The GOP National Convention

It ain't over. I don't underestimate the left's willingness to vote for whomever the elite put in front of them, and I don't underestimate the ability for the Republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

"Put on more steam".
And after they boot Biden (who won the most primary votes by a huge margin); they will still, with no self awareness or sense of irony whatsoever, still claim to be the party that is “defending democracy”
Louisville is Gateway to Blue Wall, etc. Beshear would give Trump huge issues. Shapiro would as well...

The Dems screwed the pooch not giving Shapiro more of a role post 7/13 but we know why that didnt happen...
Shapiro would be a good choice....

Although, I'm kind of warming to the idea of just letting 2024 go, and not tainting any of the Democrat's 2028 prospects with a Biden stench. Beshear and Shapiro should decline an offer to run on a Harris ticket.
Shapiro would be a good choice....

Although, I'm kind of warming to the idea of just letting 2024 go, and not tainting any of the Democrat's 2028 prospects with a Biden stench. Beshear and Shapiro should decline an offer to run on a Harris ticket.

I wouldnt want to run with Kamala. She is a losing proposition absent Trump doing something stupid (not out of the realm of possibility)...
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If Democrats were smart... They would have sent Biden packing a year ago. (As your candidate).
Except that the entire reason Biden was basically coronated in 2020 and 2024 was to avoid a civil war within the party. You have the Clintonistas, the Obama sycophants, and the Bernie Bros. Biden was probably the only candidate all three could live with.
No matter what happens regarding Biden, expect the Democrat convention next month to break out into a new conflagration between the Pro Israel and Pro Hamas factions within the party.
I see what everyone sees in Biden. I did not see what you saw fropm Trump's convention speech. It was boring as hell.

I thought Trump's speech was a missed opportunity. He had the most eyeballs he was ever going to have on him.

Tell his version of 7/13, spin it into a shot at Biden Admin (bring up RFK) and use that transition to hit "The guy who denied RFK a detail is in charge of the border with Kamala" then hit immigration, hit inflation, and wrap it up with a reconcilatory appeal...
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I thought Trump's speech was a missed opportunity. He had the most eyeballs he was ever going to have on him.

Tell his version of 7/13, spin it into a shot at Biden Admin (bring up RFK) and use that transition to hit "The guy who denied RFK a detail is in charge of the border with Kamala" then hit immigration, hit inflation, and wrap it up with a reconcilatory appeal...
He meandered so much that it appears that the whole point of that speech was its duration .... but does that matter when people are turning away from you or falling asleep?
I agree with David Axelrod .... Biden's showing in the debate looked like an SNL skit with a comedian lampooning him - and maybe going a little too far with it.

And Axelrod is an old friend of Joe Biden.
Never underestimate the impact of optics. Kennedy basically beat Nixon in 1960 due to how much better he looked on stage in contrast to poor ole Nixon
I see what everyone sees in Biden. I did not see what you saw from Trump's convention speech. It was boring as hell.
The content was red meat for his followers but will probably not sway many undecided; so I see your point.
The best thing for Trump might have been that he was kind of boring. When the perception of a candidate includes things like being loud, obnoxious, and abrasive; having that candidate actually come across as not overly demonstrating those traits; they decrease the discomfort that people on the fence may feel.
The one thing Trump had to do this week was not be crazy. And since the debate, he has restrained himself better than I expected him to be able to do.
At this point, if the Democrats keep Biden on the ticket; the only person who can probably beat Donald Trump is Donald Trump himself.
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If you resign 24 for 28, you are undermining the central Dem talking point that Trump is a threat to democracy.
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And after they boot Biden (who won the most primary votes by a huge margin); they will still, with no self awareness or sense of irony whatsoever, still claim to be the party that is “defending democracy”
Well of course. And their base will eat it up. Plus, they have the MSM to carry their water to the ignorant.

This sums up the left pretty well:
Well of course. And their base will eat it up. Plus, they have the MSM to carry their water to the ignorant.

This sums up the left pretty well:
After the way the MSM was complicit in hiding Biden’s decline from the public; I don’t see how any halfway intelligent person could ever really believe them ever again. They are to the establishment what Pravda was for the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. Wholly subservient to the ruling party.
Trump's speech was a long-winded, incoherent, unfocused and rambling mess.
The point of the speech was a 2 show the ability of DJT to stay active and engaged for an entire speech. And to demonstrate the fact that he is not impaired, as his speech was off the cuff and he repeatedly acknowledged those killed by illegals that Biden couldn't even remember let alone pronounce. The speech was very subdued, it sounded like a man who saw his life flash before his eyes and may even be struggling with running is worth his life.
The point of the speech was a 2 show the ability of DJT to stay active and engaged for an entire speech. And to demonstrate the fact that he is not impaired, as his speech was off the cuff and he repeatedly acknowledged those killed by illegals that Biden couldn't even remember let alone pronounce. The speech was very subdued, it sounded like a man who saw his life flash before his eyes and may even be struggling with running is worth his life.
Trump has zero oratorical skills.

1) He speaks too often in a monotone.
2) He goes on too many tangents with too many non-sequiturs.
3) Too many points are abandoned in mid-stream.
4) He repeats the same statement too frequently .... like Jimmy Two Times in Goodfellas. Presumably this is done as a means of emphasis, or maybe he is just buying time while thinking of what to say next? Whatever the reason for it ..... it becomes irritating after a while. Trump has to be a speech transcriber's worst nightmare.

Over the course of 90 minutes, such a manner of speaking will bore an audience to tears.
Trump has zero oratorical skills.

1) He speaks too often in a monotone.
2) He goes on too many tangents with too many non-sequiturs.
3) Too many points are abandoned in mid-stream.
4) He repeats the same statement too frequently .... like Jimmy Two Times in Goodfellas. Presumably this is done as a means of emphasis, or maybe he is just buying time while thinking of what to say next? Whatever the reason for it ..... it becomes irritating after a while. Trump has to be a speech transcriber's worst nightmare.

Over the course of 90 minutes, such a manner of speaking will bore an audience to tears.
So what? I turned him off the other night about 45 minutes in.

This is the age of the sound byte. All the highlights will be on the "news" the next morning. The difference is how it's spun.
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Trump has zero oratorical skills.

1) He speaks too often in a monotone.
2) He goes on too many tangents with too many non-sequiturs.
3) Too many points are abandoned in mid-stream.
4) He repeats the same statement too frequently .... like Jimmy Two Times in Goodfellas. Presumably this is done as a means of emphasis, or maybe he is just buying time while thinking of what to say next? Whatever the reason for it ..... it becomes irritating after a while. Trump has to be a speech transcriber's worst nightmare.

Over the course of 90 minutes, such a manner of speaking will bore an audience to tears.
And yet had over 72 million Americans vote for him the last time around. The mark of an effective speaker is how many people they inspire to follow them. Looks like he is doing pretty well to me.
And while we are on this topic, have you actually LISTENED to Biden speak lately?
You want to talk about a halting, monotone whisper with jumbled sentences and unintelligible mumbling, I’ve got time for that.
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Trump has zero oratorical skills.

1) He speaks too often in a monotone.
2) He goes on too many tangents with too many non-sequiturs.
3) Too many points are abandoned in mid-stream.
4) He repeats the same statement too frequently .... like Jimmy Two Times in Goodfellas. Presumably this is done as a means of emphasis, or maybe he is just buying time while thinking of what to say next? Whatever the reason for it ..... it becomes irritating after a while. Trump has to be a speech transcriber's worst nightmare.

Over the course of 90 minutes, such a manner of speaking will bore an audience to tears.
He’s definitely not an orator. But he’s such an undisciplined speaker that he often holds attention just to see what off the wall remark he’s going to make next. He’s the only political speaker I’ve ever seen who is effective based on being unpolished and not sounding like anyone else.
Shapiro would be a good choice....

Although, I'm kind of warming to the idea of just letting 2024 go, and not tainting any of the Democrat's 2028 prospects with a Biden stench. Beshear and Shapiro should decline an offer to run on a Harris ticket.

Bowl your leading candidates will have their stench and plenty of it. Bidens stench will be the least of their worries
Trump has zero oratorical skills.

1) He speaks too often in a monotone.
2) He goes on too many tangents with too many non-sequiturs.
3) Too many points are abandoned in mid-stream.
4) He repeats the same statement too frequently .... like Jimmy Two Times in Goodfellas. Presumably this is done as a means of emphasis, or maybe he is just buying time while thinking of what to say next? Whatever the reason for it ..... it becomes irritating after a while. Trump has to be a speech transcriber's worst nightmare.

Over the course of 90 minutes, such a manner of speaking will bore an audience to tears.

The greatest tyrants in history were great orators, hitler, obama (though pretty overrated), stalin, castro...etc...
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