The George Floyd Monument

WATCH: 700 Pound Statue of George Floyd Unveiled in New Jersey


A New Jersey city offered a tribute to George Floyd Wednesday by unveiling a 700-pound bronze statue of him outside Newark’s City Hall.

WATCH: 700 Pound Statue of George Floyd Unveiled in New Jersey
Looks like a couple of 700 pounders there...
I don't know why we need statues and memorials to people who really never accomplished anything. The only thing we know for sure George Floyd did is pass phony money and ingest street drugs.

You're missing the point!
Truck driver, 36, who Drove a Tanker into a Group of George Floyd Protesters will have all charges DROPPED if he stays on the right side of the law for a year

  • Bogdan Vechirko, 36, sped his rig at protesters on the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, back on May 31 2020
A truck driver who drove a tanker into a group of George Floyd protesters will have all charges dropped over the incident if he stays on the right side of the law for one year.

Vechirko, from Otsego, sped into the crowd of up to 6,000 protesters as they marched from the US Bank Stadium demanding justice over the murder of Floyd six days earlier.

Both charges will now be dropped if he meets the conditions of a restorative justice program.

Driver who drove a tanker into a group of George Floyd protesters will have all charges DROPPED | Daily Mail Online
That is a fact, but why should that merit a statue of him????

Because statues make people feel good and like they've done something, but without requiring them to fully process and deal with all the components surrounding the situation or person.
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I don't know why we need statues and memorials to people who really never accomplished anything. The only thing we know for sure George Floyd did is pass phony money and ingest street drugs.
Well he gave his life willingly for a Juneteenth holiday to contrast their seldom celebrated Fathers Day according to dems.
Truck driver, 36, who Drove a Tanker into a Group of George Floyd Protesters will have all charges DROPPED if he stays on the right side of the law for a year

  • Bogdan Vechirko, 36, sped his rig at protesters on the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, back on May 31 2020
A truck driver who drove a tanker into a group of George Floyd protesters will have all charges dropped over the incident if he stays on the right side of the law for one year.

Vechirko, from Otsego, sped into the crowd of up to 6,000 protesters as they marched from the US Bank Stadium demanding justice over the murder of Floyd six days earlier.

Both charges will now be dropped if he meets the conditions of a restorative justice program.

Driver who drove a tanker into a group of George Floyd protesters will have all charges DROPPED | Daily Mail Online
More Republican legislation twisting perception and making it acceptable for people to mow down protestors amirite sister @evillawyer 🤡
Because the police were actually held accountable. That usually is not the case when something like that happens.
So the police were held accountable for his death, that merits a statue???? Pretty sure this was not the first time police were held accountable for a persons death and can’t recall any statues being erected for those people. Just saying.
Even if that was true, a statue is pointless and a waste
Actually, the more I think about it, GF is the perfect hero of the left. A worthless POS that took and took and took from the .gov. He never did anything in his pointless life other than to resist authority and common decency at every turn and ended up being a martyr. Hero material.
Because the police were actually held accountable. That usually is not the case when something like that happens.

So that requires a statue?!?!

Look, I’m all in that the police are largely comprised of Rambo wannabe’s with a bully complex and looking to hand out tickets but at the end of the day, GF was high on drugs and committing a felony. The police are to blame here, but it is without question if he wasn’t high and committing crimes he would be alive today. You absolutely have to acknowledge there is at least some shared responsibility here with his death.

Dude does not deserve a statue and that doesn’t not take away anything from whatever views anybody has about racism or social justice today. The statue idea is supremely stupid and laughably ridiculous.
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