The Great Reset

They will try to throw us who disagree into camps. You better believe Commie Harris and her pals would march us conservatives into a gas chamber in a second if she could.
Seems like you may have huffed yourself to practically the same spot already. Didnt your teacher warn you about sniffing glue?
I bet he can pronounce Yosemite, Thailand, China, Nevada, Tanzania, Orion, Second Corinthians and industry.

We know Trump can't.

Biden also doesn't make up words like hydrosonic and premedication.

C’mon man! You know Joe can’t pronounce any of your examples. But he can pronounce Trunalimunumaprzure.
Forced lockdowns of healthy people is oppression. Forcing businesses to close is oppression.
So bars having to close at 3am is oppressions? Dry counties or no alcohol sales on Sunday are oppression?

Quarantining with spiking levels to protect those too stupid to protect them selves is not oppression.

How soft did you grow up to think this was oppression? lmao
Man all the Qanon posters sure do have a lot of credibility when it comes to spotting global conspiracies.
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Oh, and my doctor is retiring as of December 4th, and he is my age (maybe a little younger actually)

I wonder why....
More power to him. I have never had a doctor who lived long enough to retire. My childhood doctor didn't make it to 50. The one I had from about age 18 to 50 didn't make it to 60, and the one I had from about 50 to about 60, died at 63. My current doctor is about 60, I think. He had some sort of health scare recently that sidelined him for a few months.
I didnt realize a lifestyle blog with baking tips passed as a viable source now......

This was the link she provided so nicely in her blog. You have to actually do the research if you want to understand. It all looks really good on the outside but when you start doing research and actually digging in there are some crazy things that start jumping out at you. They discuss population control (Covid ?) and many other things
but it is more than meets the eye and once dissected reveals global government takeover of every nation across the planet

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So bars having to close at 3am is oppressions? Dry counties or no alcohol sales on Sunday are oppression?

Quarantining with spiking levels to protect those too stupid to protect them selves is not oppression.

How soft did you grow up to think this was oppression? lmao
It’s not hard. You don’t quarantine healthy people.
I don’t hate Biden. If he keeps the attitude he had in that first speech since the election I think he could be a great President. Actions speak louder than words tho. I’ve prayed for him every day since Nov. 3 and don’t plan on stopping. He’s going to need supernatural discernment and balls of steel to insure a safe, prosperous future for our children’s children.
Great president?
I called some people out on Facebook that said we needed to follow mask mandates and shutdowns of businesses. I asked them why Governor Newsom didn’t follow his own mandates. Their response was “he was wrong, but we need to follow those orders anyway.” People are already brainwashed. It’s like talking to someone from North Korea.

Lord help us all.
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Great president?
I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. For all we know he’s only been towing the party line his whole life to get himself where he is. Now that he doesn’t have to answer to anyone, maybe he’ll play the middle of the field. Not saying I believe he will, but I’m willing to wait and see.
My God, what a bunch of nonsense in this thread.

Biden a great President? He'll be like every other politician and he'll spend 10 times the money he brings in.

Republicans or those who "speak out" thrown in concentration camps? Dear God, drunken spending requires at lease some tax revenue. So Kamala is going to take working tax payers and put them in camps an gas chambers? Again, who will fund the drunken sailer spending?

Here's a newsflash: all Presidents are pretty much the same. Trump was slightly different because he was crass and never really wanted to be President and didn't really want to be reelected. Aside from that, he was spending us into oblivion even before Covid. He wasn't "fighting for our freedoms" he was further imprisoning our great grandchildren to debt just like the rest.

They're all the same, and a healthy dose of gridlock is what we really need right now.

Trump did more to keep jobs in America than hussein, clinton or bush. He recognized we were being screwed by china.
I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. For all we know he’s only been towing the party line his whole life to get himself where he is. Now that he doesn’t have to answer to anyone, maybe he’ll play the middle of the field. Not saying I believe he will, but I’m willing to wait and see.

You talking about Harris? She'll do whatever google, planned parenthood or twitter says
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Expand on that. I haven't hear anything about a significant amount of jobs coming back from China.

At this point we're just trying to keep jobs in America. Trump saw the way china undercut us, you think harris is going to do anything to help American's job?

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