The George Floyd Monument

Early morning. Woke up, tried to go back to sleep, couldn't.

Scumbag died under unfortunate circumstances. Doesn't change the fact he was a scumbag. Certainly not worthy of the attention or the idiocy that has plagued our nation as a result of his death. That said a hoard of scumbags looking for an excuse to burn, disrupt and pillage will go full ******* at the drop of a hat.
So how many civic right leaders/hero’s have statues in NYC? Rosa, MLK, John Young? All the Halls Of Fame have waiting periods to prevent knee jerk reactions and vet worthiness. I predict in 5 years the GF statue will be nothing more than a pigeon toilet or gone due to neglect
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Really? Why? Because not everybody thinks like you?
Definitely not here but I know where I am posting.
So this is a serious question. If white people find this statue offensive, can they tear it down without repercussions? And would it be praised by the media while it happened?
Why in the world would a white person find a monument of GF done in good taste offensive?
Honest question......What happened to Floyd was terrible and justice has been served, but should Floyd be the Poster Child of BLM? Why not someone who was actually a good citizen and role model?
What the majority of the people who posted in this thread are missing, is that it’s not the person who is being revered but all the things his death signifies.
What the majority of the people who posted in this thread are missing, is that it’s not the person who is being revered but all the things his death signifies.
I’m pretty sure it’s the person when monuments and statues of him are going up everywhere.

100% agree with equality, but having him as the face of a movement is ridiculous.
@BayVol7 Another honest question......

Do you think that statues and monuments of Nathan Bedford Forrest should be taken down? There is a reason I’m asking.
I’m pretty sure it’s the person when monuments and statues of him are going up everywhere.

100% agree with equality, but having him as the face of a movement is ridiculous.
There are currently a lot of monuments and statutes, still standing, of people who lead a much worse life than GF.
@BayVol7 Another honest question......

Do you think that statues and monuments of Nathan Bedford Forrest should be taken down? There is a reason I’m asking.
Maybe this goes to your point but why in the world should he have any monuments? What am I missing?

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