The GOP National Convention

Obama did more to set back racial harmony than anyone else in recent memory. He basically turned by the clock 60 years; back to the race riots of the 60‘s. And he cynically did it to create division in order to gain more votes.
His personal speaking’s on Ferguson, MO & Trayvon Martin helped to continue to stoke the division and poured gas on a fire.
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His personal speaking’s on Ferguson, MO & Trayvon Martin helped to continue to stoke the division and poured gas on a fire.
And don’t forget his statement „The police acted stupidly“. The one person who had the best chance to bring races closer together instead drove a huge wedge into the populace
Obama did more to set back racial harmony than anyone else in recent memory. He basically turned by the clock 60 years; back to the race riots of the 60‘s. And he cynically did it to create division in order to gain more votes.
Absolutely, when he said he wanted to fundamentally change America that's what he did. He has pitted Americans against each other. It's been in plan for years but he was a catalyst who actually put the wheels in motion
Also: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
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