomers and people my age never did. Thats for damn sure. Like no pensions, no social security, and everything costing them way way more than it cost my parents or me relative to wages of the time.
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What national language?

I havent done any research to see if English is the "official" language of the US...but its certainly our national language.

All public schools are English speaking, all of our textbooks are in English, if you go to any government office all the documents, signs, official forms of I.D. like drivers licenses etc are in English. All the language on our money is in English except for a little latin which is a dead language that no country on planet Earth uses anymore etc. English is our national language man. To become a naturalized American citizen an immigrant has to pass tests in English last I saw anyway. I work almost exclusively with latinos all day everyday and love my guys....but all the Spanish language BS we encounter these days in this country is just that: bullsheit. Unless you're in a country for a short stint such as vacation, you should work diligently to learn the language of the new country and use it when in public places any time possible. Nobody should be granted US citizenship NOR have a work visa renewed here if they cannot demonstrate at least a minimum level of English proficiency and show proof that they are taking classes etc to become functional in our language if not conversational or fluent.

I speak spanish most of the time at work while also educating my guys on a daily in our language and customs. If people move to this country it should always be legally and they should be tested in English and demonstrate solid proficiency to gain US citizenship unless they can prove special circumstances such as a disability or similar valid reason they are unable to learn our language. All this Spanish language that has become ubiquitous here in recent history is utter and complete BS in my opinion and it is both annoying and wrong as far as I am concerned. Assimilate or GTFO.
I havent done any research to see if English is the "official" language of the US...but its certainly our national language.

All public schools are English speaking, all of our textbooks are in English, if you go to any government office all the documents, signs, official forms of I.D. like drivers licenses etc are in English. All the language on our money is in English except for a little latin which is a dead language that no country on planet Earth uses anymore etc. English is our national language man. To become a naturalized American citizen an immigrant has to pass tests in English last I saw anyway. I work almost exclusively with latinos all day everyday and love my guys....but all the Spanish language BS we encounter these days in this country is just that: bullsheit. Unless you're in a country for a short stint such as vacation, you should work diligently to learn the language of the new country and use it when in public places any time possible. Nobody should be granted US citizenship NOR have a work visa renewed here if they cannot demonstrate at least a minimum level of English proficiency and show proof that they are taking classes etc to become functional in our language if not conversational or fluent.

I speak spanish most of the time at work while also educating my guys on a daily in our language and customs. If people move to this country it should always be legally and they should be tested in English and demonstrate solid proficiency to gain US citizenship unless they can prove special circumstances such as a disability or similar valid reason they are unable to learn our language. All this Spanish language that has become ubiquitous here in recent history is utter and complete BS in my opinion and it is both annoying and wrong as far as I am concerned. Assimilate or GTFO.
she was speaking to a crowd of people who spoke Somali/Arabic, whatever she was speaking. she was communicating with her constituents in a way they apparently understand and appreciate, and I have a hard time finding fault with that.

You and the tweeter need to pay more attention to stuff that actually matters. what is COMPLETELY lost here while people are distracted by the language she was speaking is what she was saying. speaking as a US congresswoman she was addressing the problems of Somalia(ns). that should have been the only real concern/take away from that. you latching onto the identity politics just lose site of the real problems.
she was speaking to a crowd of people who spoke Somali/Arabic, whatever she was speaking. she was communicating with her constituents in a way they apparently understand and appreciate, and I have a hard time finding fault with that.

You and the tweeter need to pay more attention to stuff that actually matters. what is COMPLETELY lost here while people are distracted by the language she was speaking is what she was saying. speaking as a US congresswoman she was addressing the problems of Somalia(ns). that should have been the only real concern/take away from that. you latching onto the identity politics just lose site of the real problems.

We can just agree to disagree on this one my friend. To me the language and customs of this country are important because they are what bind us together as Americans. Without them, we are just 300+ million people that happen to live in the same vicinity. Thats not what we fought for independence from England for, nor what all those who served and died gave their lives for...not for "people who live inside the same arbitrarily drawn lines on a map as me" . Thats not whats worth fighting for now, either. America is worth fighting for though, even in its current sick and dying condition.

If the language, customs, history etc don't matter then we might as well just open the borders completely and be quickly overrun by all of Central and South America. This country is and always has been a "melting pot" and i understand that...but every generation before now has consisted of immigrants who came here then quickly and intentionally adapted to become actual Americans and speak our language. All these signs etc everywhere in Spanish are new in the last 20 years and its BS. It sends the wrong message to both them and us: "come here and stay the same" instead of "Welcome. Become an American like the rest of us." This is obviously just my opinion though, you are certainly welcome to your own. I believe in American Exceptionalism and Nationalism in certain context anyway.
We can just agree to disagree on this one my friend. To me the language and customs of this country are important because they are what bind us together as Americans. Without them, we are just 300+ million people that happen to live in the same vicinity. Thats not what we fought for independence from England for, nor what all those who served and died gave their lives for...not for "people who live inside the same arbitrarily drawn lines on a map as me" . Thats not whats worth fighting for now, either. America is worth fighting for though, even in its current sick and dying condition.

If the language, customs, history etc don't matter then we might as well just open the borders completely and be quickly overrun by all of Central and South America. This country is and always has been a "melting pot" and i understand that...but every generation before now has consisted of immigrants who came here then quickly and intentionally adapted to become actual Americans and speak our language. All these signs etc everywhere in Spanish are new in the last 20 years and its BS. It sends the wrong message to both them and us: "come here and stay the same" instead of "Welcome. Become an American like the rest of us." This is obviously just my opinion though, you are certainly welcome to your own. I believe in American Exceptionalism and Nationalism in certain context anyway.
The left doesn't believe in American exceptionalism. Period.
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We can just agree to disagree on this one my friend. To me the language and customs of this country are important because they are what bind us together as Americans. Without them, we are just 300+ million people that happen to live in the same vicinity. Thats not what we fought for independence from England for, nor what all those who served and died gave their lives for...not for "people who live inside the same arbitrarily drawn lines on a map as me" . Thats not whats worth fighting for now, either. America is worth fighting for though, even in its current sick and dying condition.

If the language, customs, history etc don't matter then we might as well just open the borders completely and be quickly overrun by all of Central and South America. This country is and always has been a "melting pot" and i understand that...but every generation before now has consisted of immigrants who came here then quickly and intentionally adapted to become actual Americans and speak our language. All these signs etc everywhere in Spanish are new in the last 20 years and its BS. It sends the wrong message to both them and us: "come here and stay the same" instead of "Welcome. Become an American like the rest of us." This is obviously just my opinion though, you are certainly welcome to your own. I believe in American Exceptionalism and Nationalism in certain context anyway.
we fought for our independence from England just to make sure that everyone who lived in our borders speaks English.....

I believe in America too, just with that nationalism and exceptionalism is the realization that we have had to make constant changes to get anywhere. and I don't give two craps about the language, I much prefer personal freedom which means you get to choose what you speak. on the same front that choice can mean you can't get service everywhere unless you speak a common language. I have been outside the country and been able to get by without speaking much if any of the local language. I am not worried about suddenly not being able to survive in America because some stores I don't go into have a language I don't read on it.
we fought for our independence from England just to make sure that everyone who lived in our borders speaks English.....

I believe in America too, just with that nationalism and exceptionalism is the realization that we have had to make constant changes to get anywhere. and I don't give two craps about the language, I much prefer personal freedom which means you get to choose what you speak. on the same front that choice can mean you can't get service everywhere unless you speak a common language. I have been outside the country and been able to get by without speaking much if any of the local language. I am not worried about suddenly not being able to survive in America because some stores I don't go into have a language I don't read on it.

Love ya bro but the 1st and last sentences are both nonsense that I didnt say...therefore strawmen.

To the 1st: no, we fought for our independence so that we could establish our own way of dping things. Our own customs and traditions. English just happens to be the predominant language of early America spoken by more folks and so it beat out other languages to be our American language. Since the Declaration, Constitution, BOR etc are all written in English that language is just as much ours now as it is theirs. In fact we speak an entirely different dialect of English from folks who live in any part of the UK. We speak American English....forgive me for not specifying and stating that previously I thought it was implied and a baseline understanding between us because you are both intelligent and American. Our language and other customs ARE important though. Without them we are just people that happen to live near eachother...and by near I mean within several thousand miles.

To the last, thats just silliness that I never said or implied. The resistance to assimilation by immigrants, our government going along with it with all the spanish language crap, and ~12 to 30 million new illegal aliens just in Bidens 4 years (depending on which numbers you use) are all brand new phenomenon that have never, ever happened before in our country's history. Its new, its BS, and its detrimental to our country and my kids futures. Controlled, legal immigration and assimilation are 1 thing...The exact opposite of that is the current modus operandi*.

*little latin there for levity pimpin
Love ya bro but the 1st and last sentences are both nonsense that I didnt say...therefore strawmen.

To the 1st: no, we fought for our independence so that we could establish our own way of dping things. Our own customs and traditions. English just happens to be the predominant language of early America spoken by more folks and so it beat out other languages to be our American language. Since the Declaration, Constitution, BOR etc are all written in English that language is just as much ours now as it is theirs. In fact we speak an entirely different dialect of English from folks who live in any part of the UK. We speak American English....forgive me for not specifying and stating that previously I thought it was implied and a baseline understanding between us because you are both intelligent and American. Our language and other customs ARE important though. Without them we are just people that happen to live near eachother...and by near I mean within several thousand miles.

To the last, thats just silliness that I never said or implied. The resistance to assimilation by immigrants, our government going along with it with all the spanish language crap, and ~12 to 30 million new illegal aliens just in Bidens 4 years (depending on which numbers you use) are all brand new phenomenon that have never, ever happened before in our country's history. Its new, its BS, and its detrimental to our country and my kids futures. Controlled, legal immigration and assimilation are 1 thing...The exact opposite of that is the current modus operandi*.

*little latin there for levity pimpin
how has our government gone along with it? By not banning foreign language signs in the US? yeah, again I will take personal freedom there.

our government used to give out 40 acres and mule, and some variants of that for a long time to bring in immigrants. even after 1700s there were periods of time with as much immigrant population as we are seeing today relatively speaking in percentages.

it has always been a case of those who immigrated didn't assimilate very well. go to any major population of immigrants and you will find a disgruntled American complaining about them. Germans, Irish, Hungarians, the other eastern european nations. give it a couple generations and America will look largely the same, just maybe a bit tanner, and shorter.

Jews speak English but are very much not assimilated to our culture, and you go into most Jewish shops and you are going to see more Hebrew than English. The various Mennonites, Quakers and the like are allowed to very much live outside our culture and customs. often the best part of many areas is that they haven't assimilated. Helen Georgia is leaning on probably a faux-German background. how many Asia/China Towns, here in Atlanta I am going to Bufford highway to get all sorts of unassimilated good eating. You tell me what particular type of asian you are looking for and I can tell you how many miles away from Atlanta you need to drive on Bufford Highway to find it.

and I am not really sure they should be taking on our culture. too many grifters wanting freebies, we need those immigrants to keep their hard working ways, and not to give into the rampant consumerism that has ruined almost every generation of American. we are too obsessed on things, ease, and comfort. if you ask me our American culture is the one that needs to assimilate and better itself.
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how has our government gone along with it? By not banning foreign language signs in the US? yeah, again I will take personal freedom there.

our government used to give out 40 acres and mule, and some variants of that for a long time to bring in immigrants. even after 1700s there were periods of time with as much immigrant population as we are seeing today relatively speaking in percentages.

it has always been a case of those who immigrated didn't assimilate very well. go to any major population of immigrants and you will find a disgruntled American complaining about them. Germans, Irish, Hungarians, the other eastern european nations. give it a couple generations and America will look largely the same, just maybe a bit tanner, and shorter.

Jews speak English but are very much not assimilated to our culture, and you go into most Jewish shops and you are going to see more Hebrew than English. The various Mennonites, Quakers and the like are allowed to very much live outside our culture and customs. often the best part of many areas is that they haven't assimilated. Helen Georgia is leaning on probably a faux-German background. how many Asia/China Towns, here in Atlanta I am going to Bufford highway to get all sorts of unassimilated good eating. You tell me what particular type of asian you are looking for and I can tell you how many miles away from Atlanta you need to drive on Bufford Highway to find it.

and I am not really sure they should be taking on our culture. too many grifters wanting freebies, we need those immigrants to keep their hard working ways, and not to give into the rampant consumerism that has ruined almost every generation of American. we are too obsessed on things, ease, and comfort. if you ask me our American culture is the one that needs to assimilate and better itself.

Lots of good stuff in the 1st part of this post. I agree with a lot of it and those are valid points. To the part about Buford highway, i don't have any problem with that either. There have always been portions of our big cities that have similarities to the place that the immigrants came from (like Chinatown etc) theres nothing inherently wrong with that either and it is a benefit to the rest of us Americans to be able to go there on occasion if we want and eat their food or shop at their businesses. Charlotte has a Latino District with mexican stores and restaurants as well. Thats a good thing and a cool aspect of American society.

The last part of your post is where we disagree. Do i think Americans today tend to have the flaws you mentioned and are lazy in comparison to the guys I work with? Yes. I think that is objectively true in a broad sense. However I believe in American exceptionalism even if this current population is certainly flawed. I don't want this country to be Mexico North. All the countries these people come from are inferior to the US...thats why they came here. The same folks you want to emulate already ruined their own countries, we have absolutely no reason to think anything different will happen here. Mexico city looks like a damn dumpster. Trash everywhere on the sides of the road, shantytown shacks without indoor plumbing stacked on top of eachother in spots. 20 million people in a festering sheithole. The rest of Mexico other than resort destinations like Cozumel and Playa de Carmen are so dangerous because of the cartels and other criminals that our own crooked government puts out travel advisory saying not to go because you will be kidnapped for ransom. Police are beheaded in groups by the cartel and then left on sidewalks or hung from bridges by cartels to send a message to citizens and police alike about who controls that country. Many of the immigrants that come here arent from Mexico but rather central/south America, but their countries are largely in bad shape too. All my Latino guys at work are pretty good guys on a personal level and I admire their hard work, but I dont want to adopt the customs of where they came from. If I wanted to live like a Central American I would move there. Almost nobody moves from here to there. Theres good reasons for that. If and when the bloated Uniparty government of the US completely destroys this country, moving there might be the right thing to do, but fortunately we are not there yet. Theres still time to save this country though it is admittedly running short.

I dont think are viewpoints are really too far apart honestly. I see many of the same things wrong here that you do. I am also pro freedom and believe in individual liberty. I just also believe that America is exceptional and we need to be more like the Americans of old than like people from other nations. The changes i listed in my previous post and this invasion from the south are bad for this country, and NOT calling them out is exactly how this country has gone downhill greatly just in my lifetime. The US in 2024 is crap compared to the US circa 1980 and its obvious to those of us that have been here for both. Letting things deteriorate over time without speaking up is exactly how we got here...the government is the primary cause of the decline and it is ridiculous. We need to close all borders and only allow limited immigration of people with skills and education that are certain to be a net benefit to society. Not rapists, drug and sex traffickers, gang and cartel members, terrorists, and leeches. We also need to deport any immigrant immediately if convicted of a felony, violent or sexual misdemeanor. If you weren't born here and are a criminal then your ass needs to be deported. We already have an uphill battle to save this nation without absorbing the bottom feeders from all over the world.

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